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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Has anyone ever given up alcohol by switching to cocaine?

This is not the brightest idea I’ve ever heard regarding quitting or even substituting one habit for another for harm reduction. The cocaine is such a different substance, so expensive most places and setups, and actually something which blends amazingly with nothing else but a drink that this is foolish to me.

I can actually stand by @negrogesic on his story regarding methamphetamine and cutting back / quitting drinking. There was a point in my meth habit where I started drinking significantly less and for a time not at all because it didn’t jive with my meth use. Just didn’t feel the need.

Eventually the alcohol bug caught up with me anyway, and even my meth habit didn’t stop me drinking. I just developed multiple habits. This combo meth and booze (and at one post plus cocaine too) habit was a doozy and actually occurred around the time I became active on Bluelight in 2020. It continued for awhile.

Nothing will stop you drinking except you. You can stop drinking without coke. It’s actually a dangerously foolish venture, no minced words.

If you are physically dependent and feel at risk of a harsh detox experience I’d be looking into withdrawal management units wherever you are. Or at least, a hospital visit or appt with your family physician. Alcohol dependence can become dangerous even, and especially in withdrawal past a point.

Keep it real and keep your motivations in check. Hard drugs or hard drugs sounds like a pretty destructive set of options to me. It’s taken me years to get this myself. Take a look at the set of responses you’ve got here and smell the roses. This isn’t wise.
That's the thing with alcohol. If you're an alcoholic, using other drugs is like licking the icing off of the cake you were already going to eat later... thinking you're consuming less calories and doing yourself a favor.
As an alcoholic poly-drug addict and as a lover of metaphors, this is one the best statements I've ever heard or read.
Really? Some of it must be absorbed by the stomach lining before getting to the damage

i'll tell ya this: i know tons and tons of people, including myself, and i bartended at a coke bar lol, who drank and did coke and nothing went wrong, even tho there's all these alarming things you read about it - that's not to say it's a good idea, i just dont know anybody who had a problem with it and it's about as common as can be

but what i wanna ask you is this: are you noticing since you've been doing coke, that you're drinking way less or even abstaining completely? is this why you ask?
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I'm not joking...people drink and do coke for years and years...youve never seen it before? Maybe you guys are a little less familiar with it

But it's not as deadly as you guys are making it out to be - far from it ( true story )
People substitute addictions. It happens, sometimes without polydrug abuse.
As a teenager, I quit speed by going to alcohol. I was after the loquaciousness in social situations, at least partially. Booze gave me that, coming from a different angle.
I did stop speed, mostly. Of course I became a stone alcoholic, ending up drinking at least a fifth a day for some years.

Substituting addictions is quite possible, but it will likely just be another addiction. You're feeding something.
Since I know you shouldn't mix coke with alcohol I feel it will put the fear into me.

Snort but then just drink water as I don't want to mix
I have tried a similar "strategy" in the last three months, substituting oxys with coke and it was a MESS; never acted so out of character, never felt so lost and on the verge of mental breakdown, never did and said so many bullshits at home and at work etc, I went back to oxys just to calm myself down and find some peace!ç
There s a good chance that when the comedown will hit you you ll go back to booze . Plus as has been already said coke and alcohol feel great together, so definitely a bad idea , especially if you are drinking daily and plan to do coke daily, which is generally both economically and mentally unsustainable (even if like me you live in South America hence have access to decent-good coke at affordable prices, but I think that is not your case).
I'm not joking...people drink and do coke for years and years...youve never seen it before? Maybe you guys are a little less familiar with it

But it's not as deadly as you guys are making it out to be - far from it ( true story )
hi Mr Krinkle, were this people drinking and doing coke on a daily basis or say, as a week end thing? The latter is maybe doable for years, not so sure about the former..
I have tried a similar "strategy" in the last three months, substituting oxys with coke and it was a MESS; never acted so out of character, never felt so lost and on the verge of mental breakdown, never did and said so many bullshits at home and at work etc, I went back to oxys just to calm myself down and find some peace!ç
There s a good chance that when the comedown will hit you you ll go back to booze . Plus as has been already said coke and alcohol feel great together, so definitely a bad idea , especially if you are drinking daily and plan to do coke daily, which is generally both economically and mentally unsustainable (even if like me you live in South America hence have access to decent-good coke at affordable prices, but I think that is not your case).
Not drinking daily but just when I go out.

Basically just a binge drinking and party animal. I think I could do coke and not drink since I know how bad adding that 2nd thing is.
hi Mr Krinkle, were this people drinking and doing coke on a daily basis or say, as a week end thing? The latter is maybe doable for years, not so sure about the former..

Well first of all, even if you're sipping on water, doing coke everyday is pretty unsustainable to begin with... But go ahead and try....so no I'm talking about somebody doing it everyday.... The ppl I'm referring to are once or twice a week warriors.... The working class.... Not the junkies who have a problem with everything they encounter
Not drinking daily but just when I go out.

Basically just a binge drinking and party animal. I think I could do coke and not drink since I know how bad adding that 2nd thing is.
I see. Not so sure whether is doable going out doing coke without drinking or having something else to calm you down (but I don t wanna give you ideas :) . I m not an heavy drinker ( not anymore) and even I drank a lot while doing coke ( at ...home, imagine if I was going out partying). If I was in you I would stick to booze during the week end and maybe try to find ways to moderate your alcohol consumption rather than opening a new and potentially super dangerous chapter of your life. As per your nickname you are new2drugs, alas I am not (17 years on and off relationship with opioids) and still coke was fucking me up royally, don t underestimate the thing!
I see. Not so sure whether is doable going out doing coke without drinking or having something else to calm you down (but I don t wanna give you ideas :) . I m not an heavy drinker ( not anymore) and even I drank a lot while doing coke ( at ...home, imagine if I was going out partying). If I was in you I would stick to booze during the week end and maybe try to find ways to moderate your alcohol consumption rather than opening a new and potentially super dangerous chapter of your life. As per your nickname you are new2drugs, alas I am not (17 years on and off relationship with opioids) and still coke was fucking me up royally, don t underestimate the thing!
My drinking days have to stop I think. I'm waiting for David Nutt's alcohol to come out (alcarelle) but till then it's a struggle.
MDMA works but makes me wanna drink while consuming it...then I blackout
Well first of all, even if you're sipping on water, doing coke everyday is pretty unsustainable to begin with... But go ahead and try....so no I'm talking about somebody doing it everyday.... The ppl I'm referring to are once or twice a week warriors.... The working class.... Not the junkies who have a problem with everything they encounter
sure, just asking as coke´s pretty cheap down here (Brazil) and even in Europe the prices have plummeted, lots of working class-middle class people I know are doing it more and more everyday, I really wonder if someone can do coke more than once or twice a week and still be remotely ....sane even if one can afford the thing...
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My drinking days have to stop I think. I'm waiting for David Nutt's alcohol to come out (alcarelle) but till then it's a struggle.
MDMA works but makes me wanna drink while consuming it...then I blackout
MDMA and alcohol don t mix, maybe here on BL you can find some tips on how to use molly in a safer way. Probably a better plan than doing coke anyway!
Nope. I just keep drinking alcohol.

... I would definitely drink a LOT LESS alcohol if I could have legal access to the opiate drug of my choice. That's all I can say to that.
MDMA and alcohol don t mix, maybe here on BL you can find some tips on how to use molly in a safer way. Probably a better plan than doing coke anyway!
Molly and alcohol isn’t too too bad. Cmon now.

Molly would actually be a cheaper and longer lasting, happier substitute. Coke is so fucking overrated it’s ridiculous. It’s mild time compared to almost anything and not the best in any class it belongs to. I can get more mashed on a couple tokes of pot and that’s almost free instead of $XXX digit amount on a stim sketch lite.
All drugs and alcohol lead back to miserable active addiction for any true addict or alcoholic. There are no substitutes for spiritual growth. All substances will lead to abject suffering and eventual death unless stopped. I'm off the wagon and on the path towards jails or institutions or death now.

There`s no reason to swap chemicals around. If youre having the type of problem that you describe than its eventual sobriety or unending suffering until death.