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GHB/1,4-B/GBL Discussion and use- Part II

Does anyone know exactly how much 1,4 B changes size at different temparatures?
I took some GBL last night now today my face is all fucked up
ive got red blotches and what looks like dots of bruising all over my face
i done the same GBL before and this never happened..
^ Maybe an allergic reaction to something else, or sensitization to the actual drug? Have you tried taking an antihistamine to help bring down the redness?
the red is around my pores it kinda looks like a popped pimple, and the skin around my eyes is all puffy and can see the veins
i took diphenhydramine before the GBL and when i woke up, but i dont think i can take anything to make it go away, the damage is in the skin
when i first saw it i thought maybe an allergic reaction, but then i would have had the same marks on me the other times i took it, so i dont think thats it.
The GHB/GBL/1,4B Thread

If you use G then this is the thread to discuss anything to do with GHB, GBL or 1,4b. Otherwise im interested to know why you use G? Is it to party, to sleep, for anxiety or maybe to counteract another drugs negative effects(meth)?

Ive noticed that G is very rarely talked about anymore. The last time I saw it was a few years ago but I often see little soy sauce bottles on the floor in night clubs so its around that or lots of people are eating sushi in nightlclubs.

Last time I had some 2.5mls was a strong dose. I think the stuff I was getting was GBL because it was very corrosive and tasted really bad.

I am hoping it makes a bigger comeback in Sydney because G is one of the most euphoric drugs ive taken, you just have to hit that sweet spot where your not too fucked up but not too sober.

Anyway hope this thread gets some attention :)
first post! :D

i've always been intersted in trying GHB i can get it but i've heard mixed reports ofcourse the dealer is raving on about how good it is and how much its like MDMA.but i've heard storys that its just like lyrica or being drunk and stoned at the same time :) GHB is pretty much unheard of in WA
Good thread idea :)

In Melbourne 1,4 B seems to be most common. I've only used GHB twice, both times awhile back in 2003/4.

I find GBL the most euphoric of the 3 but fuck does it taste bad. I thought 1,4 B was rank, but GBL is on another level of yuckiness.

I've used a lot of 1,4 B, just to get high. It's a really good drug, very euphoric. It's pretty versatile I think, good to use while out/partying (as long as you're sensible, know your dose and take it easy), but it's also nice to relax/sleep on. Dosing is probably the biggest down side of it I think, it's hard to find that 'sweet spot' as the_ketaman mentioned, as even when using from the same batch I find your tolerance goes up and down extremely quickly, making the dose required different each time. Also, IMO it's too easy to use too much and get yourself in a dangerous position.

I also found that using regularly really limits how euphoric the high is, and also makes it tend to cause side effects that I found felt similar to drinking too much booze - headache and nausea.

I found physical addiction set in pretty quickly too, and the withdrawal of it can be very dangerous, along the lines of other gabanergics like alcohol or benzos, and warrants medical attention as it can kill you.
first post! :D

i've always been intersted in trying GHB i can get it but i've heard mixed reports ofcourse the dealer is raving on about how good it is and how much its like MDMA.but i've heard storys that its just like lyrica or being drunk and stoned at the same time :) GHB is pretty much unheard of in WA

Dont get ur hopes up man, it is nothing like MDMA, its actually exactly like being drunk with a little added euphoria. The only thing I loved about it was that it made you so horny hahaha apart from that if you have had too much you'd just feel awfully dizzy and unpleasant. Personally its my least favorite drugs ive tried but then again that's me. Ive only tried GBL and GHB powder when it was available to purchase from a lot of "Rim cleaning" websites in Europe mainly UK. Boy was it nasty, it tastes like petrol and that awful smell. Im still amazed at how many people enjoy that stuff, I suppose if its illegal people want it even more, where I lived you could buy as much as you wanted yet no one used it. Really weird.
I disaagree with u Sustanon. Juice is very similar to MDMA at the right dosage, just shorter duration of the peak. So its like I'm loved up yooooooooo and I AM ALSO HORNY. :>

1,4B was the first type of gg that I tried. Loved it. Then I tried GBL, loved it too!. in my oppinion, both 14B and GBL are very similar.

I've only just recently tried with GHB. (last weekend) man this is a total different ball game. The feeling that I got from this salty gg was almost identical to mdma. except I'm a lil bit more messier thats all. I tried to stand up and shuffle. did not shuffle very well before i fell back into my seat.

anyways. TRY GG you'll love it!.

Its fucken hard to get your hands on em in SA. But I think in melbourne and sydney is easy as
The molecular structure is completely different and all in all the effects are completely different too well for me anyway. I'd just say to me it felt like alcohol that's on steroids:) When people refer to it as liquid ecstasy it pisses me off really LOL I tried this stuff when I had access to Liter and liters of it where it was perfectly legal, ended up only using few times before I gave up. So you had empathy effects from it too?
I found it very much like MDMA just without the jaw-clenches and eye-wiggles. I dont think ive ever been as euphoric as the first time I hit the sweet spot, I can remember walking through a shopping centre thinking "this is awesome, I feel soooo good and horny and I want to party!"

I tried it on top of LSD....Sorry will edit this have to go out.....
Theres several long threads about this, try searching the discussion and use thread here in ausdd
^^ This.

There is also quite a lot of discussion in BDD and OD if you wish to swing on by.
Thanks Mr Ibis, I did a search but only found old stuff and since I hadnt really heard anyone talk about G in a long time(except for some of you in melbourne, jealous much!!!) I figured it'd be ok to start up a new thread.

The thread seems to be getting attention though so mods can we leave it?
I disaagree with u Sustanon. Juice is very similar to MDMA at the right dosage, just shorter duration of the peak. So its like I'm loved up yooooooooo and I AM ALSO HORNY. :>

1,4B was the first type of gg that I tried. Loved it. Then I tried GBL, loved it too!. in my oppinion, both 14B and GBL are very similar.

I've only just recently tried with GHB. (last weekend) man this is a total different ball game. The feeling that I got from this salty gg was almost identical to mdma. except I'm a lil bit more messier thats all. I tried to stand up and shuffle. did not shuffle very well before i fell back into my seat.

anyways. TRY GG you'll love it!.

Its fucken hard to get your hands on em in SA. But I think in melbourne and sydney is easy as

fuck looks like im gettin some GHB then its altleast worth a try. i was going to get some for a past festival but i thought it would of been a bad idea trying a new substance at a festival incase it dont agree with me.How do you guys think this would go at a doof or in a night club???does it make you wanna get up and bust a move like MDMA? ( dance like a fucking twat on molly!) i know it makes you horny like MDMA.does it make you more social and loved up?like will you be running up to old friends and giving them a bear hug or any shit like that???? me wants some fucking MDA!!!!
The molecular structure is completely different and all in all the effects are completely different too well for me anyway. I'd just say to me it felt like alcohol that's on steroids:) When people refer to it as liquid ecstasy it pisses me off really LOL I tried this stuff when I had access to Liter and liters of it where it was perfectly legal, ended up only using few times before I gave up. So you had empathy effects from it too?

house fires anyone??? inside joke :p

i rekon we should leave this thread up :) whats the harm?
I personally didn't find it very similar to MDMA, it does have a few things in common, namely the messiness, euphoria and it does invoke a kind of friendly, open feeling. Other than that I'd say it's closer to alcohol but a much cleaner feeling, a more euphoric and happy buzz and a fraction of the shitty side effects. It doesn't feel nearly as harsh and toxic as booze does.
I was given a fish full a year and a half ago. It was lost at a doof and found the next morning , possibly sitting in the sun for a few hours. Its been in the fridge ever since. How can I tell if it is still good??? I've never come across it again and would like to try it but not if its unsafe.

How do I tell if its GBL, GBH or 1,4?
fuck looks like im gettin some GHB then its altleast worth a try. i was going to get some for a past festival but i thought it would of been a bad idea trying a new substance at a festival incase it dont agree with me.How do you guys think this would go at a doof or in a night club???does it make you wanna get up and bust a move like MDMA? ( dance like a fucking twat on molly!) i know it makes you horny like MDMA.does it make you more social and loved up?like will you be running up to old friends and giving them a bear hug or any shit like that???? me wants some fucking MDA!!!!

Both places should be good to do, like I said don't expect too much from it. Its really hard to get the dosing right too, you have too little and bearly feel anything, have too much and your knocked out sleeping and if uve really overdone it u may slip into a coma and can easily die. There isnt too much of a difference between dosage needed for recreational purposes and overdose. It wont make you feel empathy or loved up and it doesnt have that pushy energetic feeling associated with MDMA. All i felt was being dizzy, Im not really sure how someone can say its like MDMA, in no way does it even resemble it.

Anyone with long term experience with this substance would know that, its also annoying when alot of people including the media refer to it as liquid ecstasy. Trust me I was looking for an alternative to MDMA when there was a massive draught in Europe and was desperate for anything that resembled it, ended up giving away a 5 liter flask of GBL to a mate because I was so dissapointed. I say give it a go just be very careful with dosage, no more than 2-3 ml of pure GBL and report back on how it was. If you liek alcohol then u will love it, I personally hate drinking so that may be a reason why I didnt even like it in the first place.
My friends and I went hard on the 1,4 every weekend last month, five of them where rushed to emergency then admitted to I.C until next day. It is very true that getting dosage right is critical, you must always carefully measure each dose using plunger, It seems to me that the dosage is between 2.5-4mLs. If you too soft to do less than 2.5 then don't even bother trying it, it takes everyone atleast 2.5 to get effects and as much as 4 for others. The problem with 1,4 is that it takes to longer to feel effects than gbl/gbh because it passes through vital organs before converting to ghb in the body and many people redose before the first one has hit them because they think it didn't work, then they end up in hospital especially if they been drinking. If you see someone moaning, struggling to breath, and passing out then ring ambulance immediately!! Then monitor breathing till they arrive, if they stop breathing lye them on floor, tilt head back, block nose and breathe for them (pretty unpleasant if they the same sex) but it will save their life. Having said all that if you manage to get your dosage right the euphoria is outa this world and you will definitely have the best sex of your life. My opinion is its nothing at all like alcohol whatsoever, its feeling is closer to that of mdma but without any stimulant effect, its more of a sedative. I would recommend taking it with a person you intend fucking and u will have best night ever, don't really recommend it for partying and clubbing. My most important advice about all 3 forms is be careful, it is not a drug to be fucked with, it can and does kill!!