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Gibberings CCVIII V. Cephalopodia's Amphetamine Utopia

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Well I've just released the pressure by taking a good dump. Choccy bickies anyone? Freshly cooked too together with unique smell n flavour ;)


Right, this banter has gone too far now. I'm going to bed.

(For a wank)
Lol night :) on a serious note I am really eating choc buscuits from Tesco, quDruple choc they are gorgeous n off to eat them all they're called 'finest' I don't usually have buscuits but love these.

I'm lying in bed pretty wide awake reading my tablet unfortunately

My plan is at 1am to the everything off and just try and force it
Forcing it won't work. Just try lying down n not thinking of sleep (sounds hard) but works. You're mind's not relaxed when you're trying to forcing it because your mind is comcentrating on sething. It's counterproductive. If you thnk 'I'll kay down fot a little while n relax" more likely to happen.

I think I had too much tea while raiding, as I appear to still be awake at 3 in the morning. I do seem to be headed for visual distortion ville, which is always a fun place to visit, but otherwise I seem pretty okay. I think I'll clean my weed pipe, then try and go to bed. Not gonna get much sleep before the morning lectures unfortunately.
Can you not go in slightly higher n ask a fellow student if they'll lend you their notes? That way you can get more kip

Can you not go in slightly higher n ask a fellow student if they'll lend you their notes? That way you can get more kip


Meh, the notes aren't important, I can catch up on anything I miss online. It's more the principle of the thing. It'll be 4 hours, which isn't great but it'll do. I can always crash out sometime in the day tomorrow anyways.
Yah yes I forgot most things are on the intranet. Yeah you're right you don't learn the same without being there n it's best to
Make the most of it. i don't know what you're sleep is like but I find if I've been awake most of the night I'm best staying awake cause if I go to sleep I end up over-sleeping n more tired than if I had not slept. I had a fkve-hour tat on little sleep which I wish I had not done as tattoo hurt more. I was a right fkn wimp well ashamed lol anyway hope you're able to get to uni. We had pro plus when we were in uni (our excuse was this tutor bored us with her momotoned voice troning on n on lol.

Low on benzos, like really low. Fuckin costums got my order, I am left with 4 pyrazolam WTF!! Hope my other order from another vendor (no track&trace) is getting here monday or the day after. I am feeling like crap and have to do split em' up and that aint helping shite. Feel so sick, helps (very little) to drink sum alcohol. seriously this benzo addiction got too far. AND FUCK THE DANIZH COZTUMZ!!

Hope ya all good, EADD <3 <3

- Nick

Sorry I haven't yet replied to your PM but thought it best I post here. Reason being is I hope ur ok after this post n I imagine (I can't speak for anyone other than myself) are wondering how you are too. Have you sought medical help for this? Do not want you sick or anything bad happening. You're loved by a lot of people on this site n as this bill comes into affect (not sure if it affects your country) we all need to stick together n support one another these these withdrawals. Plenty of tine for petulant rows n Evetrums in the future (like never lol) but I care for a few id you trying to get off (taper) tgese benzos n want you all to come through this safely; hopefully with as much support as possible.

So please check in with us,Nicklazz. I've still you on Skype I think n if you want, you're welcome to text me your number n I'll keep in touch. I'm really sorry but when my phone fwll in the bog I lost your number. I had a few saved from when I used that one I smashed the screen but I think you phoned me back in early 2015, so I can't find it anywhere. Please keep safe, yeah?!i saw you post on the PV thread that part of you missed that life even though it hurt you. That's your addiction talking trying to suck you back in it's an illusion. Tell it to f off n give it the finger - you're so much better than that shite. You deaerve a good n happy life ngo for what you deserve. You don't miss tgat life - you're addiction misses that life n the controlmit had over you.

Thinking if you, you can do this, Nicklazz - n always remember there's never any regrets, just experiences created by making learnt lessons<3

Just received the BL viewing/posting stats... drumroll please, guys?
=D <3

Trying to find the post where you made an apology. I can't seem to find it so hope you don't mind my commenting on this post instead! You've nothing to apologize for - I've not seen you conduct yourself inapropriately at all or show that you've been stressed. If anything I couldn't tell you were grumpy at all. You showed your usual intelligence in advice-giving, delicvering valuable HR information. Yes your post to us refarding vendor / aource was sterm n but I felt that you were being passionate n showing sincerity in that you explained why you felt unhappy about such discussion (possibility of giving organisations the power n excuse to rake down site n this destroying a team effort of HR comtribution since site opening in 1999. You were clear with us all in what discliplinary action would happen if it continue. I found you to be fair n this respect. Your advice to me re stims (I looked through an old conversation we had where you once warned me that they can have a similar effect as benzos; in terms of being offensive (I can't remember having that convo so shows it waa montgs agp.

Take my moans about you with a pinch of salt most of the time n an Evetrum n I don't mean it. You've helped EADD by making new threads, editing the index, giving vital HR information. It's clear you're passionate in wanting to keep people safe n give out helpful info. whilst doing this n delivering knowledge n various studies from the online journals (I miss having access to all them) - you also have a sense of humour n don't take yourself seriously. That's vital here n a good way of gelling with everyone. I felt that both Knocj n Scotchy had thus quality as EADD staffers n it's loveky to know that we, members, are able to communicate with staffers, both in a serious n light-hearted manner.

I have to admit I did moan about you "only being 21" butaftering considerable lurking----n thinking, I feel that I am wrong to judge your modding based on yoyr age. You are remarkly i telligent for your age. You've experiences that could help many members both registerwd n lurkers. Not many had gone through opiate addiction, n others, n have come through the other side cold turkey. That is remarkable. A lot of us struggle to relate to

Many of the "proffessionals" who in the addiction n recovery may be intelligent n have all the relevamt qualifications- but it doesn't feel genuine somehow when they try to help you; empathise n so forth. With someone who has been there you know they DO hace an underatanding. Not obly that a person who has "been there" can see through any facade or manipulations---n we do try it. It helps sometimes when they see through this n break down the barriers---not because they're someone trying to catch you oit but because they have truly been you.

I'm going on a tangend here. So yeah basically when I saw your post I was either busy ir still on ban to comment. I also read what Scotchy wrote n he's bang on. You've turned this place around. It was dead last summer, completely dead. And you have introduced new threads (3-FPM including relevant info that looks as professional as any "Other Drugs" megathread. I was genuinelly impressed with that n personally would suggest including that post on every version of the .... (oh hang on they're getting banned so I assume that'll be the last incarnation :( ). You've invited members here etc

Sorry if this is cringe-wirthy but it's all truth. Just needed to let you know you've not appeared to be doing any bad modding, from my point of view n have not shown you've issues at all. Sorry to hear that things weren't going well for you n I hope that things improve.

Morning folks,

up bright n early today, got a g of the finest h i've ever seen SO high right now its crazy, watched the sun come up with a cup of tea and a foil to smoke, nicest morning in a long while

How is everyone today? usually mondays are shit but today was a pleasant exception :D
Morning, BCF :)

Lovely to see you I hope that all is well with you. I saw the sunset last night which was amazing so took some pics. Something kinda tranquil about sunset / sunrise innit?! Nature's beauty.

each season has its own unique magic n we're lucky to have four lovely seasons. Think springis finally showing :)

Morning folks,

up bright n early today, got a g of the finest h i've ever seen SO high right now its crazy, watched the sun come up with a cup of tea and a foil to smoke, nicest morning in a long while

How is everyone today? usually mondays are shit but today was a pleasant exception :D
Hey bro. All good here. Cruisy day at work..went and got some pizza and now having a couple of wines. Have you heard from Sid? Say hi if you talk to him.
Conee HARK AT YE! Fubz was waiting for ye at break with a new flavoured coffee n yiu didn't show. He had a fubztrum n decided he'd he'd have a wank instead. JK :D

How was work? Still findibf you're feet or have you mostly settled down into things now?

Hey bro. All good here. Cruisy day at work..went and got some pizza and now having a couple of wines. Have you heard from Sid? Say hi if you talk to him.

Hi mate :) ahh good to hear, hows the new job going then? Saw you had a fun day the other day with yer dmt spliffs :D sounds like you guys had a right laugh!

I', actually chattin to him at the mo so will pass that on for ya :)
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