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Gibberings-CXXVII- Follow The Leader..

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Choking for Friday night now...

A night inspired by and dedicated to the films and music of Quentin Tarantino’s finest.

Fancy dress & probably cheesy as fuck. Should be a top laugh.

Another chance to recycle the old Blues Brothers outfit Crackheid - just nick a load of red sauce from McDonald's and you can be Mr. Orange

I'm 22 years young =D


Ahhh, i would love to go back to being 22 for just a couple of years then at 24 I'd zip back to the current 33. A lovely holiday that would make.


*edit* oh god, this sounds so bloody typical of an old cunt :p
Happy bidet Albie! 22 for fuck sake :p

26 this August, feeling it haha.

No hangover, nice surprise visit from ze woman last night, woken up with more mystery cuts on my hands. I really really wanna know how they're happening. Off to the dentist. Argh.

edit: fuck sake ten minutes til I set off and I feel well spaced out, thought I was gonna pass out on way to the chemist. Bit nervous I think. Arghhghgh. Woman was meant to be coming with but I told her the wrong day and she's busy.
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Mornin', all :)

Is sunny here today. Quite warm too. At least indoors. Not ventured out yet but will need to to see if I can scrounge up some cash. Am penniless already and got no bread or milk or owt. And got over a week to go til payday :!
Mornin Shimmy Sham and assorted other EADDers. Dentists relatively untraumatic, she was cute too, yay! Codeine, cider, and The IT Crowd for the rest of the day.
Not ventured out yet but will need to to see if I can scrounge up some cash. Am penniless already and got no bread or milk or owt. And got over a week to go til payday :!

With you on that, Sham :(
Just spent two days in the hospital for taking too much ibuprofen - who would have thought that would be the drug OD that landed me there 8(
How's everyone?

Happy birthday Albion! :)
Que? What happened to Amazon Urb? And didn't you have a job testing GTA or something? Am I mixing you up with someone?

My job with Amazon was temp for their Q4 period, and unfortunately I didn't get taken on.

GTA Testing doesn't start until next Monday. My bloody 'mate' has owed me a tenner since last Friday. Spent the entire weekend in the pub, and although he promised he'd put it in my account first thing this morning.. nadda. Living off bags of steamed veg. Isn't so bad I guess..
Why is it so fucking freezing outside, isn't it meant to start warming up a bit soon? I don't know why everyone (well in my family) leaves the walkers roast chicken crisps to the bottom of the bag, they are one of my favourite flavours. Only just got up again, I did wake up at 10.30 but it was too cold to get out of bed, it's still too cold now, but I made it, didn't wanna sleep till 5 or 6pm again today.

How is everyone doing?

I think I'm not gonna talk to the journo, haven't decided yet but there is a lot of stuff on here since I became mugz instead of Mugabe and if he's been following me that long then there is potential for danger so I might give it a miss.

Just spent two days in the hospital for taking too much ibuprofen - who would have thought that would be the drug OD that landed me there 8(
How's everyone?

Happy birthday Albion! :)

At least you didn't die :) and are home safe and sound now, how are the WDs going from the other thing?
Dammit, waited all morning for the postman, been waiting most of last week already, today I go to McDonalds for half an hour, come back and find that tried delivery piece of paper, now my goodies are all lonely in some cold post office until I can go and liberate them tomorrow after 1pm. Sad

But hey they had mozzarella sticks for 1,50 euros, can't go wrong with that!:D
Why is it so fucking freezing outside

Because it's winter?

Mugz said:
isn't it meant to start warming up a bit soon?

Yup. That'll be spring. Not far away now; just over a week till the Vernal Equinox. Though whether the British weather plays ball is another matter.

The miracle of nature, eh? Glorious.
ahh, unlucky Kenny, at least you got some nice mozzarella sticks, I've got something in the mail today that I might eat later, knock seems to be the master of all knowledge on it I think, AH-7921, knock or anyone else, what is a good starter dose?

Because it's winter?

Yup. That'll be spring. Not far away now; just over a week till the Vernal Equinox.

The miracle of nature, eh? Glorious.

It's not gonna change instantly and drastically overnight, it wasn't this cold mid march last year was it?
^Yeah man, I've been waiting for the stuff for ages. Anyway no big deal, I'm gonna eat some kratom and do some gardening. I have tomorrow to get mashed.
Just spent two days in the hospital for taking too much ibuprofen - who would have thought that would be the drug OD that landed me there 8(
How's everyone?

Happy birthday Albion! :)

Oof, rough. Ibuprofen is a cunt of a drug even in normal doses. Oh, the stomach pains.

Pissed off because my housemate came home with three bags worth of shopping and knocked my codeine everywhere while rearranging everyone's freezer drawers including mine to fit his shit in. Not fucking happy. Other Housemate managed to save half of it and put it in the other (half empty) freezer. Oh wells, still got a bit of a buzz coming on.
I wouldn't dare put codeine from a CWE in a shared freezer, do your housemates know it's codeine water? sucks that you lost half of it though.
I wouldn't dare put codeine from a CWE in a shared freezer, do your housemates know it's codeine water? sucks that you lost half of it though.

Seems pretty unsafe to me too, especially if they tend to have guests round the house.
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