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Alcohol Hand Sanitiser Consumption


Apr 29, 2018
So...I'm generally a recovered alcoholic (I drink maybe 3 or 4 times a YEAR...sometimes that is a half gallon of vodka in 24 hours, sometimes that is two glasses of Prosecco at New Years).
Anyway, when I was alcohol dependant it was very bad and I'd drink a gallon of wine and a bottle of vodka a day. When I couldn't get "real" alcohol I'd drink Listerine (it's 27%/54 proof!).
I have drank hand santiser before but it was a suicide attempt. I saw an episode of House (House M.D.?...the Hugh Laruie show) where a guy in hospital drank a 12oz bottle of it and House said "get him on dialysis or we'll have a corpse in 30 minutes", so I drank a 20oz bottle that was next to my hospital bed...I didn't die, I just blacked out).
Anyway, my parents bought a bottle of hand sanitiser...and I just realised the label says it contains 70% ETHANOL (not wood or isopropyl alcohol)....so I'm safe drinking it right? It's essentially a thick, 140 proof version of vodka?
I just did two shots and it was fucking foul but...I'm not gonna like go blind and die or renal failure, right?
I wanna get drunk :/

I'M NOT LOOKING FOR LECTURES!....OR SYMPATHY...and this is NOT a cry for help. More like reassurance/Harm Reduction.
It's definitely not safe but If its the difference between teh shakes and a seizure to take a sip, you might already be too far gone at that point and just do it until you can get real help. I'm a recovering alcoholic and in lieu of buying vodka since theres no fucking hand sanitizer anywehre for corona, i had ordered it from china of all places, just because I knew i'd end up drinking the vodka.
It tastes like shit lol we were drunk the other night and squirting it into each other's drinks as pranks 😆
This was the 70% iso one mind.
I can't. Stuck at my parents house due to corona and I'm not allowed to drink here.

Ah fairs. Considering your history with booze it's likely for the best though. Just as it's likely for the best I don't have easy access to strong opiates. I want them very much, but I know I'd regret it.

Although, lockdown is getting even more chilled this weekend and you could swing by an off-license on your daily walk. Not trying to encourage you to drink again, just saying there's safer ways to do it if you're determined to anyway.
Ah fairs. Considering your history with booze it's likely for the best though. Just as it's likely for the best I don't have easy access to strong opiates. I want them very much, but I know I'd regret it.

Although, lockdown is getting even more chilled this weekend and you could swing by an off-license on your daily walk. Not trying to encourage you to drink again, just saying there's safer ways to do it if you're determined to anyway.

Nooooo. There area I live in is new and the nearest store is about a 25 min walk. The issue is I don't know the way very well and last time I tried to go there I ended up walking around lost for FOUR AND A HALF HOURS in the rain and freezing wind. That has put me off trying to go there again. I don't really wanna drink again anyway. It's more just on the nights I have insomnia. I might just ask my GP for some Zopiclone. He wouldn't give me a real prescription but I asked him a few years ago and he gave me like 6.
Get some directions, write them down, don't have to drink hand sanitiser again. That'd be my plan. I guess if your parents wont let ya out, though Id just go anyway easy to make an excuse. I bet your parents would be like "GIVE THE MAN A BEER" if they knew what you did instead.
Nooooo. There area I live in is new and the nearest store is about a 25 min walk. The issue is I don't know the way very well and last time I tried to go there I ended up walking around lost for FOUR AND A HALF HOURS in the rain and freezing wind. That has put me off trying to go there again. I don't really wanna drink again anyway. It's more just on the nights I have insomnia. I might just ask my GP for some Zopiclone. He wouldn't give me a real prescription but I asked him a few years ago and he gave me like 6.

Good old weed or maybe a bit of diaz for sleep (short term ofc). Don't need a doctor to get either. Assuming you can get 'em past your parents anyway.

Glad you don't wanna go back to the drink :)
Good old weed or maybe a bit of diaz for sleep (short term ofc). Don't need a doctor to get either. Assuming you can get 'em past your parents anyway.

Glad you don't wanna go back to the drink :)

me too! Almost all of my problems in life have been caused by alcohol. Never drugs. Alcohol can make me the friendliest person but it can also make me an asshole, especially when I get alcoholic psychosis. Can't get anything right now due to corona but I'm getting my own place (hopefully in June) soon and I can do whatever I want then :)

I have Quetiapine and Trazodone. Sometimes one of those helps. 100mg Quetiapine does but it makes me sleep for like 16 hours which is too much so I'm all groggy the next day.
Check the cupboard for some vanilla extract

if your mom er' dad are good bakers yous should be able to cop
Some vanilla extracts are alcohol-free nowadays (propylene glycol I think).

But please, don't do that. If you are at the point where you are considering vanilla extract, aftershave, hand sanitizer, etc. as a source of intoxication, you could reasonably be acccused of having an alcohol problem.
Ok, Ok, Ok. Not to be a dork but the ISO-3166 code for South Africa is ZA not SA. SA is Saudi Arabia. @Coffeeshroom - back me up here boet unless you want the BLers thinking you live in the middle-east.

i didnt read the whole thread, im still a bit ' deur die kak" but yes ZA is actually south africa but its most used when talking about money as are money is called ZAR. But i think the Z part came after the apartheid area but i can be wrong but Im from S.A. and that is South Africa. so i will stik to S.A. and everyone one here by now knows Im from south africa. Sorry im so stoned and hangover. will explain just now
I'm a recovering heroin/alcohol/anything you got addict... Now a days i just drink. But as of now im stuck in a mental institution where i can't get any real alcohol. But ive been drinking the hand sanitizer from time to time(just dilute it with water) and almost every time i drank it, i end up in the hospital waking up with IVs in my arm and shit. (90% of the time)

I dont know whats in it besides the fact that it has "alcohol" and it does the trick - very quickly. I usually drink it when im stressed out or going thru bad anxiety(they took away my Ativan after 1 30 day bottle)

1 day i woke up and i felt like I was gonna die, literally. I was puking my guts out and my body seemed to be rejecting the hand sanitizer(no shit!) And ill never forget thst feeling i felt... So now a days im weary about drinking the stuff.

My advice - dont drink it!
Not a good idea. Glad to see that this was posted back in May, as some hand sanitizers have DENATURED ethanol. This means that it contains additives that may be toxic, and they may or may not tell you that. Because they don't expect or plan for the possibility of people drinking it. Be very wary of anything with a do not ingest sort of label lol.