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Has weed fucked you/anyone you know up?

squirrel_master said:
nope. imma hafta disagree. since smoking pot, i have had far more emotional and personal growth. i'm not stuck on all this "high school crap" in the world. trying to get the biggest car, the best house, the stylish clothes or the job at the firm. life's about enjoying it with your friends and loved ones while you can.

See, that's the thing.

In High School, it seems really enlightened not to care about those things. It feels good to say "screw all those popular kids" and "fuck materialism" and all those other things that don't matter since you can't really buy a car or a house for yourself for 5 or 10 years anyway.

But come 24, when you still don't care about your job or your car or where you live or how you dress, the acceptance of mediocrity and a lack of ambition look a lot less like the result of "emotional and personal growth."

These people talking about pot causing problems for them aren't all head-case fuck-ups who would have de-railed anyways. A lot of them are very smart, very level-headed people who took for granted that pot was so harmless you could smoke it every day. You don't mug people to support a pot habit. You don't get track marks from smoking pot. You can quit whenever, and it just messes up your sleep a little.

But the insidiousness of it is that its negative affects build up so slowly you hardly notice. As long as you're not missing work or forgetting about exams, it's easy to convince yourself it's not causing any problems. I smoked daily for about 7 years, and even though it never caused panic attacks or crippling depression, even though I developed and maintained strong and fulfilling relationships, even though I went to a great university and did well, I still fucking kick myself for all the opportunities I missed because pot made me just a little bit less motivated, a little less sociable, and a little less intelligent than I could have been.

I'm not some anti-pot crusader. I love it dearly. But the assumption that it's harmless is, frankly, the most dangerous thing about it.
double ewe said:
See, that's the thing.

In High School, it seems really enlightened not to care about those things. It feels good to say "screw all those popular kids" and "fuck materialism" and all those other things that don't matter since you can't really buy a car or a house for yourself for 5 or 10 years anyway.

But come 24, when you still don't care about your job or your car or where you live or how you dress, the acceptance of mediocrity and a lack of ambition look a lot less like the result of "emotional and personal growth."

These people talking about pot causing problems for them aren't all head-case fuck-ups who would have de-railed anyways. A lot of them are very smart, very level-headed people who took for granted that pot was so harmless you could smoke it every day. You don't mug people to support a pot habit. You don't get track marks from smoking pot. You can quit whenever, and it just messes up your sleep a little.

But the insidiousness of it is that its negative affects build up so slowly you hardly notice. As long as you're not missing work or forgetting about exams, it's easy to convince yourself it's not causing any problems. I smoked daily for about 7 years, and even though it never caused panic attacks or crippling depression, even though I developed and maintained strong and fulfilling relationships, even though I went to a great university and did well, I still fucking kick myself for all the opportunities I missed because pot made me just a little bit less motivated, a little less sociable, and a little less intelligent than I could have been.

I'm not some anti-pot crusader. I love it dearly. But the assumption that it's harmless is, frankly, the most dangerous thing about it.

insidious is the perfect word to describe it. that's exactly how it was for me. when i first began using drugs i was always very careful with them. but with marijuana i thought "i don't have to be careful, it's marijuana. it's harmless."
squirrel_master said:
it's a saying. it means you can take one of the easiest task/things and still f@#k it up.

i have never heard that saying before. anyway, of course i can take one of the easiest tasks and still fuck it up. i have my strengths and weaknesses. the point is that smoking marijuana all the time was harmful to me and if i had known how harmful it could be, then i would never have smoked so much of it.
Then Sugar

I know for a Fact that MSG is the first DRUG
any person puts into their system because it is practically in ALL FOOD
Except for the food you HUNT and kill//grow yourself.

MSG is also very addicitive.....

I would like to see some research into the fast food habits of people who are drug abusers. THAT Would be INTERESTING as FUCK.
Psychonautical said:
Then Sugar

I know for a Fact that MSG is the first DRUG
any person puts into their system because it is practically in ALL FOOD
Except for the food you HUNT and kill//grow yourself.

MSG is also very addicitive.....

I would like to see some research into the fast food habits of people who are drug abusers. THAT Would be INTERESTING as FUCK.

i am a drug abuser and the only times in my life i have consumed fast food were usually on long drives. i also never consumed aspertame, caffeine or tobacco.
I agree that weed is not for everyone. It has helped me bucketloads though, in very recently helping me stop taking harder drugs. I know that it can affect mental health and I did have a phase of psychosis although i attribute that more to speed and ecstasy overuse. And the answer was I just stopped for a while and I'm A OK now. last time I picked up, I didn't even bother to have a spliff b4 I went to see my parents. I didn't feel i had to have it right there and then, I waied about 6hrs til i got home. So it really isn't a problem for me. it is the opposite...a HUGE HUGE help. LEGALIZE IT!!! FREE THE WEED!!!
Two people.

One girl and one guy. They've been smoking for 5+ years.

The guy:
He stopped going to high school because all he wanted to do was smoke pot all day, everyday. He smoked so much, he couldn't function sober...but he could exactly function stoned either. So he never went school, just so he could toke. Later on, he had to drop out. Since he was born, he had breathing problems, asthma, and this disorder in which he would make a little hiccup (sorry, I forgot the name of this disorder). Anyways, all that weed really messed up his health, to the point where he now had extremely bad coughs and his little "hiccup" turned into this huge hiccup (almost like a dead guy gasping for air) along with his face muscles spasming out every 10 minutes. Took him forever to quit....

The chick:
She used to enjoy smoking pot everyday, until she started falling into really bad trips. Really intense, horrible trips...along with nightmares everynight. She HATED marijuana, but couldn't quit. Every time she burned, she would be in fear of what's going to happen... She tried so hard to quit..it did nothing for her but give her horrible trips, hot flashes, etc.
The chick:
She used to enjoy smoking pot everyday, until she started falling into really bad trips. Really intense, horrible trips...along with nightmares everynight. She HATED marijuana, but couldn't quit. Every time she burned, she would be in fear of what's going to happen... She tried so hard to quit..it did nothing for her but give her horrible trips, hot flashes, etc.

i had the same experiences. it makes me wonder, why do people do this to themselves? if a drug isnt fun anymore and its actually quite the opposite and messing you up, why keep doing it? i guess i was just so used to smoking weed i couldn't envision living any other way.
burn out said:
i had the same experiences. it makes me wonder, why do people do this to themselves? if a drug isnt fun anymore and its actually quite the opposite and messing you up, why keep doing it? i guess i was just so used to smoking weed i couldn't envision living any other way.

It's a psychedelic, but chronic users tend to treat it more like an opiate. You just assume it's automatically going to make you feel good because you're so habituated to those expectations.
yeah Ive been smoking for about 10 years and my father 40 and were both crazy as hell . But honestly i wouldnt be as close to him if we didnt smoke together , its how we bond . I have alot of anxiety issues and he always seems kinda depressed not all the time but about a good 90 % . I dont think i could stop if i wanted to its a major part of who I am. Im justed so used to being stoned or doped up i feel strange when sober. So yeah its effected me in bad ways i suppose.
when I was a teenager I use to smoke everyday with my friends and all it did was make my issues with anxiety worse and it would also make me really paranoid.Looking back now I dont understand why I would even do it. I do think weed does do damage I know people that have smoked for years and they are slower than they use to be.
Personally, I don't think there is such a thing as an addictive personality. I think you can have a tendency to engage in escapism and that can lead to addiction for coping...but then again what is personality? A consistant way of behaving and thinking. Can you change that? Yeah, at least that gives me hope. :)
Pillthrill said:
Personally, I don't think there is such a thing as an addictive personality. I think you can have a tendency to engage in escapism and that can lead to addiction for coping...but then again what is personality? A consistant way of behaving and thinking. Can you change that? Yeah, at least that gives me hope. :)
I agree with you 100%. I also think every addict has an addictive personality whether it be drugs,sex,gambling,etc. many addicts I know all seem to have that trait.
bare with me as im crap at putting together reasonable posts (effects of marijuana?)

anyways, im 23 and have smoked daily since I was 18. I do love it, but realize I abuse it. I would say maybe im socially withdrawn..but maybe also I just got older and my friends moved away...lol

I do smoke morning noon and night though. A burn at 6:30AM before work on dayshift, and a fat session at 12:30AM after getting home after afternoon shift...and all the time inbetween.

man am I ever grumpy when I dont smoke pot (says the gf) but thats the type of thing that would fade in a matter of weeks im sure.

One thing I notice though, and its not so much weed itself but the situation it causes. Most anybody in the world i know, knows me "high". so for me to be stone sober...is to appear "different" in the eyes of others

also, as a side note to those who get anxious and paranoid...I would say...your not smoking enough/often enough. Sounds crazy I know..but any of the few times ive taken a 1 week break (twice, due to leaving the country) I find that upon smoking again...I get nearly to high, without the tollerance.

but hell, mental health issues? please, these people simply have mental health issues.
it has made me more lethargic and lazy.
i was like that before weed too, but it increased it.

also got me in trouble with the law a couple times.

then again i find i benefit alot from smoking it aswell.

so i guess my answer to the original question is NO.
also, as a side note to those who get anxious and paranoid...I would say...your not smoking enough/often enough. Sounds crazy I know..but any of the few times ive taken a 1 week break (twice, due to leaving the country) I find that upon smoking again...I get nearly to high, without the tollerance.

that may be true for you but for me, the more i smoked, the more anxious and paranoid i got. also, the more you smoke the more chance there is that smoking weed will cause you to run into problems, which gives you something to actually be afraid of.

but hell, mental health issues? please, these people simply have mental health issues.

and you don't think being stoned all the time can worsen them or even create new ones? nearly everyone has some type of mental health issue. probably even you, otherwise why do you get stoned all the time? and don't say "because i like to" because wanting to be stoned all the time could be considered a mental health issue by itself.
Almost everybody that uses any drug has some type of issue not everyone might agree with me,but we use drugs to escape from ourselves because we might not be happy at work,school,or just with our plain damn selves.
Looking back into my last marriage, I'd have to say it played a catalytic role in our divorce. You need to have a partner who is at least supportive of what you do.
Pillthrill said:
Personally, I don't think there is such a thing as an addictive personality. I think you can have a tendency to engage in escapism and that can lead to addiction for coping...but then again what is personality? A consistant way of behaving and thinking. Can you change that? Yeah, at least that gives me hope. :)

I think the desire to seek an altered consciousness is more universal, but compulsive behavior, which varies widely from person to person, plays a HUGE role in terms of addictions.