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Gibberings: CXXII: The Eternal Conversation

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actually, that's from a premade cup.. i've just got the instant coffee mix it yourself version. fuck knows how many MG of caffeine per ML i'm consuming at the moment but my jaw is clenching like fuck and my eyes are doing :sus: at triple speed

just made another coffee with 3 spoons of the brown stuff in :sus: going to be pinging off the fucking walls soon :sus: :sus:
got no magnesium... got some codeine phosphate pills though.... time for a really really really poor mans speedball :sus:
caffeine and codeine is probably pretty enjoyable

the sort of buzz that isn't too enjoyable as to distract you from what you're doing, but is still nice enough :)
I tried to make a comment on his last post, because it makes no fucking sense, but I can't figure out how to make one without using one of the listed profiles/platforms ... is it possible to just make an anon comment?

same, its a pain in the fucking arse, impossible to comment..
Watsons! =D

Fucking goood to see you here. I often miss you.

Good news on the babby. You doing any fishing?

If not, you'll suddenly develop an interest in it a few months after baby born...

You staying around here for a bit this time, or is this just a :sus: flying :sus: visit.?

MM - as with knocks, congrats on the mod spot :)

i missed you as well my little chicken wing.

cheers man, not had the chance to do much in the way of fishing recently, plus the weather has been all kinds of shat for standing next to a canal freezing my nuts off. :sus: looking forward to some decent weather so i can get back at it.

I've missed wasting time on here and i've been far too productive while away so i think a bit of BL and procrastination is called for, I think i'll be sticking around until my next personal meltdown or until this place pisses me off again. which ever comes first :)
Me, broody? Not at all. But if any sperm donors out there wanna holler at me I'll return all calls.

How yoou doinnn?

(We did ascertain Spades allegations about the tranny thing were false right? RIGHT?)

Really not in the mood to go to work today :\ it is friday though, which always makes it a little bit sweeter. I have industrial quantities of 4-HO-MET and laughing gas to return to.
Morning world, good go to see Watsons Torment back posting again.
Second day of computer course for me so setting off to go there shortly. Only found out yesterday that the course I took in November,the company that ran it has gone bust so I probably won't get my certificate to say I had passed. Waste of time that was.
Have a good day everyone.
Erm Sorry 'bout the flying cat folks, guess it was a bit slack tbh :(
Morning everyone. Welcome to EADD, Substitute Mugz :D

Actually slept properly last night for the first time in fucking ages. Mad, mad dreams though. Cuddled up in bed with bunnykins, think she's recovering well. Still vicious but apparently the hormones take a while to get out the system.

Got all my shit done already today so gonna get some Sleeping Dogs played I think, not touched it in ages.
G'morning fukinm ell that was a mental sesh yesyerday i'm still very blurry eyed , woke up with no baccy . Threw on my trackies ran to the garage got their n forgog my fookin cashcard ran back home tore the gaff apart .
It was in wallet all along :sus:

Crazy eh
Hi Watsons :)

Max Power
mrs watson is 3 months up the duff so big big changes are happening in the torment household

did they ever let MrSmokesCock back?
Congrats on not firing blanks.

SmokesCock is still banned, maybe in a months or so time he'll be allowed back dunno?
SHM, last time i was about you were a bit ill n stuff, hope you're on the mend fella!

max, that's a bit of a shitter.. hope the course was not too long or expensive :/

brimz, lol! done that before as well. hope you're ok mate... good exercise though eh?

-- where is spade?

MrSmokeCock is probably banned for ever an ever. i'll ask an admin later
That guy got a shout out from Mayhem & Frantik.
I had god knows what set on from years ago on last night & I hear " Easy Mr Smokes blunts"

I so wish I had seen MSB & "womans Lib" go clash, I could have lived off that for years :)
Watson! Good to see you. Congrats on your news.

Mugz and Spade both decided to prove their willpower by staying off BL for a couple of months. Mugz did his for charity and raised £50 for cancer research. Spade never returned, although I guess he still might.
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