Gw 501516


Oct 21, 2010
i just woke up in the middle of the night about to puke, barely was able to keep it down with pepto bismol, so i decided to get online and now i'm going to write this because i can't sleep......

-best fat loss aid i've EVER tried
-no side effects
-allows you to keep gains on PCT
-doubles the amount of slow twitch muscles
-boosts HDL cholesterol ~79%
-prevents diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia, among other diseases
-slightly anabolic via potentiating insulin (mice in cells to small to exercise were shown to increase in muscle mass)
-no rebound fat gains
-allegedly, can be run as long as you want
-cheap at around 100$/300 mg (a month of 10 mg doses)
-good to stack with GHRP-2 and CJC-1295
-prevents brain aging

and i'm sure there's more to it but that's all i can recall. it's actually been called a "cardio session in a dropper". i've read it's very good for endurance athletes too, lowering their diastolic BP by 10!
I want to give it a shot mainly for the effect on HDL. Considering the orals I have ran it would probably benefit my lipid profile immensely.

Secondly, I love recomposition of the body as opposed to bulking and cutting. Sure muscle gains are slow, but they are steady and quality lean muscle I will keep and I'm losing fat at the same time. I love being lean and vascular so, with it being said by you that it is the best fat loss agent you have ever tried I'm interested.

What's the daily dosage you are running and is it a capsule/pill or a liquid suspension?
i just woke up in the middle of the night about to puke, barely was able to keep it down with pepto bismol, so i decided to get online and now i'm going to write this because i can't sleep......

-best fat loss aid i've EVER tried
-no side effects
-allows you to keep gains on PCT
-doubles the amount of slow twitch muscles
-boosts HDL cholesterol ~79%
-prevents diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia, among other diseases
-slightly anabolic via potentiating insulin (mice in cells to small to exercise were shown to increase in muscle mass)
-no rebound fat gains
-allegedly, can be run as long as you want
-cheap at around 100$/300 mg (a month of 10 mg doses)
-good to stack with GHRP-2 and CJC-1295
-prevents brain aging

and i'm sure there's more to it but that's all i can recall. it's actually been called a "cardio session in a dropper". i've read it's very good for endurance athletes too, lowering their diastolic BP by 10!
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I want to give it a shot mainly for the effect on HDL. Considering the orals I have ran it would probably benefit my lipid profile immensely.

Secondly, I love recomposition of the body as opposed to bulking and cutting. Sure muscle gains are slow, but they are steady and quality lean muscle I will keep and I'm losing fat at the same time. I love being lean and vascular so, with it being said by you that it is the best fat loss agent you have ever tried I'm interested.

What's the daily dosage you are running and is it a capsule/pill or a liquid suspension?

liquid suspension. got it at purchase peptides. LOVE IT. hoping it'll help heal my surgery wounds.

it's only MILDLY anabolic ime but it's supposed to be VERY anti-catabolic, it changes metabolic preferences from glucose to lipids so it literally burns fat from day to day.

10 mg ED.
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i could never cite my sources but there's MANY reports on it online, they come up right away if you google it,

this is all from what i experienced first hand, really. don't knock it just yet! i have high hopes for this research chem.
I've heard wonderful things about the product, however it's a huge investment (premium product $$$$). Interested to hear from guinea pigs after a few more years of research (& as well in combination w/ AICAR...another marginally efficacious research product picking up in popularity)
I've heard wonderful things about the product, however it's a huge investment (premium product $$$$). Interested to hear from guinea pigs after a few more years of research (& as well in combination w/ AICAR...another marginally efficacious research product picking up in popularity)

well i'm getting my cholesterol results tomorrow. my hdl was in the 20's after my dymethazine and test cycle. also had high bood pressure (136 over idk) now it's 122 over 76 which is good.

i get the product for 104 dollars total. and it lasts me a month. VERY good investment if you're planning on kicking your heart into shape imo!
I got some 10g of GW 501516 from a chinese supplier. It's quite interesting stuff, but also dangerous as it can prevent cell apoptosis. Anyways I notice one immediate effect - it gets rid of a large amount of stress during exercise, esp in larger doses (above 10-20 mg). I can work out hard and feel absolutely no soreness later. You just work out until you can't move. I don't like the way I feel after taking it every day, but it is nice on occasion. I read more recently that it can accelerate stomach cancer when combined with a carcinogen known to cause it. They demonstrated this in animals. And i basically stopped taking it at all. Even without carcinogenic effects, it will literally rearrange your stomach cells. This is also a demonstrated effect in animals. Definitely something to try in moderation. Most of the online steroid shops charge so much, moderation isn't a problem for most folks. But I don't think 10mg is enough to understand how powerful the effect is. It also raises my body temp/metabolism noticeably. blah, blah
Oh and fat loss isn't the big effect i got here. It did work to a point, but 1. cannabis makes me hungry and 2. didn't want to take it every day (ugh!! 501516 is too strong) and when you stop taking it, your appetite will kick in higher, well at least if you go back to point #1.
Anyone have more information on this nonpeptide?
I head all sorts of things from the best stuff on earth to completely useless.

Its lack of being detected in doping and the Olympics makes me doubtful, but I can source it pretty cheaply so I think I'll give it a try. I've always been too skinny, so I don't know if it works with people with my metabolism.
Oh and fat loss isn't the big effect i got here. It did work to a point, but 1. cannabis makes me hungry and 2. didn't want to take it every day (ugh!! 501516 is too strong) and when you stop taking it, your appetite will kick in higher, well at least if you go back to point #1.

Your diet is shit, you smoke weed, and you didn't take it as directed. Don't judge a fat loss supplement when your diet is shit, you smoke weed, and you didn't take it as directed.
What the fuck am I reading?
What I mean to say is that it seems to work very well for some people and not at all for others on forums. Either it is magic or useless I assumed that it might work better for people who have a lot of weight to lose as it mimics exercise, but we'll see. Since it is a weight loss product but also strengthens the body, it might not work as well for me as I don't have a lot to cut. A lot of people mention diminishing returns as well.

I ordered a small sample of GW501516 and I'll test it out. They ran it on rats that were predispositioned to have cancer, and gave them carcinogens, it seemed to increase the sizes of the tumor dramatically. I don't know if its blow out of proportion, but taken with COX-2 inhibitor such as Tribulus Terrestris it is less harmful. So it isn't side effect free, although it looks safe it never hurts to be careful with these kinds of drugs.
What I mean to say is that it seems to work very well for some people and not at all for others on forums. Either it is magic or useless I assumed that it might work better for people who have a lot of weight to lose as it mimics exercise, but we'll see. Since it is a weight loss product but also strengthens the body, it might not work as well for me as I don't have a lot to cut. A lot of people mention diminishing returns as well.

Here's a hint: It works for people who actually lift and eat more than a 12 year old girl.
Do you have personal experience with it?

Rat studies show that it works even when not used with exercise, and others who work out still don't have results. I don't think it is a sourcing problem either, as they got it from the same supplier, unless they are inconsistent.
Do you have personal experience with it?

Rat studies show that it works even when not used with exercise, and others who work out still don't have results. I don't think it is a sourcing problem either, as they got it from the same supplier, unless they are inconsistent.
A better question, why are you even researching this? If you don't look the way you want to, then the problem is with your diet and training.

So stop wasting your time and focus on the priorities. I get it, you're a benzo and opiate user, thus patience and hard work aren't your strong points, but for once you should try taking the path of least destruction. Think about what you're doing. You're going to inject some esoteric peptide because MAYBE it might work. Wow. Train hard for a few years, worry about all that other shit later down the road. These peptides won't help you.
Why are you being a stupid asshole? You got everything wrong.