

Dec 11, 2013
I'd like to know what is your experince with this product. Does it cause cancer as they say?
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We got a thread on gw somewhere but ill answer with my experience.

im about 3 weeks in at 15mg/day. Ive probably lost about 1% body fat already and my endurance is increasing weekly. Im going to up the dosage to 20mg/day soon and continue til I run out of the gw suspension I have.
How much do you use? Is it safe?
Sorry for all the questioning
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Eh not sure if sourcing "research chemicals" is allowed. I can answer the rest though.
I run twice to thrice weekly trying to improve mile times (my endurance is overall shit). I started out struggling with 10 minute miles (hadnt ran in nearly 2 years and smoked heavily for those years and previous years). In 3 weeks im down to about 7:30 miles and still improving. Its my legs giving out and not being out a breath which is new for me.
I would lean away from sourcing, for the moment. How ever I will fill you in on my experience with this particular SARM. GW, is a great product for just what serotonin said it is for, endurance. It is currently in phase II medical trials with the FDA, fro use in treating a number of things, including high blood pressure and loss of bone mass in older men and women. From my personal experience you can expect to get a nice boost to over all recovery time between sets, and days of heavy exercise. You are not going to see a big boost to lean mass, what you will get is a nice solid boost in fat loss, a favorable shift in lipid profiles as well as keeping your blood pressure in check, and even lowering it in some cases ( my dad was one of these cases after a 90 day cycle of it his BP increases again , but while on it his BP was better then when he was taking medication for it.)

I run myself, five miles every day I went from 50mins to 37:30 at current for 5 miles and fro me I am limited due to knee injuries. But after the run I am still fresh enough to do my yoga, and hit the gym. GW is best used with a cutting diet or a recomp, where the focus is going to be on the loss of body fat % with the preservation of muscle mass. Now what are your stats, height, weight, body fat % and training history.teh cancer risk was largely in mice, while at points comparable to humans fro the purpose of medical testing the comparison is nto always as good as you are led to believe, the WADA issues the cancer warning, due to mouse testing, but the amount of GW and time frame, would be the issue not the proper short term cycling of the compound at reasonable dosages 5-30mg daily. Though I would not go beyond 20mg/daily and no longer then 90 days, though you can push it to 120 days, I would advise staying at 90/days or less. It is pricy but so is any thing of high quality.

What are your intentions for the GW and the Telmisartan ?
Thanks for the feedback guys.
I'am an amateur powerlifter but my goal is to turn pro next year. I think i'am not too far since i'am training well eating well etc but results take time to appear.This is the perfect stuff to speed up the process a bit.
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I know cyclsit's take epo. Do you think is good for powerlifter?
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Yeah GW is a good way to speed up the process. What is the testing like for AAS? With cycling I imagine that is it pretty hefty what with the whole Armstrong debacle. Because I know you guys could benefit largely from increased RBC, and a few compounds are know for this, but I would think you would have an issue with testing. I could do some research into just what kind of testing is available for GW, and what the window for it is. There are a few SARMs you may want to look at including Ostarine as well. The combination of osta and gw is one of my favorites. I am into martial arts and Mountaineering so I understand the endurance thing mate. take a look at osta as well, you will see a little increase in muscle mass, though very slight, it is there. So the combination of endurance and strength and recovery time is nice. Good luck going pro mate, stick around to a do a little research into peptides, and HGH and the like, you may benefit from combing the forum for odds and ends. But if you look into a sew choice peptides, IGF-1 would be a good choice, as well as the possibilities of some of the AAS compounds, especially the faster acting compounds, and ones that have a quick detection time, you may be able to skirt the rules a bit. BTW I don't think PEDs are cheating, they are just another training methodology, and one that is used by every one. The fact is for pros the PEDs are more about keeping them in the top tier condition for longer then normal. You know your self that it doesn't matter what you take if you have the talent, you have the talent, the PEDs just let you keep the edge longer. So if you were wondering if cats on the board will judge don't. By the way stick around on the board and log your training, with and with out the GW and or the Osta. I think the board would benefit from having other sports involved this way we can get a more in depth look at PEDs, their uses and the methodologies used by different sports. No reason cyclists cant learn from mountaineers cant learn from bodybuilders ect ect. So yeah welcome to Bluelight mate, I hope this helps, and feel free to ask away, if I can't help some one else will we have some very knowledgeable cats on the board.
Sounds a solid plan mate. The only reason I suggested the Osta is it will add a little lean mass, and increase power for situations liek a nice hard climb, or for pouring the speed on for a dash to the finish, the gains are keepable as in if you put 3lbs of muscle on you will keep it if your training stays on point you just rebound faster and the muscle is there faster as well. Any way yeah I will drag up the research and PM you with it if your interested. By all means do the log of the training, it will be interesting to see how a cyclist trains, and how the compound effects them. Yeah teh guys here are friendly, and well informed, I stayed her fro that reason my self, after trying to hang in several other forums, that were too full of douchbagery and broscience, I understand that being meaty and gorilla like is a goal I also understand that too many people fail to get real information. You wont find that here, the head moderator Guido really knows his shit, Genetic Freak another forum regular adn my self are well versed in the science of things, and all of us have years of experience and want to share our info with people that want to learn .
The reason I got into the SARMs was the research seemed promising, especially the additional benefits of lowering the BP as well as keeping and in fact helping the lipid profile make the shift into the good. It pairs well with testosterone as well on a light recomp cycle. So yeah man The guys here are proper, and we try to help each other out and fill the gaps in our knowledge be it with the compounds, or supplements to training or even diet. The social thread is a good place as well to rant and ramble about shit. So yeah we try to mix it up with more then just bodybuilding, so yeah stick around we could use a cyclist, I would like to bring a nice wide selection of sports to this board. I can not see the mix of sport and training methodology doing any thing but adding to every ones arsenal of training knowledge and tricks.
Sports might be different but the basic principles are still the same. I believe we can learn from everyone.

I want to progress a little more in the training and do more reserach in the meantime before i actually start this but i promise i will create the thread when i get it started.
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Sub Q-
The basic over view:
The specific procedure, with locations:
And A video for a sub Q
In the video she says throw it like a dart obviously yo do not do that, just going in a single smooth motion at the 90degre angle.

Intramuscular or IM:
The Basic Overview:
The Procedure with locations:
The Video:

At some point, you are going to need to inject. You have a wider array of compound fro you to use. Seeing as you are currently not tested, you have the option of all of the steroids with some exceptions because they show up 12-18 months later, that is another discussion though. Look at it liek this, you have access to things like EQ that boost RBC count, great lean mass, power speed, and endurance boosters, basic testosterone ect ect. The point being orals are ok, when you are looking for SARMs but once you start talking other PEDs like steroids and peptides you need to inject. With the right equipment, it is safe, 99% painless and easy. Just read and watch the above, and the sticky in the forum on the first cycle, and you will have a bunch of knowledge. Now a few tips is make sure you have a sterile field, clean hands, gloves, new needle every time, a new needle for when you do the injection and a new needle when you draw said solution from the vial ( the rubber stopper dulls the point, and well you get the point) Also store you gear properly once a peptide is constituted store in a fridge, hell store the un-constituted in the fridge to be safe, do it in a mini fridge so people aren't nosy, never freeze oils or peptides. Also buy your self a little surgical tray, and tray liners to set out your materials, to keep every thing sterile. Buy a sharps container, or an opaque plastic container, cap the points, fill the jug part way then fill with concrete, let harden and then dispose of, dont just pitch in trash. Also if you inject after a shower is great muscles are relaxed and not tight, keep the syringe with its load in the bathroom with you the heat will warm the compounds carrier oil up and make it flow easier. Well that is it for now. But yeah if you are really going to get serious with PEDs there is no way around injecting. It sounds worse then it is, but if handled responsibly and intelligently it is easy and safe and clean.
Injecting is not that hard, it may look painful and complicated but it's not. Buy some sterile water and practice with it. After a couple shots you'll be much more confident.
I would not bother practicing, unless your studying to be a nurse/doctor/emt, you will get enough practice when you get around to giving your self the injections. Stick to the Glutes, the first couple of injections then move to the other spots once you get use to IM injections. Stick to the abdomen fro the Sub-q. Follow the instructions and you will be fine, Just keep clean, wipe every thing with alcohol, wash your hands, glove up, ect ect and you will have no issues. Fly is right it looks more complicated then it is.
^^if injecting was so hard we wouldn't have so many junkies lol. Its amazing how really unhygienic one has to be to have major complications.
lol true. The body is one of those enigmas, its fragile as all hell, and yet takes one hell of a beating on the other hand.
Thanks for the encouragement guys. Luckly have some time to prepare myself mentally for this.
THis is a probably a stupid question but here it goes: Do i inject myself in one leg only?
I'am afraid that creates imbalance.
Idk if site growth can occur from gw but you should alternate anyway. Right leg, left leg, right leg, left leg......
Gw is taken orally. When it comes to steroids though only suspensions and "no esters" can cause localize site growths otherwise those that have esters circulate in the blood while esterase cleaves off the esters and its a guess work where it finally attaches to an androgen receptor.
Gw is taken orally. When it comes to steroids though only suspensions and "no esters" can cause localize site growths otherwise those that have esters circulate in the blood while esterase cleaves off the esters and its a guess work where it finally attaches to an androgen receptor.

Site growth or localised swelling, the jury seems to be still out on this one...?