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GHB/1,4-B/GBL Discussion and use

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Anyone know how risky it is to obtain gbl from outside the US as a cleaner product such as glue remover? Since its just a watched chem. what sorta trouble would one get into if they where to order it as a cleaning product?
Just wanted to participate in this thread by offering a reminder (and harking back to the FAQ) that GBL in particular is an absolute NO GO for anyone with epilepsy. I cant comment on the chemistry involved but from experience I've had 3 seizures directly attributable to GBL use - be careful people.
Interesting read:

GHB has important and extensive medical applications (pages 3-4, 16-17). GHB is a powerful inducer of natural sleep (page 7-8) and may be useful for our aging population (page 16). GHB is being used to treat alcoholism, drug addiction and drug withdrawal (pages 8, 17). GHB is not classified as a drug, yet the FDA is acting as if it were a drug (page 3). GHB is currently prescribed in California, the US and abroad (page 13). Independent medical findings (from 15 INDs filed with the FDA) establish that GHB is non-toxic, non-addictive and has an extremely wide margin of safety (pages 3, 13). There are companies willing to sell GHB as a dietary supplement, but do not because of fear of FDA retaliation (page 16).

The two faces of the FDA: 1) FDA encourages research on extremely safe and highly efficacious GHB as orphan drug, and 2) FDA withholds IND information from courts to gain convictions, and testifies that GHB is illegal, addictive and dangerous (page 3). GHB INDs flatly contradict the court testimony of the FDA's expert witnesses that was instrumental in putting otherwise-law-abiding citizens in jail (page 3). The Federal prosecutor is called for prosecutorial misconduct in GHB cases by Federal Court of Appeals (page 3).

The pharmacology of GHB (pages 6-9): GHB is not lethal (pages 5, 12). GHB is less toxic than alcohol (page 7). GHB can impair driving ability (page 6). GHB doesn't cause liver toxicity, kill brain cells or damage tissues (wrinkle skin) (page 7). GHB is contraindicated with alcohol, tranquilizers and CNS depressants (page 8). GHB has few side effects (page 14).

GHB is remarkably safe according to scientific consensus (page 13). GHB is safe enough to be used during childbirth (page 17). GHB is safer than most nutrients (page 14).
You could be righty, although last year I was free of any diabetes conditions. But blood sugar and blood pressure/cholesterol problems are in my family.

Anabolic Monkey said:
Anyone know how risky it is to obtain gbl from outside the US as a cleaner product such as glue remover? Since its just a watched chem. what sorta trouble would one get into if they where to order it as a cleaning product?

I wouldn't try that. It sounds very risky. Go start a clothe materials company over here, and you can order litres of 1,4B or GBL for next to nothing without imprting, after you put in a EUD to the AFP.
Splatt said:
Look at these tools and their views:

GHB Debate

Their saying Dob in G dealers to save the scene!

I've heard stories of people G-ing out at parties over there and being dragged out of sight by staff rather than being helped. It's like people would rather not know about it than educate the masses or deal with the consequences.

I bet those people who G-out wear PHD hoodies.
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yes, i looove ghb, gbl 1,4 b etc. i have ended up in hospital a few times using those substances - although i feel that it was due to inexperienced people freaking out and making rushed decisions, as both times i woke up after an hour or two feeling great and discharged myself asap 8) i like it b/c used intelligently there is no comedown, sleep is great and sex if even better %) i've used g for around 5 years, imo it can be mildly addcitive although no more so than a good coffee! ... also i think it's a good substiture for alcohol 'cause i hate hangovers. peeeeace.
I've grown out of the whole G'ing out thing. I mean do goto sleep for a little while nearly every time I take G, but it is not the coma sleep. It is a chosen sleep. The only time I use excess G is on comedowns where I need to sleep. And I make sure I sleep in the recovery position and have had a fair bit of water and some food before I goto sleep. The question that made me decide this was "Why am I paying money to sleep?".. So I stick with medium doses now.
Regardless of how you use it... always play it safe with this baby, can be alot of trouble! But also alot of fun:\ double egded sword:|
basix said:
Does G give you people the munchies?

I love eating food on G, not quite as much as if im stoned but its still good. And it counteracts the negative effects of stims, so If you're partying all weekend you dont go long periods without eating.

Wow, someone else with this reaction. I used to get terrific munchies on both GHB & 1,4B, my husband could constantly scratch his head, as he couldn't think of anything worse. ;)

I've not had either for quite a few months (the last lot was 1,4B around march last year). I do know it's out there, but simply refuse to pay the terribly high prices being asked.

Splatt, i'm also from QLD, and remember (fondly) the big GHB blowout of 2000 ;) It seemed that real GHB was everywhere, cheap as chips, and readily available.

If i had to choose, i'd, without a doubt, take GHB over 1,4b. I seem to stomach it better once it's down. Having said that, it's the saltiness i can't handle. I had to drink a salts medication recently to clean my bowel out for an operation. I added it to apple juice, and remember thinking to myself "this sucks...it's tastes exactly like GHB, but i'm not going to get high!". =D
Isn't that operation-prep medicine the most disgusting stuff ever??
Oh sweet mercy yes *ralph* If i'm going to drink something like that, at least with GHB i know i'm going to get high...the only certainly with that horrid salty preparation is that i'm going to be sitting on the toilet for ages. =D
Piracetam- G ????

just a few questions, since G stops dopamine, what would 5htp(or L-trptophan) have on the effect in the brain?

also tobacco? this is interesting since nicotine creates dopamine flood?

any input appreciated :)
I'll like to remind everyone that we don't post about sources or availability here :)
SpellmanT7 said:
Just wanted to participate in this thread by offering a reminder (and harking back to the FAQ) that GBL in particular is an absolute NO GO for anyone with epilepsy. I cant comment on the chemistry involved but from experience I've had 3 seizures directly attributable to GBL use - be careful people.

Thanks for that insight, I showed my mate who has epilepsy your post as a heads up caution taking gbl, he was wanting to try it when we were in the city over the weekend, cheers.
Rookie question here, but how illegal is GBL in Australia? Any online resources I can check out?

I can find oodles of stuff on GBH but nothing on GBL.

^ From memory it's now been scheduled, so yeah, illegal. Law enforcement are cracking down on precursors, so they resceduled GBL and 1,4B last year some time. Though correct me if I'm wrong.
GBL is a precursor, not so sure about 1,4b. But they're both listed as drugs when they are to be consumed or sold in small amounts. It's obvious when they're going to be drugs. And for both to order them you need to sign an end user declaration which goes to the federal police's database. Which means if you do get caught with unregistered GBL you better own a business that has a good need for it, or you'll probably be in trouble.

aobboi : GBH?!? :) GHB!
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I figured they meant legality info... like what you just posted :)

Damn.. 1,4b and GBL are now both Schedule I, which means you need to open an account and sign end user declaration. Which means it's pretty much impossible for someone to get now.
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