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GHB/1,4-B/GBL Discussion and use- Part II

^ I really don't think willingness to dose 2.5mL or not boils down to being "soft" mate, I don't see any reason to stigmatise people for being cautious with potentially lethal substances. 8)

In my experience with 1,4b 2.5mL would be a pretty decent dose and I knew several people who would routinely dose 1.5-2mL for a good (not necessarily overpowering) effect. 4mL is a pretty high dose if its undiluted and imo is a fair bit more than any inexperienced user would want or need to take. You obviously either hang around people with naturally high tolerances or your shit is being watered down a bit, I suspect the latter is more likely... I realise your new here but you should be careful before spouting your personal experience as fact, if someone got better shit than you but took your advice of dosing 2.5-4mL then they may well blow out.

Both 1,4b and GBL have to be metabolised in the body to become GHB, however GBL only has to pass through once where 1,4b does twice and that is why 1,4b takes noticeably longer to kick in. I have used both and for me GBL was a more pleasant feeling and required a lower dose to catch a buzz. The main ways to tell the difference for me is GBL is more potent per mL, kicks in a fair bit quicker and has a noticeably worse taste than 1,4b (which has a bad taste as it is!). I have never used GHB but as I understand it should taste either salty or a bit like licorice, depending which salt it is.
This is one drug I haven't tried but would love to. Just can't get my hands on it, no way. :(
My friends and I went hard on the 1,4 every weekend last month, five of them where rushed to emergency then admitted to I.C until next day. It is very true that getting dosage right is critical, you must always carefully measure each dose using plunger, It seems to me that the dosage is between 2.5-4mLs. If you too soft to do less than 2.5 then don't even bother trying it, it takes everyone atleast 2.5 to get effects and as much as 4 for others.

Too soft if you do less than 2.5ml's??? with that mentality no wonder five of your friends were rushed to ER...
If you dont know what you are talking about please dont comment and give out stupid and potentially dangerous information to otheres!

I also agree with Drug_mentor. If you have to dose more than 3ml's of 1,4B, its obvious that your 1,4B is watered down like fuck yo :)
With pure 1,4B's i find my perfect dose is 2.8ml's. And its 2.8ml's every single time :)
^ I really don't think willingness to dose 2.5mL or not boils down to being "soft" mate, I don't see any reason to stigmatise people for being cautious with potentially lethal substances. 8)

In my experience with 1,4b 2.5mL would be a pretty decent dose and I knew several people who would routinely dose 1.5-2mL for a good (not necessarily overpowering) effect. 4mL is a pretty high dose if its undiluted and imo is a fair bit more than any inexperienced user would want or need to take. You obviously either hang around people with naturally high tolerances or your shit is being watered down a bit, I suspect the latter is more likely... I realise your new here but you should be careful before spouting your personal experience as fact, if someone got better shit than you but took your advice of dosing 2.5-4mL then they may well blow out.

Both 1,4b and GBL have to be metabolised in the body to become GHB, however GBL only has to pass through once where 1,4b does twice and that is why 1,4b takes noticeably longer to kick in. I have used both and for me GBL was a more pleasant feeling and required a lower dose to catch a buzz. The main ways to tell the difference for me is GBL is more potent per mL, kicks in a fair bit quicker and has a noticeably worse taste than 1,4b (which has a bad taste as it is!). I have never used GHB but as I understand it should taste either salty or a bit like licorice, depending which salt it is.

I am very experienced in this stuff and my stuff is 99.8% pure. 2.5ml will never OD even the most lightweight, I may be new to this website but am very experienced in most drug related areas. My concern was someone taking less than that to be cautious and not feeling a thing (which many wouldnt), then being encouraged to redose possibly with even higher dose, then that's when they OD!! I have experienced many OD's and that was always the reason. So If people wanted to exercise caution then 2.5ml is doing just that. So im sorry if my "soft" remark came across as irresponsible but I had noble intentions:)
I would never use 2.5mls in one go, I use 1.5-1.7 to get a perfect effect, so some people do definitely require less than 2.5mls. You give some really important advice, especially about the risk of someone doing too little, then using more and overdosing, but I don't think you chose the best wording, saying that someone is too 'soft' to take less than 2.5mls is inflammatory and means the heart of your message gets overlooked. I think it's wise not to give absolutes either, because you can never talk for everyone, and making it sound like a certainty risks that super lightweight coming along, seeing that advice and thinking it's 100%, absolutely certain, that they wont have any problems on 2.5mls, and that being too much for them.
So much like Lyrica crossed with MDMA.

I haven't had magic like juice since I lost the magic with MDMA. One of the few good drugs I am yet to thrash into shittiness. The only bad thing is the dose dependancy, there is a huge difference between 2.4ml, 2.5ml and 2.6ml as one will leave you under-dosed, another really fucking high and having a great time and the latter will have you unconscious.

Remember uncut GHB is 1 GRAM per 2ml. If it is 1ml it will be sludgy.
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trexman: if your 1,4b was 99.9999999999999 percent pure, let me ask u. what form was it in? liquid? very oilly liquid ? thick oilly liquid???

I would never use 2.5mls in one go, I use 1.5-1.7 to get a perfect effect, so some people do definitely require less than 2.5mls. You give some really important advice, especially about the risk of someone doing too little, then using more and overdosing, but I don't think you chose the best wording, saying that someone is too 'soft' to take less than 2.5mls is inflammatory and means the heart of your message gets overlooked. I think it's wise not to give absolutes either, because you can never talk for everyone, and making it sound like a certainty risks that super lightweight coming along, seeing that advice and thinking it's 100%, absolutely certain, that they wont have any problems on 2.5mls, and that being too much for them.

Thankyou footscrazy, In hindsight I definitely did not choose the right wording, and I guess I need to be more responsible with how I say things. However I stand by my opinion that nobody will ever overdose from 2.5mLs, but that is MY opinion only and I should have made that more clear.
trexman: if your 1,4b was 99.9999999999999 percent pure, let me ask u. what form was it in? liquid? very oilly liquid ? thick oilly liquid???


It was in liquid form when the weather was warm (above 21c) and starts to solidify into soft crystal jelly like substance when its cold (below 21c). Because as you are that is what 1,4 does.
It was in liquid form when the weather was warm (above 21c) and starts to solidify into soft crystal jelly like substance when its cold (below 21c). Because as you are that is what 1,4 does.

can you snort or put this dryed out stuff into caps and swollow or snort it?im getting some GHB for the next doof i go to should be a fat time :)

is it hard to bust a move on GHB?or will i even feel like busting a move?
You're getting ghb for the next doof js? Why am I only hearing this now :p no doofs planed for ahwile :S
haha trexman, you have passed the trick question test ;P

welldone niggah ;)

yes. you are absolutely right about it being frozen almost loooking like ice ice baby but not really.
so, if you have been getting your 1,4B that pure, then why does your dosing vary that much etc. If you always get it taht pure it means your dose should always be the same etc. YO
haha trexman, you have passed the trick question test ;P

welldone niggah ;)

yes. you are absolutely right about it being frozen almost loooking like ice ice baby but not really.
so, if you have been getting your 1,4B that pure, then why does your dosing vary that much etc. If you always get it taht pure it means your dose should always be the same etc. YO

I never said my dose varied, my exact quote was "it takes everyone atleast 2.5 to get effects and as much as 4 for others" but personally I have 3.5-4ml
2-4ml is a pretty common dose with pure 1,4-b. 3 seems to be about the sweet spot.

I go light these days, but i'm getting old.

Just be warned guys G is a very addictive substance, Splatt ended his life because of such things. Just a friendly reminder to anyone out there who's thinking g is a good drug to change to in light of other problems.
I never said my dose varied, my exact quote was "it takes everyone atleast 2.5 to get effects and as much as 4 for others" but personally I have 3.5-4ml

it can sometimes take me as low as 1ml to get effects if i've got a really empty stomach..
can you snort or put this dryed out stuff into caps and swollow or snort it?im getting some GHB for the next doof i go to should be a fat time :)

is it hard to bust a move on GHB?or will i even feel like busting a move?
Na unfortunately u cant do much at all with it because its like a real liquidy jelly, def cant snort, couldn't put in caps cos it would dissolve them and you'd need too many, some people say that even if you keep it in a plastic bottle too long it starts to eat it away. I know one mate who shot up 1ml and didn't feel it he reckons. only option is to drink I think mate
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I ran out of a reliable source of GHB so now i'm looking to buy GBL on the internet(there are alot of sites who sell the stuff) but never had it before.
Can i just take it by itself or is it worth the trouble to get holfd of NAoh and demi water and brew GHB from it?
Heard some nasty stuff concerning GBL compared to GHB, too bad they banned GHB and didn't ban GBL :s
Fraid it is banned, Chris, just cos you can buy it on the net, it doesnt mean that its legal... trust me on this...sorry, you are in Holland... don't know what the laws are there