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has a benzo bender permenantly ruined my ability to get an erection?


Dec 27, 2012
Last weekend I took 50 of the 4mg flubros, and 25 of the 2mg nifoxiam (I blacked out cause I didn't realize flubro takes hours to hit)

since then, I havn't had a single erection, even in the mornings. I'm alsoon citaloram which robably dosen't help..
I very highly doubt it, mate. I'd consider it a psychological issue, before you jump to any conclusions. Depression can certainly affect your junk, and I'm assuming that taking very large doses of benzos isn't something you'd normally do, if you were in a good frame of mind. :)
Citalopram can itself cause problems with erections. The best possible advice would be not to worry about it. Worrying will only potentially cause further problems.

You should be fine my man.
Last weekend I took 50 of the 4mg flubros, and 25 of the 2mg nifoxiam (I blacked out cause I didn't realize flubro takes hours to hit)

since then, I havn't had a single erection, even in the mornings. I'm alsoon citaloram which robably dosen't help..

Mate, flubromazepam has a half life of 106 hours (nearly five days). You took 200mg last weekend, so by this weekend you still had about 100mg sloshing around your system - still a huge dose, so I'm not surprised you haven't had a boner yet - and you probably won't for another week or two because you're still off yer tits man! I'd be more worried about why you feel the need to take such a large dose of potent benzos and what you're expecting to get out of them.
Good points, FUBSTER!

Hexy I thought you were taking stock n trying to stop this reckless behaviour. You'll end up in a box one day n none of us want that. Sorry to sound blunt it's just slightly worrying <3

It's almost certainly not permanent. And at least it isn't going to be trying to persuade your brain to let it have a go at doing the thinking (which seldom goes well) for awhile.

Just stop thinking about it altogether, and everything will be fine. Try to forget that nobody would be telling you not to worry unless they knew of something that you would have a good reason to be worried about if you knew about it. And sooner or later, you will encounter a situation in which it would be highly inappropriate to crack a stiffie. At which point .....
I agree with everyone else that it wont be permanent especially as you are a young man in your early 20s; ie somewhere near the peak level of your sex drive. Completely unscientific explanation and speculation but your mind and body possibly just 'cant be bothered' to get an erection, though there probably is a scientific explanation, i just dont know it. :eek:

Once the benzos are out of your system your hormones will probably be raging normally once again. I would not get good odds at a bookies by placing a bet on a dead cert like that.

A number of substances have a 'pilly willy' effect on me, most noticeably stims, Es and psyches. For some reason mushrooms in particular completely turn off my sex drive and i find the whole thing really distasteful. That is completely out of character for me to be so prudish, lofty, and 'on my high horse' about such things.
Not Sure, MDB, because he's on citalopram n that can mess ones labido. Hexy can I ask how long you've been on citalopram for? Reason I'm asking is it takes a while to work (usually a month) n one can go at bit hectic during that time. If it's been over a month I strongly advise you to see your doctor - explain you're still taking reckless amounts of drugs n asked to be referred for help. Also explain the labido issue. Your doctor can change your antidepressants to another SSRI or group of AD. It usually takes a while n different ADs before you're on the right one for you.

Can you tell us how you feel on citalopram? You don't have to but we may be able to help you here.

One of my mates was on SSRI's and he said they pretty much killed his libido. I don't know if this is strictly advisable Hex, speak to your doctor first but I've read good things about the drug Proviron in helping raise libido again. The best advice really though would be get off those SSRI's and seek other treatment, I did that and wound up on Seroquel. I've known multiple people who have wound up on SSRI's and not one of them got anything good from it.
Personally since I've been on citalopram ive been perma banned from BL twice, tried killing myself n nearly succeeded literally, spent a lot, binge eating n raised my debt to £8,000 it stopped my anxiety ok but caused a million other issues - impulsiveness for one but I stay on it because I can't handle the anxiety n intense emotions. Talk to your doctor.

My PM / E-mail is always open.

Everyones experiences must be different; when i first got onto SSRIs, Paroxetine, many years ago the first time i had no problem getting wood but it took me way longer than it ever had done previosuly to get off, but when i did it was one of the most intense orgasms ive ever had. (Sorry if thats tmi for most:eek:) By day 2 i was functioning 'normally' for me.

It is probably the mixture of the benzos and the SSRI causing this, especially if you are new to the AD, most new AD side effects wear off quickly, usually within a maximum of one month. You did take a huge dose of a benzo with a very long half life too. Ive just discovered that flubromazepam is an analogue of Phenazepam, so i would recommend extreme caution with that substance. If you get into a habit with that stuff your erection problems will be the least of your worries. In fact you wont have any worries atall whilst under the influence, but all your inhibtions will be gone, and you'll be at much higher risk of accidents, arrest due to crimes of impulse and an inabilty to think clearly. At the very least you will do things that you will be very embarrassed about when you come out of the flubro fugue.

Please believe me that taking up a habit with any phenaz related substance is a very bad idea. I've been there, got the t shirt, and made the posts to prove it.
I loath SSRI's, felt like being constantly on the verge of a anxiety attack plus sex was far less enjoyable. Benzos also hammer the sex drive. I think I read they release estrogen. I always kept kamagra i case.Switching to a SRNI's (SP?) like Mirtazapine or Trazodone, or Trazabone work almost as well as kamagra.

Hope you feel better soon. Thats a lot of benzos. Best of luck

Also keep Amy Reid on a loop, can't hurt!
Personally since I've been on citalopram ive been perma banned from BL twice, tried killing myself n nearly succeeded literally, spent a lot, binge eating n raised my debt to £8,000 it stopped my anxiety ok but caused a million other issues - impulsiveness for one but I stay on it because I can't handle the anxiety n intense emotions. Talk to your doctor.

This hex, SSRI's will do you no good mate.
Neither will that industrial benzo dosage, read a story a while back - just can't find the link, Guy breaks up with GF, takes full scripts of xanax and clonazepam, passes out one arm over the sink other the bath. Double amputation. I'd a horrendous over dose of phenazepam - don't want to recount the stories I've been told, but they involved me thinking a chainsaw was great craic, just being a total insane aggressive suicidal lunatic. Cops, Paramedics committed - for 24 hrs, lol, no idea how i talked my way out of lock up. I was fucked, truly for about 3 months. Tbh I (fully qualified hypocrite) would be grateful you made it through the black out, anything can happen, seen so much trivial bullshit flare up in an instant on a black out benzo - there's a decent sized town not far from me where 7 people got their ears bit off (by each other) in black out. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/mark-ball-jailed-drunk-murdered-3178784

But I've no notion of your circumstances, hope you get that auld dick up soon, but be glad you've ur ears and freedom mate! Gd luck.
woke up today and all as is well again (though it still takes me hours to cum)
i did something similar. in 2009 i took 200mg of valium and i haven't had an erection since. be afraid.

nah....FUBAR's earlier comment is bang on, you still have a lot of flubromazepam in your system so i wouldnt even bother trying for another few days. it'l come back if you can stay away from benzos.

these are insane doses, hexegram. like pointlessly high doses. once you have that sort of tolerance, recreational benzo use is even more futile than it is to begin with. slow down, my dear fellow