Gw 501516

Ketones are present in your body 100% of the time, unless you're consuming a 0-fat diet, and even then.
Not sure what you mean by 40-60g will be even lower on GW501516. 40-60g Carbs is 40-60g Carbs, regardless of if you're on the moon or taking GW501516.

If you're going to point out mistakes people make, they should probably make a mistake first. For one, where'd he say there weren't ketones in the body??

If I understand correctly hes saying that 40-60g carbohydrates is effectively less for your body because your using ketones instead of glycogen? Best guess anyway. Does anyone have a ref that says that GW-501516 allows your body to use ketones in place of carbohydrates

Does anyone have a ref saying that this drug causes the body to use ketones over glycogen? I don't see any after a quick look, but that would be interesting.
Well, it certainly works as an appetite suppressant, barely ate anything yesterday.

That's not healthy. You do need food to maintain muscle. When you starve yourself your body will burn muscle along with fat. The less muscle you have, the less calories you burn. That's why starving never works.
Does anyone have a ref that says that GW-501516 allows your body to use ketones in place of carbohydrates

It's diet dependent. If your body is in a ketogenic state (liver depleted of glycogens) your body will use ketone bodies as fuel. You have to be on a ketogenic diet and in a state of ketosis to burn ketones regardless of GW-501516 being present.
I read something about this being good for pct in the OP? On phone so I cbf going back...
What use would this compound have in a 500mg 12 week bulking cycle of test? And how would it be used. It seems interesting
im interested in the solubility of this substance in other solvents because for those of you who decide to buy this chemical in bulk from china you may want to test for purity before ingesting it. If the manufacture has been storing it for a while it may have started to degrade and if it has been stored improperly by the manufacturer or yourself it may have broken down or decayed slightly. possibly into something carcinogenic. It would be best to attempt to purfy it before ingestion especially if it has been stored improperly.

if it's not very soluble in water then water could be used to crash it out of a super saturated solution

but im not even sure how well this chemical will hold up to heat and solvents so more data is needed. im sure its got to be a pretty tough molecule
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I would imagine it would be best to take it pct if your cycle consists of anything like an AAS. I'm sure it would have a preservative effect on the gains. Might need to reduce carb intake though.
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