
Ive taken in it once but only lasted like 2 weeks so cant really so much about it bought it from uniquemicals this was when they offered like 10mg/per ml in 30ml but now i think they upped it to 20 or 50 and pretty cheap reason why is i think is since its been proven that gw causes cancer in mice, their source mustve lowered prices but hey cancers really hard to get i mean people smoke for decades and die of something unrelated you know hahah
Also one product that i think could help me is metformin. I don't know if any of u has heard of it but from the studies i read it seems like a good option since it can induce similar pathway as gw

I heard of it. Once is up and running again I'll dig up a thread and a few posts gh15 and a few other bodybuilders made regarding the stuff.

The only negatives I have heard about this stuff is gastrointestinal irritation, problems with the liver and kidneys if you already have issues, and that the H2-receptor antagonist cimetidine causes an increase in the plasma concentration of metformin, by reducing clearance of metformin by the kidney leading to overdose of the drug.