• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Hallucinogenic Opiates?

Actually it has nothing to do with anticholinergic poisoning. Not even remotely.

The benzomorphans are all kappa agonists to some degree, and higher doses of them (and sometimes not very high doses at all) result in light salvia-like intoxication.

Pentazocine is one horrible drug, imho. It's like Salvia XR

I meant the physical/mental effects from high dose/overdose levels of benzomorphans seem similar to anticholinergic poisoning (or 'Datura trip' if you're into that sort of thing)- not that they resemble one another method of action.

Regardless the body dissociation/'feelinglessness' of phenethylamines/tryptamines/dissociatives seems impossible to mesh with the body awareness of opioid euphoria. Different metaphysical actions; hallucinogens out, opioids in.
Ive found Dilaudid to be the most dream inducing for me, But it happened more when I first started taking opiates and rarely happens any more :(. Oh how I miss them so!

I totally agree Dillies defiantly gave me some very lucid CEV and a sort of dream state of conciseness. When I first started shooting I started with 8mgs being that I'm a chronic pain patient and never had to pay for them (well copay nothing compared to what i've heard of people paying for just one 8mg (50 bucks at last count retarded if you ask me unless ur on the recieving end of the deal,lol)) The dreams are extremely fucking pleasant orgasmic even. Dreaming like that while being engulfed in the "dope blanket" as i've come to call it is just explicit. Unfortunately I got a little carried away with banging dillies and cut myself off. I was up to 32mg like 3 times a day. My doctor who also does opiates medicinally and recreationally(awesome huh? being dope buddies with ur doc.LOLLOLOL every junkies dream) said that I might live forever doing this amount but I would more than likely die very soon if I keep it up so we swapt my meds to a time released opana to avoid abuse for a month or so.=D
It just seems like methadone is so.... soo.... i dont know how to say.... hmm.. powerful?
Which makes it seem like I am dissociated.
Seeing through your eye lids. Kinda like when your just looking around the room and its bright and stuff then you Snap out of it and open your eyes and really the lights off and you can't see squat

That can be pretty weird. Opening your eyes and the room is dark :p

Im assumeing everyones visuals they are talking about the dream like state where there falling asleep?

this happens whenever i smoke opium mixed with pot.

also it has started to happen with just cannabis (could be opium resin in my pipe). i will wake n bake and take a shower and when i close my eyes to wash my hair i can see my hands, my hair (on the back of my head lol) the rest of the shower and even the walls of the bathroom, all in this cool bluish hint like its some other sense that im using other than vision to see it.
this happens whenever i smoke opium mixed with pot.

also it has started to happen with just cannabis (could be opium resin in my pipe). i will wake n bake and take a shower and when i close my eyes to wash my hair i can see my hands, my hair (on the back of my head lol) the rest of the shower and even the walls of the bathroom, all in this cool bluish hint like its some other sense that im using other than vision to see it.

I say it's the opium. That's just what opiates do to me. I will walk around the house with my eyes closed and not realize it until I stub my toe or something.
I've heard that MPPP is apparently pretty psychedelic, though I would never fuck with that shit what with the risk of MPTP.

Despite what many opiate/oid fans feel otherwise, pethidine is definitely the most favorite narcotic I've tried (so far) in part for its exceptional, mildly hallucinatory, dreaminess in comparison with the others.
I've heard that MPPP is apparently pretty psychedelic, though I would never fuck with that shit what with the risk of MPTP.

Despite what many opiate/oid fans feel otherwise, pethidine is definitely the most favorite narcotic I've tried (so far) in part for its exceptional, mildly hallucinatory, dreaminess in comparison with the others.

Desmethylprodine is actually closer to cocaine (or atropine, I suppose) than pethidine is itself (which, I have learned, it was actually synthesized to replicate- atropine, that is).

I'm pretty sure that it, and all of the 4-phenyl-1-methyl-piperidines will have significant DARI action, making them more recreational than other opiates might be.
Demerol always gives me the most hallucinations for an opioid. Its kind of like taking a benadryl or two along with some weed kind of trippy feeling so it's not all about visuals there's a definate trip part to it if done in low to medium doses. However if done in higher doses those visuals and trippy parts become more and more distant and just blend in while the narcotic high overpowers it. The dose for a non tolerant person to get a hallucinogenic effect from Demerol is 100mg-200mg snorted. Along with that try a puff or two of weed after you've snorted or don't even smoke since its trippy enough on its own. I once was sure as hell that someone was sitting next to me on my bed while I was looking for songs to play on the computer in this tiny little room until I looked over and was quite shocked. Anyways the visuals are more of a Benadryl drug class feeling but the sensation of trippying is a little like mdma in that you can trip to a very concerning degree or trip to a very little or common degree.

Kratom is also slightly visual but not more so than a Benadryl combined with some weed. And it only does that at first could tries, just making things glow a little brighter I would say.
Actually it has nothing to do with anticholinergic poisoning. Not even remotely.

The benzomorphans are all kappa agonists to some degree, and higher doses of them (and sometimes not very high doses at all) result in light salvia-like intoxication.

Pentazocine is one horrible drug, imho. It's like Salvia XR

Benzomorphans also tend to be potent sigma receptor agonists (like Dextromethorphan and PCP) and are, thus, quite tremorogenic at high doses or in combination with other sigma ligands.

Here's a brief summary of my idiotic mistake:
A combination of 0.92mg/Kg Pentazocine and 3.67mg/Kg Dextromethorphan (and (0.046mg/Kg)/day Aripiprazole) was quite pleasant until about the 3 hour mark, whereupon occured the rapid development of full-body tremors.
Naturally, I was concerned; seizure-like activity is not good, by any stretch of the imagination.
I, however, overrode my instinct to freak-the-fuck-out and remained calm; the tremors subsided after about an hour.

All that aside; I find Pentazocine to be qualitatively quite different from Salvia, though they do share some characteristics.
I've got the seeing through eyelids phenomenon from morphine and kratom IIRC. But what really gives me that is DXM. I have walked around the room with my eyes closed on DXM and saw a distorted negative of the room the whole time.

That really reminds me of the days where I used to take DXM. Normally a few hours after I would take it, I would get this strange strobing effect in my vision (like flanging, only it happened really fast) and when I would close my eyes I would see the entire room in front of me as though my eyes were open. Also when I would move my hands in front of my closed eyes, I would see them as they went by.

I should note that I had very atypical reactions to dextromethorphan as I lacked the critical liver enzyme to metabolize DXM -> DXO, so the effects I got were far stronger in the sigma ligand sense than in a dissassocivate sense.
there is a mu-agonist analogue of salvinorin? i thought it was all very specific to kappa, which has nothing to do with traditional opiod properties (euphoria, analgesia, etc.)

i would have to disagree to the analgesia with salvinorin... although it might be solely based on disassociation. The reason i think this is from a personal experience of doing salvia near a camp fire, and ending up stepping into the fire bare foot and getting 3 relatively small 2nd degree burns. I was tackled out of the fire by someone before the burns were made any worse. As i was coming down and getting back to reality i was completly unaware that i had been burnt, they told me i stepped into the fire and i looked at my foot to see the burns but i felt no pain at that moment. In about 15 minutes when the salvia had completly worn off, i was feeling pain again.

from reading on wikipedia (not the best source but its generally reliable) kappa agonist can cause analgesia, along with dysphoria and crazy hallucinations...
Although opioids can cause very vivid waking dreams when your nodding, I wouldn't go so far as to call them hallucinogenic.

The kind of stuff I see while nodding is no different than the stuff I see when I'm really really tired and sleepy but can't find asleep.

I have found that combining opioids with normal doses of anti-histamines make the dreams much more vivid and real. Once when I was nodding on my couch I though I kept hearing my name being called like every minute or 2. Yet whenever I turned around there was no one there. I also though I could see the room whenever I closed my eyes (but not conscious of the fact that they were closed), but when I opened them and snapped back to reality the room I was in was totally different than the room I saw when I closed my eyes.
If you want to hallucinate so nicely and cooly and still get a badass opiate high, why not just like shoot some smack while peaking on acid?
Have you ever tried an intravenous injection while peaking on acid? I can tell you it's not easy...
man I wish I knew chemistry so I could cook up some mouthwatering shit figgadeal me son?
Is it true that since I'm not very good at math algebra and beyond, that I would not have a chance learning pharmecuetical and otherwise practical chemistry?
Doesn't belong here at all, but you could teach yourself how to make stuff like chloral hydrate and methcathinone. So could a nine year old, no kidding, but you can appreciate it more, I suspect.
I know for a fact that pure mu-agonism does not cause one to hallucinate.

So far ive heard maybe 3 distinct mechanisms: 5HTergic (pethidine), sigma, and kappa.

Methadone has NMDA antagonist properties.