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Gun, drug texts feature in new Trayvon Martin shooting evidence

I once chased after a car who had hit me

Just out of curiosity, what finally happened? We get so many hit and runs where I live and I sometimes wonder if I can legally chase the car down and arrest the driver with my shotgun even though I'm not a cop.
I live in a neighborhood where we have watches. I'm retired and have time to watch who comes and goes. I'm not bashful about stopping a car that is not of the neighborhood and asking if they need directions. I'm a law abiding citizen with a carry permit and I do carry at all times. I have never had occasion to display my sidearm and am thankful for that. I can also say that anyone that I have questioned about their intentions in our neighborhood young black males have been the most difficult to deal with. They seem to take my questions as an affront to their manhood or something of the likes I don't really know. Point being I understand why Zimmerman did what he did and even though we weren't there I have a good guess what happened. This trial will affect how we all deal with strangers in the neighborhood in Florida and elsewhere. Whatever happens we need to find solutions on how to deal with crime that protects the citizens as a whole without people being killed in the process. BTW I think Zimmerman acted within his rights in this case. I'm just sorry someone had to die.
If you attack someone with a gun, you can expect to get shot. I wish someone had videotaped this, Zimmerman wouldve cleared long ago.

Based on this and the other posts you made on BL, I'd never call you an "ignorant fuckface" because that would be insulting and against the rules....but Zimmerman was the one with the gun, not Trayvon Martin. Did you miss that?
If Rachel Jeantel is the star witness for the prosecution then they are truly fucked. That girl is stupid,stupid,stupid. And she's a racist and a liar. Watching her testimony last week was brutal on the senses.
^You are like one of these people that leaves comments at the end of online newspaper articles....Why do you even bother coming on BL? Isn't there somewhere else you can go douche around?
The thug Trayvon Martin

I don't think Trayvon was a thug. He wasn't a saintly child either, but my image of a thug goes way beyond what I've heard of Trayvon doing.

Even if he at some point broke into cars or whatever, I mean, we all did shit like that as teens.

"Thug" denotes someone who's habitually violent and runs around with people who are also habitually violent. Is there stuff like that in Trayvon's past?
Zimmerman was following a stranger around and acting threatening and like he was on a power trip....Whether or not he threw the first punch, he was was following someone around with a gun and killed someone with it. The fact remains: If he had minded his own business and let the police do their job, Trayvon Martin wouldn't have been killed.
Maybe you'll meet one of these people and be faced with a life or death situation. Will you lay down and die, or stand your ground?

Life or death situation happened because this Zimmerman had a gun. Got out of his car and (who really knows what happened in between) then shot a kid and killed him.

You cannot seriously say that a child was confronting a grown adult, with a gun, and he felt that his life was threatened. Actually, I already know the answer to that - I just don't understand how somebody could actually believe that. No offense intended at all, but I honestly cannot possible see how any reasonable person could... I won't go on.
I think Zimmerman is going to be found not guilty (a verdict I agree with), and I don't think there'll be significant riots. I've tried to incite riots before and it's very hard to do. Everyone's on paper nowadays, and too few people are willing to irrevocably fuck themselves. People will talk about starting shit, but the instinct for self-preservation will keep things from bubbling over.
I think Zimmerman is going to be found not guilty (a verdict I agree with), and I don't think there'll be significant riots. I've tried to incite riots before and it's very hard to do. Everyone's on paper nowadays, and too few people are willing to irrevocably fuck themselves. People will talk about starting shit, but the instinct for self-preservation will keep things from bubbling over.

Don't see how you could come to this conclusion. He used a gun against an unarmed person. Maybe he will get off, but if he was police there would hell raised. There's no way Zimmerman would be not guilty if he was a police.
I'm not saying I'm gonna become best buddies with GZ, just that if I were on the jury I wouldn't find him guilty. He was pretty beat up, and he had a broken nose. He has claimed that Trayvon was trying to rip his gun out of his belt. According to Florida law, you are allowed to respond with deadly force if you reasonably fear for your life.

(I'm not entirely sure about the "reasonably" part.)
^ lol dude, thanks to the tv were all watching we actually got to see where it went down. It was a single concrete walk way surrounded by grass with rows of houses on each side. There's NO way he "got behind" him when he was being followed. Unless your saying he jumped over a fence, waited for Zimmerman to pass by then jump back over to be behind him? Yeah right man all the people that called in would of reporter him waiting on the side of their house.
You obviously have a vivid imagination, and a deep and unhealthy interest in this case which is blinding you to the facts.

Keep up the writing though.
You obviously have a vivid imagination, and a deep and unhealthy interest in this case which is blinding you to the facts.

Keep up the writing though.

lol dude are you joking? that's the most accurate account of the story thus far.

Travyon, played by Jaden Smith, is shown at school, raising his hand in lit class. The wise Hispanic teacher, played by Antonio Banderas, calls on him. Trayvon stand up and recites lines of Shakespeare in a hip, cool, but moving rap. As he sits down Banderas smiles and nods at him with a wise, knowing approval.

Trayvon is seen hanging out after school on the lush greens of the front school yard with his friends, featuring the girl who played Precious, plus a mix of races: a white blonde girl, a Hispanic kid, an Urkel-looking black nerd, a white kid with his hat on backwards. A veritable Burger King Kids Club.

Cut to a dark apartment, where Zimmerman, played by Luis Guzman, is doing pull-ups, with the words FEAR and HATE inked on his knuckles. He then practices shooting his empty gun at himself in a mirror. "You talking to me?" Guzman says. "You in MY neighborhood?" He then sits down to watch Birth of a Nation.

Cut to Trayvon at home, at the dinner table with his parents, played by Jamie Foxx and Maya Angelou. They discuss Tray's future plans of being an airline pilot. "It's a mighty big responsibility," Jamie Foxx says. "Having all those souls onboard." "I know," Jaden/Tray says. "I want to be like Sully some day though."

After dinner his little brother asks him if he can go get some candy and tea. Even though it's raining out, Tray agrees. In slow-mo he zips up his hoody, pulled from the dryer.

Cut to Zimmerman patrolling the streets as rain pours on his uncovered head. He does tuck-and-rolls across neighbors' lawns, pulling out his gun and pointing it at dark shadows. A cat crosses his path and he fires at it. He chuckles mercilessly.

"Keep the change," Tray says with a smile to the woman working at the convenience store. With the snacks for his brother he walks out of the store, not before passing by a magazine with Sully on the cover. Tray smiles.

Cut to Trayvon skipping down the sidewalk. A group of multicultural young maled is there smoking pot. "You wanna get high?" one asks. "No," Trayvon answers, "then I'll never be able to be a pilot." He continues to skip down the path and eventually enters the condo complex.

As Trayvon turns a corner, a sweaty and enraged Zimmerman emerges from the shadows. "Where do you think you're going, NIGGER?"

Trayvon stumbles on his words and tries to answer but is silenced when Zim cold cocks himself with the gun and starts beating himself on the back of his own head. "Help! Help! Somebody help me!" Zimmerman screams.

"Please sir, I just want to return home to my brother and finish my homework," Trayvon pleads.

"That's too bad," Zimmerman says. He then empties his entire gun cartridge into the baby-faced teen. "It looks like your dog ate it."

I have to say man, I don't agree with your overall assessment of Zimmerman's degree of guilt or general opinion of this case (based on what I know, which is admittedly less than it could be), but that whole post seriously cracked me the fuck up. Funniest shit I have read in a while, I only wish I were blazed so I could of enjoyed it more.
Bukweat, are you gonna riot when the verdict is read? Just like with Tawana Brawley. Just like with the Duke lacrosse case. Bernie Goetz. The list goes on. The media is always in search of a black "victim" and a white person (or Hispanic in this case) they can malign. But the truth is coming out. The American public has been fooled by the mainstream media yet again.

You should enroll in a reading comprehension class.