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Have you ever gone down on someone and refused to carry out the act...?

citizen cained

Sep 25, 2010
gone down on someone and refused to carry out the act for some reason such as their "personal hygiene" wasn't up to scratch or it looked horrible etc etc?

personally I have never refused as such but have had to put up with a few strong but bearable odours....

I wana hear some horror stories ;)
HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. I wanna hear some stories too no one has ever refused me though <3.
I have only gone down on two people, both boyfriends, both have always been clean. Thank goodness! My boyfriend (who is quite experienced) said he'd never go down on a one night stand, he doesn't know what she's got ahaha.
Sorry, no horror stories from me :p
I have borne some slightly unnerving hygiene on a few occasions. It has been a long time, though. It made me not be so eager to visit downtown. Best out of shower.
Never had anyone say they won't go down on me, they always love that...and I have once considered not going down on a girl, because of the veritable JUNGLE she had down there (my fingers got tangled in it while I was stroking her cat, and she got soaked ), but when I decided i wanted to, she actually said she thought that kinda thing was disgusting...
I've sucked some semi-dirty cocks, I reckon I like that to be honest. The human smell and so on, I don't like a perfectly clean cock with absolutely no odors. I love going down on girls too, but I prefer them shaved.
Yeah. Sometimes their genitals have been just plain ugly, like an alien lifeform.

Of course, I have also skipped giving someone the business because their odor was overpowering and almost physically repugnant.
never go down on my girl in the morning. also pop too quick too so i try to push my hard cock into her and make it look like she just did it for me.

after she showers though, no problem. she could use a shave too but so could i mine is 70s jungle fever right now! she also wont put my cock in her mouth after i fuck her so how can she expect me to go down?? i still do it anyway though whatever i just run to the bathroom and rinse my face off afterwards. horirble when my beard is really grown in too!
I have once because she smelt that bad I was gagging, I ended up leaving because I felt ill :(. My wife won't go do on me if I haven't shaved first but I hold the same expectations of her so we normally shower together to get started that neither miss out :)
I remember I did once have someone so pungent that I can smell her raw wet gash THROUGH her jeans before I even started touching her down there...that was mad. Proper womanly smell, but like just a bit too much almost...still gets you going, but wow - it's like waves of hot sex air.
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Have had to tactfully abort it a couple of times due to some unpleasantness like visible warts or very bad hygeine (too hygenic is also a turnoff; I don't want to smell bleach and toilet bowl cleaner down there).

Tapping out tactfully is easy. If it's 69, just gloss around the outside quickly and then say "This is turning me on too much; I don't wanna cum too fast. Where are the condoms?" If just going down without 69, play around the outside and switch to fingers, and start kissing up the front to segue into the ask for condoms. Nobody wants to get their feelings hurt in the middle of sex, so they'll take the face-saving gestures without getting suspicious.

If you want to avoid surprises in the future with new girls, try giving her a shower beforehand and go to your knees and kiss the belly while gently sponging and soaping that region. That way she'll be plenty hot and you'll know how fearless to be about 69.
i refused to have sex with a girl once because we did not have condoms, even though she was on pill and we were both naked and ready to go. but with her background, i considered this a no-go ;)
i refused to have sex with a girl once because we did not have condoms, even though she was on pill and we were both naked and ready to go. but with her background, i considered this a no-go ;)

Smart. Very smart. Lots of guys wouldn't have been smart like that. ;)

I can't recall someone doing a reverse down there. LOL I think I keep pretty good care of myself. I've had guys ask me to shave entirely, because they prefer it and I used to have a little tuft of hair down there. I don't recall ever going down on someone who was dirty or smelly.
I've actually never gone down on a chick before...it's the one thing I haven't done...

Well, technically the only time I did anal was the first time I went to penetrate without looking and entered the wrong hole and got a response of "OW, OW, WRONG HOLE! WRONG HOLE!" lol...

That first chick didn't want me to go down on her for some reason...Could be due to the fact that she never trimmed or shaved (it's bad when the hairs are going in with you and, for lack of better words, cutting your dick...not really cutting, but it didn't feel nice going in lol...

And I never got a chance with my other girlfriend, so my mouth is still a virgin...I kinda freak out about the thought because I'm a germophobe though...licking a place that bodily fluids comes out just goes against the whole germophobe thing lol...I would like to do it; but it still kinda weirds me out haha
^you kiss on the mouth don't you?? lick her fucking pussy...worship the clit...she'll love you forever(disclaimer: as long as you don't..........etc etc)
I am uncut, never had a girl turn me down but I once was the first Uncut dick a girl saw so she was puzzled more than anything, after a few pointers "on how it works" I was balls deep with a smile on my face
Yeah. Sometimes their genitals have been just plain ugly, like an alien lifeform.

the way to deal with it is dependent on the situation. sometimes you can work with it, other times not. it depends on the intensity of sensation and the particular person and how things are working out at the time.
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Yeah, sometimes, the smell can be overbearing after a long day and having not used the restroom in a while.

I almost puked the one time I went down on a girl after having not gone down on anyone in a while.
oooh! i read this thread the other day but needed to get to the laptop to post really... Well in response to the question... YES i have refused before, on more than one occasion! granted, my choice in girls to fuck in the past has been less than satifactory when i was younger it was a numbers game so anything would go! i was working at fantasy island in the summer in 2003, i had been out the night before and was still wrecked, some absolutly fat stinking mess (so bad most people would just punch her or run away!) came up to me and was trying it on, still bit drunk i thought fuck it yeh go on then! so after work, i went to hers (she lived with her grandad and 7,000 dogs in a piss soaked shanty nearby) got there and was kissing and stuff on the bed, her breath stank, her hair stank, her teeth looked like a smashed up graveyard... BUT old 'shagnasty' here didnt get his nick name for nothing! so thought im here now so might aswell, i made her go down on me it was awful!
no one likes skanky teeth GRATING up and down their shaft! so i got my hand in her underwear and through the matted hair, she was already wet (obviously ;) )
BUT the stentch was unbearable! a bit like when the freezer has been unplugged for a few weeks and you open the door to rotten food! she was begging me to go down on her, but the smell already was too bad, she got her dirty trackies off and i was boking! i could see the cheap skidded up underwear and i knew i had to do a runner! i dont think i even made up an excuse i just got up and did one!
my fingers were stinking that much i had to go to a vending machine, buy a carton of ribena and wash my hands! i couldnt get any water from anywhere :'(
that was a dark point in my life! i have fucked a lot of girls a fair few who have been a right fucking mess! but got tested for std's in feb and all the results came back negative! oooh yehhhh! ;)