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Gibberings CLXXXVI - Social Internet Chatting Since 1998

The parents have no issue with it. They are two of the ones who respected my decision, as I said it bares no relevance on how much I care for the child.

How does it deny me being a part of their lives, after the 5 minute ceremony of me standing there saying ill protect the lad from the devil it'll all return to exactly how it was 10 seconds prior.

It doesn't deny 'you' anything at all and if that is what you want, then that is your choice. Of course the parents respect your decision - they probably think too much of you (hence the request) to say - what do you mean no.

ScotchMist - I personally do not agree with your decision. Your points and your thought process on this is 100% correct for you.

You asked the question - I'm giving you my POV.
just saw in an old lounge thread that Marmalade is now an Ex-Bluelighter. what happened?

Don't know I've been out of the loop for about a yearish. But I thought I saw her post the other week saying she was taking time out..Lol to whoever said if its got something to do with menses they don't want to hear about it. Ok i'll just type...sometimes ladies like to retreat for their moon time :D I know Marmalade does. ( won't say anything about cups to you ok?)

I personally clashed with her on several occasions...more than several but I think eadd would be further fractured without her. When its working theres good natural chemistry in this community. In its good phases I can be sitting here with tears of uncontrollable laughter...which is part the sites 'magic'. ... There are holes left where members like ptch :)( where is he?)..Marmz, SHM, Monsta Noodle, Knock and others I haven't had time to notice are missing yet.
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Ahhhh.... a thoughtful and intelligent BLer (but not that intelligent apparently ���� ) just reminded me of the "ignore" button.....normality has resumed....

Thank god for that I couldn't take much more ��
I've never found anyone annoying enough to consider the 'ignore' function. :)
I've never found anyone annoying enough to consider the 'ignore' function. :)

Who's mentioned ignoring anyone?

I tend to at times but only when im angry n wish to defuse the situation so i don't end up banned again lol
I think of it similar to if you beed to walk away IRK to defuse a situation- once both parties calm down you can then either discuss it civily or move on from it.

the ignore function is flawed anyhow, soon as the ignored person posts u have the option to see what they said and if ur like me n bored u generally waste even more time clicking 'show post' then wishing you hadn't, if the function like removed the post entirely then it'd be good but it doesn't.. maybe there's a vbulletin script that could do this but fucked if i'm looking for it :p
Really? Not even that one person who just about everyone finds annoying?

You must be a more tolerant person than I am (which doesn't say a lot if I'm honest) ��
the ignore function is flawed anyhow, soon as the ignored person posts u have the option to see what they said and if ur like me n bored u generally waste even more time clicking 'show post' then wishing you hadn't, if the function like removed the post entirely then it'd be good but it doesn't.. maybe there's a vbulletin script that could do this but fucked if i'm looking for it :p

It's silly in that if someone quotes someone you see it n as you say there's the opinion to "view post"

He cant see you :D - too seconds I'll quote you just to annoy him.