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GHB/1,4-B/GBL Discussion and use

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aobboi said:
Rookie question here, but how illegal is GBL in Australia? Any online resources I can check out?

I can find oodles of stuff on GBH but nothing on GBL.


Don't even entertain the idea of ordering online. It is a sure way to get in a lot of trouble. I've read a number of stories of people getting busted ordering online under the guise of glue remover etc.

Especially don't be fooled thinking that a small amount will get through because it won't; and if it does then chances are your going to get watched. Australian customs is very good at it's job.

Considering the bad rep of GHB and its analogues when it comes to the law, if you were seen to be trying to import it, even in small quantities they would simple throw the book at you.
Ah okey dokey. Thanks all for your replies. I had no intention of buying it or trying to import it, but here in the UK it is (to the best of my knowledge) unclassified, whereas GHB is, and it's certainly readily available online in bulk for next to nothing so I didn't want to unwittingly break the law, that's all. I was just after online reasources such as police websites, harm reduction sites or legal information specifying the legality of drugs in Australia - sorry if I was unclear! :)

And I did indeed mean GHB, I just have typing issues. I had to correct GLB to GBL everytime 8)
Tried G for the first time last weekend. Wasn't sure if it was GHB/1,4-B or GBL. Couldnt get a straight answer from person. So we assumed for safety sake it was pure GHB in blue water.

Had nothing except food beforehand.

The six of us who had it, were at a mates place. Decided not to go out at all for the first time. We all had .5ml to start off, to make sure noone was allergic. Noone was. Had 2.5ml about 2 hours later. Came on really quick (10min), felt really drunk for about 10minutes, then it just wore off.

We upped the dose to 3.5ml about 3 hours later once the effects were looong gone. This was perhaps .5ml too much. Came on again REALLY quick. Got massively europhic. Really drunk feeling. Vision blurred. Not to mention very, very horny. Then, about 25min in, started to feel rather ill. Had a bit of a chuck, and felt much better, after some quite time for about 20minutes. Then partied on.

About 4 hours later, it had completly worn off again, and I had another 2.5ml. This didnt even reach my throat before I spewed it back up. Gag reflex decided it didnt like the taste. Waited 30 min, and had another 2.5ml. This cruised along nicely for about 2 hours; then wore off.

Must say, I was very impressed. Huge effects, in very short time, for such small amounts. Will definately try again, but not in the immediate future. This is something I want to save for special occasions. Don't want to ruin it, like I basically ruined pills. :\
Wasn't sure if it was GHB/1,4-B or GBL

Unless it was highly diluted you should be able to tell if it's GHB as it will be very salty.

From the FAQ by Apollo:

1,4-B tastes extremely bad – it has been described as “like drinking liquid plastic”, “distinctly chemical” and “acrid”. GHB tastes more like seawater or licorice...

...You may be able to taste the difference between GHB and GBL, but I am told that it is nearly impossible to tell the difference between 1,4-B and GBL by taste.
GBL will burn your tongue and throat pretty badly even when diluted 50% with water. I could easily tell the differnece between all forms of G. Their taste is a lot different.
I'd go with 1,4 as it was definately not salty. However, we didn't drink it straight, we mixed it with straight lemon juice concentrate to diguise the taste.
It would most likely be 1,4B. GBL is hard to come by, and GHB is even harder andf normally diluted to shit and way more expensive.

After doing alot of g over a long period of time - it's not something that has a profound 'magic' to lose like MDMA. You won't notice the effects diminishing over time or becoming less enjoyable :). So stress less if you feel you have found your new thing, it's not quite as volatile as mdma.
^^More to the point, I don't want to overdo it, and end up G'ing out like so many of the people I lecture, ad nauseam. Nor do I want to end up doing too much, and getting stuck with a nasty habit. I've got enough of those at the moment.
Just a warning for anyone wanting to have a charge after a buffet. Don't bother having it right after you won't feel a thing, and you'll probably end up having that same amount within 45 minutes of not feeling anything, and still not feel it, to have yet aniother charge.... Well it will all kick in at once after about 2 hours and it's definitely no fun I can tell you that.
Who here is current;ly having G a lot, or feel addicted? When I have it I sufgfer withdrawals if I dpon't have it, normally it is just a sick feeling but I can also get pains.. Anyone else?
I'm currently dabbling in a fair bit of G. Few nights a week, 4 max. Don't feel anywhere near as addicted than I felt when I was in the depths of a pot habbit. I worry about my supply, mainly that it will run out, but I don't think I'll scour the city for some if I do run out - unlike when I needed my bong fix and driving 20km was seen as fair enough to get some..

Thinking about it, I actually have none now so tonight I will be G free. I can see its potential for addiction - namely the fact that it dosen't effect my functioning the day after use, it makes stupid movies funny as shit and it helps me get a good night sleep.. dam its awesomness
Well whenver I get some I do it every day. I try to limit it to once a day though now.. G in the morning, alco at night.
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Keep in mind that mixing GHB, GBL or 1,4-B can be extremely dangerous and ultimately downright stupid.

Although there may be a timely gap between the dosages of each substance, there could still be an interaction.

Please keep in mind that this is a harm reduction board. :)
Ah yeah I wait at least 4-6 hours. Mostly more. I don't like the feeling alcohol mixed with GBL does. So if anyone out there thinks it would be a good combo, stay away. Because it only makes you feel "more fucked up" in the form of pain. First your eyes start feeling reallty dry, then they sting and go red. Then your facial skin tightens and one of your eyes looked a bit bugged. And then you just pass out for a long time (which could be dangerous) and wake up feeling like shit and wasted the money you spend on both drugs. Just thought I'd share that.

Just for people searching for info on this combo. I'd wait at least 6 hours between the drugs, otherwise it just spoils the next drug. It doesn't feel good at all. NO EUPHORIA.

Yer word don't mix any form of G with Alcohol.. Unless it's a very very very small ammount of grog (as in 2 beers) which for someone like me who weighs 85kgs and is 6,2' I find that it isn't even enough to make a noticeable reaction.. Which is ok, but is still stupid.. Mixing G with lots of alcohol is more than just stupid though.
For example one of my friends blew out in the sun during summer because of the combo.. He got 3rd degree sun burn on his stomach nearly died in a police station then spent 2 days in hospital from it and told his family he had his drink spiked...

Use your drugs properly and safely and you will usually remain safe.. :)
Besides all that... G = Best Drug I Have Ever Used.
Yeah I have never mixed alcohol and G, and don't plan to. Even though I rarely drink as it is, if I know Ill be taking G I make sure doubly that I dont have any alcohol in my the two days before hand (safety first, hehe).

I think most newbie users dont know why they shouldnt mix the two. I mean, its a message that they hear, but they dont actually get the reason why. Thats just my impression, for what it's worth.
Most people I have met in clubs, or as friends of friends that have tried G will never try it again. I ask why, and the answer remains the same. They got an unknown dose, and they drank heavily on it and passed out and felt they nearly died.
Splatt said:
Ah yeah I wait at least 4-6 hours. Mostly more. I don't like the feeling alcohol mixed with GBL does. So if anyone out there thinks it would be a good combo, stay away. Because it only makes you feel "more fucked up" in the form of pain. First your eyes start feeling reallty dry, then they sting and go red. Then your facial skin tightens and one of your eyes looked a bit bugged. And then you just pass out for a long time (which could be dangerous) and wake up feeling like shit and wasted the money you spend on both drugs. Just thought I'd share that.

Just for people searching for info on this combo. I'd wait at least 6 hours between the drugs, otherwise it just spoils the next drug. It doesn't feel good at all. NO EUPHORIA.


I don't know about you, but it makes me sick in the stomach. Like stabbing pains sick. It's bearable when the G is wearing off but fuck drinking on the peak.
Yeah, Alcohol and G you don't seem to get any euphoric effect, there really isn't much point. I can tollerate a drink or so. I don't get the pain side of things from the combo - they just appear to cancel eachother out for the least part.
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