• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Hallucinogenic Opiates?

Is PCP classified as an opioid?

If not, what IS its classification?
It is called a dissociative anaesthetic and is in the same group of compounds as dxm + ketamine + NO2.

More importantly, I think that the brunt of its sychoactive effects are derived from NMDA antagonism (whatever this may be).
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PattyOC14me said:
Poppy tea. With 40 or more opiate alkaloids, to pin point which ones is the most "trippy" for me, is impossible. I just can't name them all. I bet morphine tops the list.I recall seeing "spider" looking things on my blanket one time. That kind of freaked me out.It was funny though.
Over all it's just so damn good.

;) Patty
I get some crazy CEV/OEV on tea... last experience I had was bordering on a mild shroom trip's visuals.
Redeemer, thanks for the link, I will be looking into culturing Cyprepedium Calceolus var Pubescens, I am fairly intrigued as to the active components of this orchid, AFAIK there aren't that many orchid species which yield psychoactives, only other one I can think of, is a couple of species of Oncidium, including O.Ceboletta
Smyth said:
It is called a dissociative anaesthetic and is in the same group of compounds as dxm + ketamine + NO2.

More importantly, I think that the brunt of its sychoactive effects are derived from NMDA antagonism (whatever this may be).

N2O* 8(

I think anyone talking about nitrous oxide should learn how to actually abbreviate it appropriately. NO2 is something completely different.
Opitates potentiate auditory hallucinations, when under the influence of marijuana for me and others to whom I have spoken. Specifically oxyxcodone, in our experience.
I have found, at least for my experiences, that opiate "dreams" are not directly related to the drug or dose.

I have found that the entire opiate experience changes depending on what you are doing (think set and setting). I only get those "dreams" when I am willfully relaxing after taking an opiate. Perhaps the "dreams" are not caused by a direct pharmacological response to the opiate, but rather to a sleep mechanism triggered by the intense relaxation brought on by opiates?

I find that the more sleep-like I am on opiates, the more "Dreams" I have. Adding benzos definitely helps, while adding stimulants seems to make it less likely.

This is just thinking out-loud. Since the "dreams" can be rather similar to those caused by pre-k-hole doses of Ketamine or relative doses of PCP or DXM, it might very well be related with the dissociative effects of some opioids.

One thing I feel is very sure: that opiate "hallucinations" are worlds away from the effects of serotonergic psychedelics.

Of the opioids I have tried, I found plain old morphine to be the most dream-inducing, and I find that to be an almost entheogenic side of opioids.
My mom was seeing spyders coming out of the ground when she was prescribed percoset, so she stopped taking them and I got the whole bottle :) needless to say I didn't see anything just had a few nice nods :).

salvinorin a. is a kappa opiod agonist, not sure if that makes it an opiod though.
Ive found Dilaudid to be the most dream inducing for me, But it happened more when I first started taking opiates and rarely happens any more :(. Oh how I miss them so!
Smyth said:
It is called a dissociative anaesthetic and is in the same group of compounds as dxm + ketamine + NO2.

Those polyatomic ions can fuck yer day up ;)
sorry I just noticed this and had to make a joke about it. Im sure Smyth knew better!:p :p
Sufentanil ought to be hallucinogenic in that sense. It is a hypnotic, and will most likely knock you out. But at low enough doses though, it could have similar visual distortions as say, ambien.
Opiate hallucinations are more of a nodding off sort of delusional state, at least for me, similar to if I'm real tired. I actually somewhat enjoy these delusions because they prevent me completely going out... its very odd, and I try to not be around anyone during these experiences.

Now to bring up discussion, I've always wondered what morphine and LSD would be like. I've never done heroin or I would like to have LSD accompany that and just chill to some pink floyd... you know, comfortably numb and all :)
^^ Effects of the LSD would be diminished significantly. You would need to take more, essentially to achieve same visual/mental effects.
hmmmm, my two favorite groups of drugs (doesnt mean I don't love you, stimulants, when im in the mood, and when my bones stop growing, then I will go crazy on stimulants. I just dont want stnted growth.) ? That would be nice.
What about the possibilty of finding a psychedelic opioid in the Mitrygynine family?
I think that this holds the most promise of finding a psychedelic opioid, not one with NMDA or anticholinergic properties. But what do I know about Pharmacology, Im just an undergrad
Jamshyd said:
Of the opioids I have tried, I found plain old morphine to be the most dream-inducing, and I find that to be an almost entheogenic side of opioids.

I agree totally, you cant kill a classic eh. Also for me tramadol was probably more visual in the open eye sense. Not unusual to see blankets undulate like rolling hills or other subtle distortions.

Also is it right to assume this only happens to everyone after smoking cannabis with opioids?
Cyclazocine is the archetype of an effective opioid analgesic with strong halucanogenic properties. Also, many people find plain demerol (pethidine) to cause 'thought disturbance'. It totally wiped my aunt out; she was seeing things, the whole caboodle.