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Are there any private schools that aren't religious?
It seems a shame that to get a "better" education, you have to put up with brainwashing
E is god
and bluelight is the bible
[This message has been edited by Simba (edited 10 June 2000).]
i'm a raving mad lunatic extremist athiest. i don't even let people "bless" me when i sneeze.
i don't beleive in any greater power, or life after death or anything, which can get a bit depressing at times, but my brain works in too logical a way for me to beleive anything else. sometimes i suspect that i'm part vulcan...
oh, yeah, and anyone i've gotten drunk with/ lived with (same thging really) will know i have some pretty interesting theories on existance. (none of them drug inspired, i might note
"would you like to learn to fly?
would you like to see me try?"
[This message has been edited by hippy (edited 12 June 2000).]
hay guys, none of u know me. i dont usually reply to posts but i had to on this one!
i am a happy christian, yet i wouldnt have a clue what a commandments is or anything like that. To me being a christian means being a person that lives a generous life. If i get teh oppotunity i try to make a person feel good. If that means talking to them or encouraging them than so be it. When i do this i feel cool and that is my reward!. I dont think there is any point in following rules cause if there r rules u wil break them. I believe in helping others. That is real religion!
...I believe in GOD and drugs has not affected my belief or altered it in any way..I personally dun think there is a connection between religious belief and substance!!!!...oh yea, about private schools, i was in a catholic, single-sex (male) school for ELEVEN years of my life...yea...it was rubbed into my face and mebbe that is why i am still a "practisin" catholic!
Well, l havent been on BL for a while but, well, l am back! and l am going to jump in.
l believe in God. Not the stuck in a church dont forget to donate God, but the cosmic swirl of positive energy God.
l was raised a Catholic, then became a re-born christian in my early teens. As much fun as the luvy-duvy social scene of christianity was, l soon realised the dark past. You know the rape, torture, plundering, looting, killing, brain washing that occured due to the religious institutions and their so called Holy quest for power and control.
l mean, when you have a religious institution which creates its own pope in order to better control the population, u know theres some kind of back door shinanigans going on. Dont get me wrong, the current pope is a great man who has done a lot of good things, especially against communism, but some of the popes from the past are rather shady -to say the least.
So l came to realise that an institution which deals in politics so much would be limited in its teachings of spirituality.
And then l found drugs.
Ah, what a mind opener they can be! l tell u, theres a whole world out there to be explored. That one mind altering experience set me to learn stuff about buddhism, chakras, shamanism, plants, spirits and ironically enough has lead me to once again look at the bible and its teachings as a glimpse into the devine. Well, its a wierd world l guess.
Now l believe that there is truth in every religion, but l think there is also human error. l just think its upto each person to follow her/his morals and live a happy life.
We must discover new frontiers... People have been standing for centuries before a worm-eaten door, making pinholes in it with increasing ease. The time has come to kick it down, for it is only on the other side that everything begins.
-Raoul Vaneigem
If I were to choose a religeon to follow faithfully it would without hesitation be Tibetan buddhism. And although I do believe in most of thier philosohpies, I do not believe in all of them. Which is actually a philosophy of thiers anyhow because his holiness the Dailai Lama says; if you do not believe in certain aspects of a religeon then do not take part in them just because you belong to that belief.
For example; I do not agree with thier belief that animals are below humans. I believe that if anything, humans are far more despicable than any animals.
Just a question to the other 'buddhists followers' on bluelight; which type of buddhism are you talking about? And if it is Tibetan are you doing anything activist to help them claim thier country from the Chinese government?
Just to start off: Simba: "FUCK YOU IDIOT!" I happen to take offence at your idiotic post.
Yes, i do believe in Religion. I personally beleive its good to have a belief of religion on your side, but wont get into why and that. But yes, i am a Catholic and do stumble my way down to chruch here and there. Not as much as i used to anymore, but Easter and CHRISTMAS are always a must.

Throben: why do you need religion to be nice to people? can't you just be nice to people anyway, all on your own?
Anjele: I follow Tibetan Buddhism, but there are actually 4 different types of Tibetan Buddhism that are practiced throughout the world. Email me if you are interested.
As for contributing. our family donates a fair ammount of money each year towards the Australia Tibet foundation. My dad does free legal work for the local Buddhist house (Tarahouse in Brighten if anyone is interested)
My mum teaches Buddhism at schools, with all profits going to Tarahouse. I was actually blessed by HH The Dalai Lama when I was inside my mum's stomach

My parents were married in a monestary in India, but had to be married here for it to be regarded as a legal marriage, yet they celebrate thier Buddhist anniversary more than thier "official" marriage. So yeah, we contribute a bit I guess. We do our part.
The Dalai Lama is coming to Australia next April if anyone is interested. I can garentee, even if you are catholic/atheist whateva, that you will gain some incredible insite into life and be left with an incredible buzz and insight into life. Anyway, if people want info, email me because Id be happy to give you any information I can.
anyway - Horse
[This message has been edited by Mr. Horse (edited 21 May 2001).]
Mr Horse it is an honor to be friends with you

'om mani padme hum'
HIPPY: Who said we need religion to be nice to people? Most wars are faught because of religious differences. Personally, l wouldnt class anything as a religion if it used its stance in the community for political power.
Oh, sorry, I thought this thread was about PaulvanDyk.
All religions seem to be full of beautiful concepts however many atrocities are committed in the name of beliefs. I have learned much as a result of the religious teachings of others but cannot attach myself to a belief system that does not directly reflect me. To quote DOGMA " you humans take a good idea and turn it into a belief structure"
I'm a child of all religions a practiser of none.
i never had a religion which i followed.. used to go to sunday school... but my parents are sorta buddhist... and i used to believe there is a god, den i stopped believing, n now i want to... im just confused i guess
wat i do strongly believe though, is no one should have to behave in a certain way or feel for something simply becos they're dictated to.
i'd like to think that we answer to ourselves in our actions and decisions, regardless of daily mundane situations or when it comes to drugs. i never felt the need to answer to anyone and having an extreme guilt complex helps keep me in check(i hope).
religions help shape our lives, they give us certain guidelines to develope our morals and principles, but in no way do i believe religions lead our lives for us, makes our mistakes or our triumphs, our good times and our bad.
we are our own men/women.
but i do remember very vividly this scene from batman arkham asylum, and batman's thinking to himself "i cannot pray for i have no god to pray to"
that being said... i do believe there is a bigger picture beyond us... and many a night i have despaired at being part of it n not being able to step "out of" it and appreciate the picture as a whole. kinda like "not seeing the forest for the trees".
do i sound confused yet?
now im sure mr fix will simplify things and give me an epiphany or two along the way...
(its 0305 and im posting on bl)
["a young boy puts a feather into his mouth..." -jeff noon] | [vurtopia]
[This message has been edited by vurtomatic (edited 20 May 2001).]
I believe that the Christian religion is an attempt to explain to the masses that which cannot be explained. Some people feel more comfortable with the supposed knowledge that they understand how it all works. Most religions work in a similar way too - they provide people with a perception that life has some kind of purpose.
I don't follow any organised religion, and I don't like the idea that someone else would attempt to explain the meaning of life to me. But that said I also believe that religion does has a place in society, and can be whatever you make of it.
I think the strict devotion to one particular religion is closing your mind to something else which might actually be useful. So I don't follow any religion, but I don't dismiss any religions either. The way I see it, if you look at them all objectively and sift through the propaganda (because they all have propaganda of some sort), then you can take the pieces you feel are correct, and ignore the pieces that don't seem right. While I may not believe in Jesus, I do believe that "thou shalt not kill", for example.
Essentially though, religion is there to provide people with a feeling of security - so they don't have to face the world alone.
totally agree with Pleonastic there... i have a quote from gravity dreams by l.e. modesitt jr but i dun have the book with me right now, argh
(its 0456 and im finally sleeping!)

["a young boy puts a feather into his mouth..." -jeff noon] | [vurtopia]
[This message has been edited by vurtomatic (edited 20 May 2001).]
Well said Pleonastic.
Wow, this thread goes back a long way. Almost a year old!! I wonder what the inspiration behind bumping it was.
Anyway, as Pleo said, take the things that you find most benificial from each religion, and attempt to incorporate it into your daily lives.
Personally, i'm not very religious. As ive stated in previous posts, my family is practising buddhist, and i've grown up with it surrounding (not suffocating) my life. Ive always been told "We practice buddhism, but you need to find what is right for you"
I dont feel the need for something like religion in my life, or at least, not enough to devote myself to. If I was to choose any, it would be Buddhism, because, in my opinion, Buddhism makes the most sense for me, in its beliefs and practises. For example, it absolutely astounds me that the Christian religion believes you should suffer because Jesus suffered for you. To me, this is ludecrous. I dont think anybody should be told to suffer, because its simply not right. I'm also jaded about christinianity from travelling overseas, and seeing to insane amounts of money the church controlled, and still controls.
The main ideal of buddhism, is the practice of the kindness to others. To quote a monk "Real happiness in life starts when you start to cherish others"
I think that rings true. But, i'm still not dedicated enough, (also, i'm a pessimistic teenager, its my duty and right to question everything and anything) to follow Buddhism strictly. I simply incorporate Buddhist views into my life. I'm sure one day I will get more into it.