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Gibberings CXXV: Shameful Moderating

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I would usually give my Mum half . She has food poisoning atm though . I will give the half to another loved one . Leaves me with enough for a big slice at least every day till next Sat.
I have to get a huge cake tin cos the standard ones are to small . I cut it up so it fits .
Wow man sounds epic, hard to imagine actually, you need to get some pics up, will do wonders for tourism.

How do I go about convincing my Brother to buy me drinks tonight? He owes me about £50 but I'm not bothered if I ever get it back to be honest, I don't let things like that bother me much. But a few cans and a bottle of something isn't too much to ask is it? hmmm could do with some of your special powers Brimz
Thanks Max, oh we will make a mess alright, what did you make of Skyfall?

Didn't get to watch it last night but will have to watch it today as its got to be taken back today.
Some people say its a great film while others say its crap but will have to see for myself.
Annoying thing is she thinks she's OK and that her emotional rollercoaster is my fault.

ha ha ha that line made me laugh. It's always our fault mate. They are always right. It is the way of things.

Woah just accidentally hit CTRL+I and it put up ident tags. Cool. Shortcuts eh? Never knew about that.

Max I'll save you from my judgement till you've watched it. It did win a bafta afterall.
Right I gotta run as I have to go and get teabags and a couple of Mars Bars and then gonna watch Skyfall with my mate.
Have a good day everyone and Ben have a great time baking with your daughter I bet it will be good fun.
Cya later mate.
Wow man sounds epic, hard to imagine actually, you need to get some pics up, will do wonders for tourism.

How do I go about convincing my Brother to buy me drinks tonight? He owes me about £50 but I'm not bothered if I ever get it back to be honest, I don't let things like that bother me much. But a few cans and a bottle of something isn't too much to ask is it? hmmm could do with some of your special powers Brimz

I will have to patent these powers of mine :D
I would appreciate if you could tm from now on thanx .
Ugh, smack hangovers are shite. Was from a single shot as well. At least the gear is bangin'.
I really like them, especially when I've got my Diazepam and copious cups of tea :)
Not had one in oh so so long unfortunately / for the best :|

But yea, it's like waking up feeling like a cloud but in a good way and even better if you've got some left for the morning #~{^_^}~#
I also seem to wake up at an appropriate (aka. early) time of the morning too. Dunno why but it's good for sorting out any fucked sleep pattern ;)
What don't you like about them? matey?

In otter (small mammal) news, Good Afternoon All!
Hope everyone's having a nice Caturday snuggled up in a duvet after a heavy night out and feel like this kitten looks to me <3 :)

Justu#in bieber got turned away from sankeys, there is some faith left in humanity after all .. =D prick
Afternoon, all :)

Dozed most of the morning away recovering from rather a lotta booze last night. Not feeling too bad considering - was just tired really. Minor snoo really cos deserve to feel like death considering.

Also, I haz cake enviez :!

That cake shop of yours sounds far too good to be true, Brimz 8o

And makes me crave cake. Very rarely have cake but did buy custard powder t'other day onna whim (and cos it was really cheap) so perhaps a steamed pudding may be in order. Hmm...
Justu#in bieber got turned away from sankeys, there is some faith left in humanity after all .. =D prick

Brilliant. Even I can get in there. It's not often I applaud door staff (except when I'm tripping and they're nice to me) but well done guys and girls. Outstanding. :D

Hangover? What's one of them?

Pushed the boat out and had two bottles of Banks' bitter and one (gulp) Marston's shandy. Which is only about one percent weaker than Banks' as it happens, but that's still no excuse.

Could get used to this moderate drinking lark. It's alright.
Aye. Was getting quite good at moderate drinking ferra while meself. Honest I was. Was a good year or so back now, mind. Was buy booze purely cos I liked the taste - 2-3 bottles of some nice beer or summat instead of a crate of cheap shite or whatever. Need to get back into the druggy swing of things and fuck the booze off a bit. That lengthy break from almost all drugginess whilst on trams seems to have broken me natural patterns. I could drink on trams (not all can even do that on tram :\) but hardly any other options were possible so habits changed. Inna shitey way :|
Yeah, id have love to seen the look on his face. No doubt rolled up with the entourage trying to visit the hippest club in town, hmm though id much rather have seen someone slip at pill in his soda.

No hangover surprisingly, though not sure if its the im still pissed stage or not. Just had a henry westons shite, you know the ones that smell like pure ethanol, still puzzles me that.
The cake Stall is beyond amazing especially in this capitalist Jungle .

Woke @ 7am so just got up n caught up on Law & Order Criminal Intent . Yeah i think that Vincent D'Onofrio as Detectives Robert Goren is the best cop on TV .
If you haven't checked it do i swear it's proper on tonight channel 5 .

Can't speak for other Law N Orders though.

My Mum has food poisoning as do her friends it was the Duck Pate apparently :\

I'll visit her with some goodies 2moro.
Just chillin today . Got a new neighbour , lad i went 2 school with . 18" neck hard as fuk . Settled down these days still it's good for building security:D


Ponti you rascal. I would ;)
Also, I haz cake enviez :!

I know it's terrible, every weekend, I'm having to mop up the drool here.

My own Special Powers TM Brimz must be faulty because I couldn't convince my Brother that having a drink is a good idea. Knackered from work apparently. :( Missus isn't interested either, oh well, drinking alone later on then. Also my favourite source for co-co's have stopped serving me. Double :(
Rather embarrassing too Ben.. what a bummer. Why was it your fave?

The curious thing for me is I went in there looking seriously rough. With a Frank Gallagher coat on and greesy hair. The chemist took one look at me and said she'd thought she'd seen me before and no I couldn't have anymore co codamols.. see the gp.

The next week I went in there in acceptable Windsor uniform ( Cath Kidston, Monsoon, etc etc), war paint on and smelling expensive.. and the same chemist served me with hesitation. She even obliged to go to the cupboard and bring me a couple of bottles of dxm.. one for the neighbours of course.
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Really easy to CWE other places the tablets don't break down as quick, require more effort.

Yeah it is embarrassing, I knew I was pushing my luck.
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