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Has anyone ever given up alcohol by switching to cocaine?

you do your coke on Friday into Saturday

and then on Sunday you say "man im such a loser, what the hell is wrong with me..."

and then Monday you say "i still feel like shit, i need to cut that shit out...im depressed too, this sucks..."

Tuesday comes and you say "im starting to feel a little better but im done with that shit"

and then Wednesday comes "maybe i'll just do a little bit this weekend, maybe get a half gram and only take half of it out with me"

and then Thursday comes and you place your order with your buddy "ehh im just gonna get 1 gram"

and then Friday "wait wait - did you pick up the stuff yet? make it 5 grams"

and then you repeat the process

that's how you do it

you do your coke on Friday into Saturday

and then on Sunday you say "man im such a loser, what the hell is wrong with me..."

and then Monday you say "i still feel like shit, i need to cut that shit out...im depressed too, this sucks..."

Tuesday comes and you say "im starting to feel a little better but im done with that shit"

and then Wednesday comes "maybe i'll just do a little bit this weekend, maybe get a half gram and only take half of it out with me"

and then Thursday comes and you place your order with your buddy "ehh im just gonna get 1 gram"

and then Friday "wait wait - did you pick up the stuff yet? make it 5 grams"

and then you repeat the process

that's how you do it

That sounds proper as long as you’ve got the funding and, say, less of the pity me oh addicted. Doing recreational drugs is supposed to be fun.
I'm not joking...people drink and do coke for years and years...youve never seen it before? Maybe you guys are a little less familiar with it

But it's not as deadly as you guys are making it out to be - far from it ( true story )

The for years and years is how you can blow a fortune. That and the fact that they do it over and over for years. How easy is it for them not to do it?
MDMA and alcohol don t mix, maybe here on BL you can find some tips on how to use molly in a safer way. Probably a better plan than doing coke anyway!
They do mix in terms of how people use them. Music festivals, night clubs. Drink is flowing, pills are popping.
Keep us updated
Not sure I will succeed. But one thing is that the thought of mixing coke with alcohol gives me the fear.

Blue light even says in the table of contents chart that mixing these 2 is UNSAFE. ( So one step above CAUTION)
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you do your coke on Friday into Saturday

and then on Sunday you say "man im such a loser, what the hell is wrong with me..."

and then Monday you say "i still feel like shit, i need to cut that shit out...im depressed too, this sucks..."

Tuesday comes and you say "im starting to feel a little better but im done with that shit"

and then Wednesday comes "maybe i'll just do a little bit this weekend, maybe get a half gram and only take half of it out with me"

and then Thursday comes and you place your order with your buddy "ehh im just gonna get 1 gram"

and then Friday "wait wait - did you pick up the stuff yet? make it 5 grams"

and then you repeat the process

that's how you do it


This is a perfect description of a 7 day addiction cycle
you do your coke on Friday into Saturday

and then on Sunday you say "man im such a loser, what the hell is wrong with me..."

and then Monday you say "i still feel like shit, i need to cut that shit out...im depressed too, this sucks..."

Tuesday comes and you say "im starting to feel a little better but im done with that shit"

and then Wednesday comes "maybe i'll just do a little bit this weekend, maybe get a half gram and only take half of it out with me"

and then Thursday comes and you place your order with your buddy "ehh im just gonna get 1 gram"

and then Friday "wait wait - did you pick up the stuff yet? make it 5 grams"

and then you repeat the process

that's how you do it



That is Mr.k giving the touchdown sign Friday night. :cheer::cheer::cheer:
I SERIOUSLY doubt that. Most people who get into cocaine start drinking even more, because alcohol and cocaine go together like bread and butter. Cocaine gets edgy and anxious, and alcohol takes the edge off. And they combine to form cocaethylene, which is more euphoric than either of them alone. Personally, unless I just do a singe bump of cocaine, I almost rquire alcohol to take the edge off. I can't imagine a night of cocaine without alcohol.

Cocaine will definitely NOT help you stop drinking... that is a fool's errand.

Of all of the stimulants, cocaine is the least likely to stop you from wanting alcohol.
My drinking days have to stop I think. I'm waiting for David Nutt's alcohol to come out (alcarelle) but till then it's a struggle.
MDMA works but makes me wanna drink while consuming it...then I blackout

Coke will make you want to drink far more than MDMA will. Personally, although I enjoy drinking on MDMA, I can easily not, and have a good time. On coke, alcohol is basically required unless, like I said, I just do a tiny bit of it.

But yeah, MDMA and alcohol is blackout city, you will have a harder time blacking out on coke and alcohol... but that should not be your measure of success.
Yes I wouldn't say I was addicted to alcohol but I drank to the point of being very drunk atleast once every two weeks now that I do cocaine I never drink hardly smoke weed and have stopped all hallucinations I am really just a coke head I'm so much more put together on it then all those lazy hips drugs I just wish it was cheaper and I had more control over myself when I had it that is the only down fall but j am new to it so I'm a little over excited I do this with all drugs I try it always dies down I am already getting to the point of not having to finish the whole gram out of just not wanting to I actually wanna sleep again