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Gibberings CLXXIX - No not Mormons... morons...

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Allein. By the way you were right what you said to me the day I came back you were right. I just wish I'd listened now. About what E-mail I choose. I now understand what you were getting at.

Have you tried CBT Scotchy, I did a proper face to face course a few years ago and it really helped, I think the counsellor is key though I really liked him. Its much more available these days, I know it may be difficult with work, you could try the phone based version to start with.

I've got a wife and 2 kids and almost lost them due to thee mess I was in, we went to relate a few times as well which helped get things back on track.

It's not been perfect but we are OK these days, and like you I love them all more than I could explain, I'd be nothing without them...probably dead.

Love will find a way<3

Sorry to hear you almost lost them. Yes CBT is a good form of therapy :)

Ahhh OK, twas meant with the best intentions. I'm not paranoid about such things but I don't like to make things to easy in terms of identifying me IRL. I don't care with people I know, I don't have much to hide but employers check things these days so I'm a bit careful.

If you really want to carry on using an email address you might be able to set things up to forward mail from another one, but setting up an email address is pretty easy so I'd advise just using a separate one for hear, I'm sure your phone would support that, I use gmail for this place.

I like to keep certain things separate, so have a few addresses, I noticed the other day how my Gmail account had made connections to people on another site, it wasnt a big deal but I'd rather have control over those things.
My holiday did sort me out, youre right. The physical side of things anyway, two days before i came home my mrs decided to emd things between us which did my mental progress any good at all. First thing i did when i got home was pack my bags and score and its been thst wsy since. Really fucked me up.

I wirk away akk week, get depressed, use, hav3 a happy weekend with my kids and then when i drop.them off sundsy lunchtime amd the cycle of depression and using starts again.

Im going ti look into counselling, providing i can give a ckean test things will start moving forward with my girlfriend to. I just have to keep my family un the forefront of my mind. I need them back. I fuckin love the bones of them all, i need them, and i can have them if I give up the gear. No brainer really.

Soery for the triple.posts.. im intoxicated=D amd stupid (cretinous if Owens watching;))

Don't apologise we're here for you. I 'm sorry your wife ended things with you. That's a bit mean to do that on holiday.

I think counselling may helo. It seems that every time things go wrong, and I 'm not criticising you here, that you plunge back into addictive cycles. And this is what you need to work on.

Have you considered SMART recovery? They use a form of CBT n have meetings kinda like NA so it neednt affect work. They also have online support too.

I'm really sorry for all you're going through. I had no idea that you had split up for good. I thought it was just a row.

Things will get better, Scotchy, it just takes time. Although it doesn't feel that way at the time I know <3

Ahhh OK, twas meant with the best intentions. I'm not paranoid about such things but I don't like to make things to easy in terms of identifying me IRL. I don't care with people I know, I don't have much to hide but employers check things these days so I'm a bit careful.

If you really want to carry on using an email address you might be able to set things up to forward mail from another one, but setting up an email address is pretty easy so I'd advise just using a separate one for hear, I'm sure your phone would support that, I use gmail for this place.

I like to keep certain things separate, so have a few addresses, I noticed the other day how my Gmail account had made connections to people on another site, it wasnt a big deal but I'd rather have control over those things.

I think I 'll just set up a gmail with a complete different name. I already have i think just gotta remember the password.

Can you get the app for an I phone, if not I'm sure you could set it up another way.
Urrrgghhhh, need some proper sleep.

Morning all :D

Cheers for the advice Allein & Evey.. ill see how, if at all i can fit it. My mental health and families happiness is more important than work...
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Wonder why Raasy's been banned. Think he's annoyed at me he's not replied to any of my messages. Oh well :( i only tried being a friend to him....

Urrrgghhhh, need some proper sleep.

Morning all :D

Cheers for the advice Allein & Evey.. ill see how, if at all i can fit it. My mental health and families happiness is more important than work...

Morning Misty et al.

I for one can vouch for the importance of mental health... getting on top of these issues before they become a major problem is really the best thing to do. So many people just carry on thinking "it'll be ok" & it's not until they are struggling they go for help. There's no shame in seeking help... there seems to be a bad rep with regards to GPs & overprescribing of meds but getting a referral onto mental health services & getting some real help can make a world of difference.

I hope you manage to find a way to fit it in, I'm sure you will... I was only doing talk therapy for my anxiety but even that helped & I went along every 2 weeks or so.
Good morning everyone.

With a bit of motivation I have started working through 2 weeks worth of laundry and am going to go up to Sainsburys and buy some jam and bagels (and wine of course) as I never ended up doing so yesterday. You could argue that I'd be better off doing one of my essays, but I don't have that much motivation (read: cocaine) at this time of day.

Have no advice other than what others have already said but have a hug SM and others struggling at the moment <3
Wow cracking dream last night. I only remember snip bits of it but basically I was travelling in a train a long way with a group of people. Next thing, after hours of this n various things the train went on like a roller coaster thing, ya know when you go up up up. Up n it wizzzzzzz we went up up up then down another oooooo. Next thing Chris from Hollyoaks was there n he went bloody mad, start walking the track n stuff. Someone saved him wuickly somehow.

We were then in a room where there were tables, lots of tables n people, lots of people. There was food n stuff! n well it was a party / celebration of some sorts.

Then i heard a faint, far away voice:

......"Mam' Mam, Mam..." And a little person cuddling me. Ok, guess I was no longer dreaming. "Morning lilvibe" :)

Speaking of cracking dreams, I don't remember many of mine last night cos been smoking too much weed, but god I slept so well, it was awesome. Going to celebrate with the last few beers and a spliff. Bought a load of booze about four days ago but didn't touch it for whatever reason, but house to myself til 5 so why not? Bottle of whiskey kicking round but fuck that. Apart from maybe one for me sore throat.
Off to take lilvibe to her swimming lesson. We've a place called DW here n they're good. She's almost got her level one.
The place she went before, she was at a year n never had anything - they weren't very good.

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