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Have You Ever... v. Nipple Bumps!

Yeah I get my mom cheeba chews (high potency edible) and stuff now and then

Ever take LSD alone in nature?
No, I prefer peyote for those kinds of trips.

Ever been interrupted using drugs (shooting, snorting, whatever) by someone you'd prefer hadn't seen you doing it?
yes i believe my brother walked in on me smokin meth when I was 17.

have you ever had a really scary k-hole?
Yeah. I was in high school and at someone's house I didn't know, and right after I dosed they said I have to go eat with my family but you can stay and chill here. So there I was, first time, in this place that was utterly unfamiliar, just stuck there for a few hours.

Have you ever had to be talked down from a bad trip?
Oh yeah, a few times. When I accidentally took way too much 2C-B I had to be talked down, a few times on acid I've had to be talked down.

Ever take so much speed that literally a few hours pass in what seems like minutes?
Haha yes.. days even :p

Have you ever mixed more than two RC's in your body at once?
LOL.... yes, i'msure that comes as a shok to y'alll

have you ever jedi flipped?
No. I have taken Mushrooms + MDMA and I have taken LSD + MDMA, but yet to have tried all three at the same time.

Have you ever lied, cheated, or stole to get drugs?
Damn str8 I have, I did some horrible shit for drug money when I was younger and doing tons of drugs. I stole money from my family, lied constantly. I'm not proud of any of that shit but I'm glad I can now see the wrong in what I was doing because I had to see my own extreme darkness to see that contrast from the light, if that makes sense.

Hab u evar tak nitrous w DMT?
In the same night but not at the same time which I think is what you meant

Have you ever ODed on caffeine?
Well seeing as it takes almost 10g to overdose or arround 80-90 cups of coffee it think it's fairly hard to have a real OD. But I've taken too much caffeine before and felt anxiety, fast heartbeat and that kind of things.

Have you ever been at a fast food place while tripping HARD?
I would consider that an OD :) anything where you think "oh shit I took too much!"

Yeah I went to a dunkin donuts after snorting at least 10mg, probably more of 2ce and doing a bunch of waterfall bongs with my friend. I couldn't even read the menu because the letters and numbers kept running away in all different directions.

Have you ever had (illicit) drugs delivered to you at work, in class, or in the hospital?
No, but I stole a bunch of poppy pods off wreaths that were lining the walls on a large waiting room once.... then I went into the parking lot and ate them.

Ever taken a high dose of Marinol?
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nope... thought marinol didn't get u high.....

have you ever experienced ego death?
Marinol will not get you high easily if you have a cannabis tolerance. I do not especially like cannabis, so I have no tolerance. I felt effects from 6mg and once did 32mg to a mildly psychedelic effect.

Yes, once, on Acid.

Ever spent the entirety of a trip in complete darkness and silence?
No, but I stole a bunch of poppy pods off wreaths that were lining the walls on a large waiting room once.... then I went into the parking lot and ate them.

You're my hero

And I have not. Even on DMT I need a little bit of light, and other psychs last too long to spend in complete darkness and silence.

Have you ever done drugs with an authority figure? Teacher, boss, relatives only count if they're more than one generation older than you.
Got high with my grandpa a few times

Ever trip for longer than 24 hours str8?
Haha. Thanks, SirTophamHat. Us drug users sure do come up with some creative ways of getting high sometimes.

Yes, Tryptamino. I kept doubling up on LSD once. Bit of a waste, but it sure was fun.

Ever make love on a psychedelic?