I've had a love/hate affair with GBL mostly and sometimes 1-4,b for 2 years on and off.. I would be happier to not have it again now and just get it out of my head..
^^so, GBl is still popular at clubs, raves????you live in the united states??
GBl, or drugs are popular.... everywhere.

and thats from a non biased, experienced, previous hard drug using point of view, of the world
I'm not sure belfort i don't go out that much anymore, but pip is right in saying drugs inc gbl are popular in most all parts of the world - depending on accessibility.

I have had too many bad experiences on G when doing it full on to go back. Doing it myself and also what i have witnessed. I don't want to go in to detail for my own reasons but it's not something you want to try if you have an addictive personality and have any kind of anxiety. It's too easy to slip into the trap that is gbl. I used to think it was the wonder drug, how misinformed i was!
GHB Withdrawal

For me weening myself off of ghb was impossible. If I had some, I was going to do it. There were two types of withdrawals i went through.
The first one was when I took only one cap from a friend or hadnt used longer than 3 days. Then the withdrawals would basically be just a horrible panic attack. The second type of withdrawal is when you need medical supervision. Why? Because alot of people hallucinate. These hallucination are no joke, as mentioned I thought tiny people were crawal under my skin. Also, I suffered as seizure from these withdrawals, which i could have died from. The best thing they did for me in the hospital was IV ativan ( longer half life than xanax ) but i assume valium would have worked better. Now, even with the ativan i still experienced hallucination, but was at a lower risk of a seizure. Here is the best site in my opinion talking about ghb withdrawals;

After i withdrew i needed inpatent rehab up by me in PA. In there I was given Librium ever 6hours for 3 days to inhibit my risk of another seizure even more. In the beginning, I would say ok when i get out only ghb on the weekends, ok only everyone in awhile. But i was hearing stories of other people about how this was there 4th and 5th time in there. This was my first and i wanted it to be my only. In that respect i listened alot took suggestions and wrote alot. For the first time i had a nice time out to look at my life and where i was going. I didnt like it. I stayed in rehab for 17 days. Best thing that ever happened to me. I went to a NA meeting the day i got out and have been going to one every day since. I found a group of people that i could relate to and saw hope for the first time in awhile. ( i still dont know any ghb addicts in my area except those in active addiction.) I changed my number got rid of any reminders of ghb and just hung on. When i felt like using i shared about it, called someone.

Anxiety was a major issue when i came out along with minor depression. I had been put on 10mg of lexapro a few weeks before i went into rehab but it seemed like once i had the g and coke out of my system the lexapro began to work. Im not attributing me being clean to lexapro but we all know the effects SSRIs have. My psychiatrist upped the dose to 20mg when i got out rehab. I do not recommend benzo to kill the anxiety, if anything only visteral or benadryl. I know it sucks and they suck but once i saw the hope of being clean i wanted to do whatever it took and battled through it

GHB tricked me into thinking everything was fine when really I was fucked. I stole and hurt the people i loved the most. Sometime i want to put on a movie and drink some g but i think the situation all the way through and realize one capful is only going to lead to another and another and before you know it ill be hallcinating again. I never saw how bad i was. I saw a friend today who last saw me in the prime of my using and he said i look like a completely different person. The aniexty went away after about a month so it does get better. I still think about g, but after being off it and seeing how it was turning my brain into fucking mush i dont miss it.

Fuck you ghb you took everything away from me, you took apart of my soul and made me piss on the ones who loved me the most. Once you took a hold me, my life would never be the same so this is NO see you later this is goodbye along with fuck off and die.

If you are in ghb addiction get out now I cant tell anyone what to do only how it almost ended for me. I am still clean since entering Mirmount Rehab on July 21st 2008. I celebrate 90 days clean on this coming Tuesday.
I had minor DTs on W/D from ~8-10ml GBL per day for a little under a month.

having a 10-12 day break.

am fine.

no fiending, but i know that if it is there, ill take it.
Oh well. I'm back on the GBL. Only 4-5 ml a day and with breaks during the day. I can still sleep without taking it, but this sucks. I can't believe I'm actually doing this again, but I guess I have my reasons. My psychiatric treatment is still not sufficient and I just became tired of feeling like shit all the time.

Anyone out there still fighting the juice?
you don't need psychiatric treatment,


Do this shit on your own.
When you let other people try and "help" you,
it gives you can excuse to be weak.

"My psychiatric treatment is still not sufficient"...?
no, your effort is not sufficient.
i shud butt out of this thread really as ive only tried GHB once and thoroughly hated it but i hav to say, idler, it is not being weak to let other ppl help u
some ppl hav mental illness that requires psychiatric treatment
on the other hand, mukaki, can u try maybe a diffrent path of 'help'?
drug and alcohol counselling really helped me in my time of need
and btw i do not consider myself a weak person cos i sought that help, rather a wise person!
idler, no disrespect....flame all u want - i just dont think that telling ppl not to go for help for something they need help for can b potentially damaging