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Gibberings episode CXCVI -- I'm on my cycle, who wants a backie?

do you have dyslexia lurch or just a sour puss?
Pretty sure it's a bug.

And if none of that order is for me we aren't friends anymore. :p
Afternoon slackers :) I managed to wangle the day off as I had the dentist this morning....and the postman managed at least a partial fulfillment of my outstanding goods orders.

Give it another 5 mins and I'll go and clean the kitchen :D
It must be one of those bugs going around. May also be the fact that you were on a stim binge and didn't eat for a few days, didn't sleep, took benzos, non-benzos, cannabis, synthetic cannabinoids, and didn't sleep. None of that is too good for the immune system.

Probably that aul' bug going around though ;)

I finally shaved, which added a little while to my shower time so I've effectively missed the bus. I shall get a taxi an avoid the proles talking about how many fluid ounces of 'Greedy Baby' that little Kylie-Lee shat her way through last night!

Also going to use the Ladbrokes internet to order drugs before 3pm.

DOOOODE! I know she's yer mate but daaaaamn! You are loveable but I'd throttle you for that one! C'mon brah! <3

Lurch has a very sweet puss

And you know this how? ;)
I have talked at length about her and even posted some pics! But she died in 2012, and the next year I took in a fat male Cyprus from the animal shelter <3
I have talked at length about her and even posted some pics! But she died in 2012, and the next year I took in a fat male Cyprus from the animal shelter <3

Aww I love a good shelter story! I only have ever had adopted pets aside from when I had rats. Rats don't usually come up in shelter / adoption scenarios.
tis a secret my lovely ;p

Why do you sound so vulgar and dirty in my head when I read that?

Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad thing....
Why do you sound so vulgar and dirty in my head when I read that?

Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad thing....

This is between you and your therapist ;) personally it;s not something I'd look to be fixing
This is between you and your therapist ;) personally it;s not something I'd look to be fixing

You don't fix things that aren't broken. A dirty mind is a great thing to have. =D
Yeah IR 200mg. I have another 100mg I'm eyeing though.

I had 360mg codiene, 300mg pregab, 2mg diclaz, and 3 of those anthihisatimes which potentiate opiates beginning with letter A. I can't find the packaging at the moment for name or dosage amount.

Lol, that site does't like the combo's I added. (I used diazepam instead of diclaz on the website, and couldn't remember the drowsy antihistamine name.)
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It does only deal with Pharmaceuticals and seems mainly US based, there may well be others if you search unser drug interactions although you can usually get a decent idea if the combo carries risk.

Tramadol is a funny one, combining with other drfugs is generally not going to be recommended, I've only taken it a few times and got nothing from it. For pain relief my GP was not a fan at all and he;ls a young guy, he genuinely considered good old Morphine safer and better.

Sounds to me you've had enough pharmaceuticals for the moment but then I am the model of restraint ;)
I'm fairly convinced I'd be fine with 300mg tramadol, especially this long after the codeine. I've been on pregab and diclaz daily for a few weeks (diclaz longer) now, tramadol 4 or 5 days in a row? the last 2 (not today 300mg instead of 200mg) so its just the codeine earlier and the potentiating antihistamine added into the mix.

If I don't feel the tramadol soon I haven't had enough ;) I feel just the pregab and remnants of codeine buzz at the moment.

I've stopped my electrician course studying for the day so feel like zoning out, which pregab and tramadol together do the job well!

EDIT: Alright I just had the other 100mg tramadol and 1mg diclaz. I'm sure I'll be fine, cheers for the site :)
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Today I learned that submarines pick up a magnetic charge as they travel, from the earths magnetic field. And this signature would give away position so they need to periodically degauss to counter this. That will get me far as a residential electrician :) (I also learned a lot of relevant stuff, just saying!)
Heh... A fairly good copy of new mad max has appeared on torrent sites (tele sync) so I may give that a watch in a bit.
I never bother with the tele synch stuff, always looks grainy and action scenes lacking on a big screen, keen to see this one though so will check it out