• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier


Well. I never applied to Harvard but maybe in the future, 3-4 years, then I might end up over there. Are you going to Harvard?
Shulgin went to harvard (ok, well he gladly dropped out, but still)
there should be all different kinds of people wherever you go, just don't make the mistake of being judgemental (making judgements about someone's personality/lifestyle by how they look)
maybetinymaybesad said:
i ahve this bad feeling it's going to be, like, all mommy and daddy's rx pills or whatever.
As flyingbanana says, don't jump to the stereotypical view of Harvard (or other top universities) and its students simply because they are clever. Remember, if you're clever enough to get in and like drugs/partying its likely then other drug using clever people exist in Harvard. Finding them might be the hard part, because it is likely there'll be less such people than at other universities, but they will exist.

I've been on the receiving end of "You go to a well known university and therefore must have loads of money, be a mumma's boy and very stuck up" and it is annoying that people assume that every person in a university of 15,000 people will be exactly the same and conform to the stereotype. I certainly know a few people who do conform to that stereotype, but are they the majority? I'd say they are less than 10% of the student population.

I expect you'll find the majority of the people at Harvard are just normal people who happen to be good at a certain subject. You'll get a fair few nerds, and a fair few freaks, but mostly just normal people.
No - everyone I've ever met from Harvard is a gigantic jackass. :)
>>all mommy and daddy's rx pills or whatever.>>

Mommy and daddy likely have some badass prescriptions. :)
>>I expect you'll find the majority of the people at Harvard are just normal people who happen to be good at a certain subject.>>

And, for the most part, happen to be reasonably wealthy.

they also did some kind of porno (err..nude art?) mag that made controversial news last year..."H Bomb"? there were some hot women in there
One of my best friends (and one of only 3 friends i've kept from high school) goes to Harvard - she's a fantastic person, and very "normal." ;)

And let me tell you, Harvard kids know how to fuckin' party. When I visited my friend out there, HOLY SHIT. I haven't been as wasted since... It was SOOOO much fun. All her roomies/friends were a blast, and I'd go back to visit any day.

Sure, there are plenty of jackasses there - I know a couple of them - but they're really easy to ignore, and that's what I suggest you do. There are plenty of kids going there for the quality of education rather than for the status or because mommy and daddy have lots of money.
I met a few people from Harvard this summer, didn't like any of them. Mainly cause all they managed to talk about was.. Well, school. I'm just kind of sick of meeting anyone and the first thing they have to say is, "Where are you going to school?" or "What are you majoring in?" or other equally stupid questions no one actually wants to hear the anwser to, or maybe they actually did want to know which is why I didn't like them. Oh well.
I live right near Harvard but i dont go there... :)
I spent a weekend at harvard visiting a friend and I had an awesome time. I liked pretty much everyone I met and found them to be really down to earth. There were a few snobby rich kids and a few total nerds, but for the most part they were good people. The parties were awesome too. Better than The College of New Jersey thats for sure.
I have two sisters who went to Harvard, and they liked it a lot. Trust me, you'll find something fun. My sister goes to a small liberal arts college in rural Vermont, not nearly as large as Harvard, but it also has the stereotype of brainy rich white kids. When I visited, I found plenty of drugs to go around. :D
>>There were a few snobby rich kids and a few total nerds, but for the most part they were good people. >>

hey...total nerds rock! :)

^^ Nah, there are sometimes you don't want to be around a total nerd.. total nerds don't understand that if there is a hot girl you're talking to, they shouldn't bring up the latest video game or be like, "These people are newbs.. har har!"

Stealth nerds are the best
dreamgirlie19 said:
I live right near Harvard but i dont go there... :)


i'm at harvard, couldn't tell you about the drug/party scene here, i left that in san diego, i have no life here, i go to harvard, as the saying goes
I teach at Harvard. While I think it is a school that rides on its reputation a bit and is a little lacking in resources despite all its funding, it's still a very solid school with some great faculty. ;)

Oh, and there are several drug users in my class. I can tell, heh.