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Has weed fucked you/anyone you know up?

im re-reading this thread here a bit..I do love marijuana, of course its going to have some negative side effects for some people, but in reality the question posed in this thread is has weed fucked you/anyone you know up?. And I would have to think that really, there are slim to no "weed casualties" nothing beyond simply putting the bong down and letting the haze clear. I think alot of people blame pot for things that are simply aspects of themselves.

but shit, im a burnout, I have trouble conveying my thoughts and feelings through words. lol....trail off....ive got nothing
double ewe said:
I think the desire to seek an altered consciousness is more universal, but compulsive behavior, which varies widely from person to person, plays a HUGE role in terms of addictions.

Well...not "personally", as in its my thoughts on the theory of an addictive personality. I didn't say it was fact.
It's kept a lot of people I've known from ever becoming very ambitious.
I'm feeling alot better than I did before I ever took a hit. In middle school and freshman year I had huge stress and anxiety problems, low self-esteem, and I was basically miserable all the time, trying to prove my worth to myself and others by acing tests.
I started smoking towards the end of freshman year and have gone through varying phases of how much, 3 times a day for a week at most but more often 2-3 times a week. I'm in a pretty good state of mind, I'm almost always happy and I sometimes forget what it is like to be stressed. When I am having a rare bad day, I'm not even in the mood to smoke or drink, unless I am cheered up first. I also ran 2 miles the other day without having exercised in the least for a long while. I have asthma that may have even improved and heart problems that might have gotten a little worse. But I would say overall, weed has done more good for me than bad.

p.s. my g.p.a. did drop from a 4.0 to a 3.6, but I think whats more important is that I'm okay with not be perfect?
In the same sense I still do not think that I am beautiful but I've realized that not many people are and I'm 10X more accepting of myself than I was 2 years ago
Yes. Its def. effected my life negatively at certain times. Same goes for quite a few of my friends. When I got my shit together and got back into college I had to cut back my intake big time. Often I wouldn't smoke for the final month or two of the semester. Thank god I did because I got an academic scholarship which saved me thousands of dollars... 10,000+ my final year. If I was smoking pot like I used to then I probably wouldn't have graduated... let alone get a scholarship.

Now I don't smoke as often nor nearly as much. I don't really like high sativa content bud anymore either... just high quality mostly indica for me. You really should only need one or two puffs to get the good effects of herb.

Also, I often become far too dependent on it for sleeping. That is a major pain in the ass. I've always had sleeping problems and herb does help.... problem is its illegal. If I lived in a state with MM then I would most likely get a script. I've tried other sleeping meds and don't like them for the most part.

Also take breaks or just quit smoking. Its just herb. I've been smoking for 10 years and it doesn't really fit in with my life that much anymore. I'm getting to the point where I just may quit for good.
well i used to get kinda depressed after i smoked weed, but then i started rolling and that after effects of bud feel like nothing compared to e
Yeah man. I am seriously going through the same shit right now. I'm 16, and I liked weed a lot, so I decided to take a break. When I started up recently, I have been having weird thoughts. Negative thoughts. I have lost a bunch of friends and I am anti social. I am almost scared to go do things. I was the same person as you. I was liked by everyone and I was always happy and optimistic. Now it's all gone to shit. People dont like me cause im anti social, and I'm anti social because people dont like me. I am very suspicious of everything people do now, and I am over analystic. I don't know what to do. But after reading your thread I am done with smoking.

Thank you.
Weed brought me out of depression and sorted out my stress problem.

For that I'll never stop using it.
PS Im thinking that me being high I realize a lot of things I didn't realize when I was sober. Or its part of maturing. Or something I don't fucking know.
I think it's affected me negatively in the short term; worsening anxiety, making me withdrawn, a bit paranoid, lazy, lethargic and all that. I feel like I have worked through many of the issues that have come up though, and I still smoke (and enjoy it most of the time, now), although generally only hash. I prefer it, and find it easier on my head. I try not to smoke daily or regularly for long periods of time, though...

Cannabis has definitely messed up some people I know... I think with one friend a stint of smoking about a 1/4 a day triggered his psychosis and various levels of mental problems and breakdowns and stuff. He's worked through it, but he stopped smoking weed... he is one person who will not benefit from it. There are others too who have felt similar stuff to me, although I don't know loads of people who have mental health issues they blame on weed, but there are a few. It can happen with some people; I don't think smoking weed is automatically "safe" in any sense, just for most people it is... safer. :)
It brought my underlying phycological conditions out from the wood work. I still love weed but i am one of the people who cant smoke it without consequences :( . It has helped me realize i need to deal with some of my issues though to have a better, more enjoyable life in the future.

Long live weed.
it contributed 2 my fathers schiziophrenia, he smoked everyday
eventually he killed himself, so that pretty fkd up!
n my mate jack smokes everyday, 3 yrs now, n hes turned from the kindest person into a dickhead who hits his gf.
but tht dsnt happen 2 evry1
i think some of the effects people are attributing to weed in this thread are just the effects life has on people.

i feel less optimistic and upbeat and perhaps less social than when i started smoking weed, but i was also 17 then. i think being older and more cynical and having more of a sense of what really sucks about the world has been more of the cause of these changes than weed has, for me.

i don't mean to dismiss anyone's experiences, but i think the fact that you can't know what your life would have been like if you hadn't ever smoked weed makes it hard to know how much weed has fucked you up.

of course, this doesn't explain everyone's problems. most people with mental problems probably aren't helped by weed (though i personally feel that it has helped my clinical depression), and if you're content to get high all day, then your social life is probably going to suck.
Some of the people in this thread are using the poorest science to justify why weed has screwed them.
For example: My friend A does x bad thing and smokes y therefore y causes x.
This is just stupid, you need to actually give direct quality examples of how it has negatively detrimented you or your quality of life.

I personally have found Cannabis to do nothing but good to my life. It has helped me explore who I am and my purpose. My entire plans for university and future life were changed after smoking cannabis. I have spent countless hours thinking about things which i had never thought about before. I feel more motivated to do a lot of things (whilst sober) since i started smoking weed.

I am not saying I will never experience a bad effect, but mature smoking can assist in prevention from negative effects.

A balance in life.
it hasnt messed anyone up that i know but its definately changed people for the worse, including myself. people underestimate what weed can do if your smoking every day for a long period of time.
moderation is the key with any drug
To answer your question in short - probably.

I would say weed has had ill effects on every smoker... it is a drug that has symptoms, particulary if abused.

I think a lot of what weed cops is related to abuse.. if you are stoned all the time, of course it is going to effect your life negatively...

but come on, srsly... if you think weed can have a huge impact (unless predisposed to mental conditions) you are wrong... we are not talking about strong physical addiction, depletion of needed brain chemicals (e.g. serotonin) or detrimental long term mental conditions.

If you are a stoner, I'm sorry - you are going to feel lethargic, paranoid and anxious frequently.. thats what happens when you alter reality semi-permanently.

If you can't handle these effects - quit or learn to handle it - simple as that...
Weed never made me paranoid directly. That's just me. It did take its toll on my memory, my ability to think on my feet, and my ability to react quickly to certain situations. I was also somewhat manic and physically uncomfortable when I didn't have it. It does cost money and dealing to support the habit takes up time and exposes you to legal problems, so that's not always a solution. There are some girls who will spend time with you, date you and, in my case, even marry you to latch on to your habit if they really like it too. That can become a complicated problem if you're naive to it or in denial about it. I have to say that in and of itself, weed did me more good than it did bad, but a certain someone totally ruined it for me, and I won't be able to smoke again for a long time.