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Happy Easter V Jesus Loves Us All :)


Sep 28, 2013
Hiya Peeps,

OK you're not into into the Christian thing but we can all say, 'Happy Easter' yea?! So what ye all getting up to for Easter then? Anything exciting? Nothing? Chilling out? Whatever, let's wish each other a lovely, happy n safe holiday, yeah?!

I got a terry's chocolate orange easter egg off my mum, ate it already though. Such a bad boy
You've convinced me - I don't give a fuck, so now I am going to open that Lindt Lindor egg early %)
I was always told that Easter was more important than Christmas. Before being told of Our Lord's suffering in great detail. I was then told what 'Noli me tangere' meant, and I was even sadder.

By the time we got to 1916, I was crushed. This is still my favourite time of year though.

A few more Mausers. Just a few more.
Fuck's sake the shops were rammed earlier. People diving across me half tripping me over to grab an armful of choccy eggs that there are a fukkin gazillion of with no conceivable possibilty of any shop in the land running short. Fukkin morons. It's getting as bad as Xmess :\

Also, if this Biblical Jesus did exist there is no record of his crucifiction ever taking place and given there are more or less complete records of every execution carried out in that part of the world at that time it seems an unlikely story. Add in the fact that almost every aspect of it directly conflicts with known Roman legal practices and the fact that almost every aspect of it just so happens to instead fit with snippets of supposed prophecy from a couple of "Old Testament" books (and probably some of the non-Biblical but otherwise equivalent texts)... It's very clearly a manufactured "event" backfilled to fit an existing story.

The Easter Bunny doesn't exist either.

Choccy eggs iz yum all the same <3
Fuck yeah, I've been indulging in Easter Candy all week, and next week will be crazy because all the candy left will be 75% off. Not to mention my parents will give me an Easter basket even though i'm 23. Plus my younger sister always demands an Easter Egg hunt and my parent oblige. All the eggs will be filled with cash because my parents don't want to encourage junk food consumption. What great holiday even though I have a bitter taste in my mouth regarding Christianity.
So Easter means Jesus is alive again? serious question.

Theologically it is supposed to mean that Jesus took on the ancient Judaic role of scapegoat and sacrificed himself to himself to appease his own outrageous levels of bloodlust so completely there would never need to be another blood sacrifice to atone for sins which means every human being born since the crucifiction and resurrection no longer have to atone for "original sin" (unless they're Catholics) and we are all "saved" because god committed suicide (in a roundabout way) and brought himself back to life. Also relates to the story of Abraham being ordered to sacrifice his son Isaac and then being told not to at the last moment (this event meant that god was no longer accepting blood sacrifices which had previously been the only way to appease him).

Essentially, it's a rather bizarre and frankly horrific story which makes no sense whatsoever outside of the context of people for whom the concept of animal and human sacrifice to appease their god(s) is so ingrained that the idea of it ever ending and no longer being required by their particular deity is so noteworthy it is enough to start a new major world religion.

(apologies if i got some of the details wrong (not 100% sure on the original sin bit to be honest as it's been a while since i spent much time on theological matters) but am sure our more knowledgable folk will correct me on such things and the gist of what i say is correct)

PS: How this all affects people born prior to this (non) event is somewhat vague in similar ways to how people who were never in a situation where they could possible know about Christianity and so could never be baptised or confess or convert - or even be charitably burnt at the stake to save their heathen souls - is also somewhat vague. Let's be honest here, almost all of this kinda stuff is vague because it is ancient mythology of peoples who had no concept of there being a world or people outside of their incredibly small and limited perspective and locale. Does kinda make you wonder how this stuff ever got to be a major world religion... then you remember all those conquests and crusades and horrendously brutal "conversions" or entire populations - basically anybody who expressed the slightest doubt was killed (usually in especially horrendous ways) so their descendants never made it this far. It's no wonder so many religious folk have a problem with Natural Selection - they far prefer the deeply unnatural selection process of religious eugenics.
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Some of the speculation over the act's symbolism is very interesting indeed. It's a very well-worn myth in the middle east, however.

I prefer to celebrate Easter for the aforementioned, but also because it's so very atavistically pagan, and linked to death and renewal. I'm a sucker for that.
Theologically it is supposed to mean that Jesus took on the ancient Judaic role of scapegoat and sacrificed himself to himself to appease his own outrageous levels of bloodlust so completely there would never need to be another blood sacrifice to atone for sins which means every human being born since the crucifiction and resurrection no longer have to atone for "original sin" (unless they're Catholics) and we are all "saved" because god committed suicide (in a roundabout way) and brought himself back to life. Also relates to the story of Abraham being ordered to sacrifice his son Isaac and then being told not to at the last moment (this event meant that god was no longer accepting blood sacrifices which had previously been the only way to appease him).

Essentially, it's a rather bizarre and frankly horrific story which makes no sense whatsoever outside of the context of people for whom the concept of animal and human sacrifice to appease their god(s) is so ingrained that the idea of it ever ending and no longer being required by their particular deity is so noteworthy it is enough to start a new major world religion.

(apologies if i got some of the details wrong (not 100% sure on the original sin bit to be honest as it's been a while since i spent much time on theological matters) but am sure our more knowledgable folk will correct me on such things and the gist of what i say is correct)

PS: How this all affects people born prior to this (non) event is somewhat vague in similar ways to how people who were never in a situation where they could possible know about Christianity and so could never be baptised or confess or convert - or even be charitably burnt at the stake to save their heathen souls - is also somewhat vague. Let's be honest here, almost all of this kinda stuff is vague because it is ancient mythology of peoples who had no concept of there being a world or people outside of their incredibly small and limited perspective and locale. Does kinda make you wonder how this stuff ever got to be a major world religion... then you remember all those conquests and crusades and horrendously brutal "conversions" or entire populations - basically anybody who expressed the slightest doubt was killed (usually in especially horrendous ways) so their descendants never made it this far. It's no wonder so many religious folk have a problem with Natural Selection - they far prefer the deeply unnatural selection process of religious eugenics.

This is brilliant :) if only it had been written this way in the bible, perhaps we would have been spared the last 2000 years of superstitious bullshit.
Some of the speculation over the act's symbolism is very interesting indeed. It's a very well-worn myth in the middle east, however.

I prefer to celebrate Easter for the aforementioned, but also because it's so very atavistically pagan, and linked to death and renewal. I'm a sucker for that.

Surely all Chrsitian festivals are "very atavistically pagan" due to being glommed on to pre-existing pagan festivals cos otherwise nobody ever turned up.

Nowt wrong with celebrating spring anymore than there is celebrating harvest or the solstices or any other time of year with innate significance. The Christian Easter is simply another layer - the most recent pattern woven into the rich tapestry of human culture. As such, I have no problem with the underlying themes so much as I do with the bullshit commercialism that surrounds it. That and the way that Christian folk claim it as being uniquely their own when they probably have the least claim on it in the terms they choose to present. Unless they accept the mythological nature of such things they are kinda depressing and - quite frankly - disappointing. Yes, they do let me down, they let society down, but - most of all - they let themselves down ;)

And that disappointment is doubled each time they buy an Easter Egg without acknowledging the inherent mismatch between such "atavistically pagan" customs and traditions and their particular update and reinterpretation of 'em. Just seems kinda weak that you have to take over and absorb pre-existing beliefs to concvince the masses that you have legitamacy. Disinegenuous sophistry and bullshit barely covers it :\
Only the unemployed would complain about a 4 day weekend where you are encouraged to eat fish, sweet bakery goods and milk chocolate.
Only the unfeasibly shallow would manage to derive that from anything else posted in this thread.