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Have You Ever... v. Nipple Bumps!

yes, the opiate kills the high of the psychedelic. they are not a desirable commbo unless say you are coming down already..

Have you ever drank out of a beer bong?
Nah, I did a keg stand once tho

Have u ever tripped so hard on acid you thought someone stole your soul?
No, but this trip is only on its first leg... so there is room for development ;)

Ever mixed LSD and Mescaline?
O ya it's so beautiful, the mescaline almost acts like MDMA in a way in that it pushes your mindset into a positive headspace (when the doses are right), Mecsaline and LSD I would rank the most euphoric, blissful psychedelic + psychedelic combo. My friend, while tripping on that combo (and I think he took 2C-B as well IIRC, whereas the rest of the group only took LSD + mescaline), exclaimed "I'm in heaven! This is heaven, right?" Couldn't wipe that grin off his face for like 7 hours lol

Have you ever done s-ketamine? How gr8 amirite
That sounds awesome! I must try mescaine next time I do acid. ooooo and i still need to try 2C-B im really stoked cause its coming soon.... I'll let you guys know how it was :))

OT: No, not that I've been aware...

Have you ever filled the bong with alcohol?
Margarita mix. Then I drank it ;)

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Ever get lost in the woods on a psychedelic, only to find yourself?

I know that was terribly sappy and do not blame you if you want me to leave...
Yes, got lost with a friend on 2Ce and it was great.

Have you ever gone on a bike ride while tripping?
No, but I have longboarded a good many a time tripping.

Ever spent through a case of n2o in the bath tub with the lights off and the shower running?
sounds kinda fun for some reason? but unsafe. never done it myself.

ever smoke DMT at the peak of an already earth shattering trip?
Yuuuup, broke thru while on roughly 300 mics of good L at the 6.5-7hr mark

Ever trip while riding in a plane or a train?
No but once I tripped and spent the entire day praying.

Ever go to class or work on a dissociative?

Have you ever used the postman as a drug dealer "and he doesn't even know it?" (Rip Mitch)
Oh, once or twice ;)

Ever had a psychedelic break you down to the fetal position only to come out feeling stronger than you ever have?
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Oh Ya , all the time

Ever tried to charge your cigarette instead of your phone lol? Rolling
Nope i don't think so

Ever taken some mystery powder sold as "acid"? (probably in a capsule or something like that, not a whole bag obviously)
No, never had "acid" in powder form.

Ever snort something you thought was something else? (did this yesterday ><)
Oh, once or twice ;)

Ever had a psychedelic break you down to the fetal position only to come out feeling stronger than you ever have?

Shrooms, 8 grams. Sat in the dark while friends where getting drunk outside. All I could do was put on Rush 2112, then LA woman by The Doors. I couldn't move if music was playing, but I wanted music playing. After the second album ended I didn't feel nauseous so I got up and chilled with my drunk friends and listened to classical. That was an amazing trip.

Ever lose drugs in a very weird place in your home years after losing them? (I actually have a story) I remember I got barred out and hid like 15mg of 25i-nbome because it was poison. I took apart the woodwork at the bottom of the wall, hid the baggie, and then nailed it back in. Didn't find it for 3 years until the board came loose, and boom, a baggie of drugs! I felt bad about blaming it on my sister though..
No, never had "acid" in powder form.

Ever snort something you thought was something else? (did this yesterday ><)

Yeah, thought it was amphetamine but it turned out to be sugar pretty much. Must have happened to a lot of other people as well.

Have you ever cooked something like apple jam while heavily under the effect of dissociatives, just for the sake of science?