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Geographicaly different dancing styles

I love this thread! I've been over here in London for the past 10-11months now hitting the clubs hard and have been blown away by how tame people dance over here. They just don't move! And if they do, it's all out of rhythm and just plain embarrassing.
It was funny to read the description of the Melbourne Shuffle. I'm from Melbourne myself but hadn't actually been into the rave scene all that much until I started travelling some 18mths ago. (anyone know of the Stadium Bar on Flinders Lane - now the ICON? I used to run it! hehe!).
When I hit London I got right into the whole scene and have miraculously perfected the 'Melbourne Shuffle' without having actually seen it before! Weird!! The description fits me to a tee!
I came home in January and hit Hard Kandy, Q-Bar, Dome, Tatou etc etc while I was there and did NOT want to leave! Melbourne's scene kicks London's ass hands down!
My mate Dave's over here too now - along with his own Melbourne Shuffle - and we take over when we go out. It's so tame over here! UGH! I wanna come home!!!!
Keep it hard Australia! I'm counting the days till I return....
Keep it clean, keep it pure, but most of all .... keep it HARD!!!!
i've been to parties in sydney, wollongong, northern NSW, perth and victoria - after a while you just do what feels good but i do think its ok to watch the ways other people are doing and if it feels nice - do it. this probably explains some stylistic differences across the country
venceremos - hasta la victoria siempre
Mikeysammy - if your ever in brisbane, i can show you a video my friend owns, "how to breakdance - hosted by the MIGHTY POPALOTS"
I shit you not, this is the real 1983 McCoy.
electric boogaloo anyone?
Regarding the Breakers: MunkE, like Tarsalan said people going insane whilst breaking is awesome to watch.
Regarding the Americanisation of doof/rave culture, there's a healthy hiphop community in Melbourne and Australia who are as Australian as Rolf Harris (all fully into the four elements), music isn't a racial thing, otherwise raves wouldn't have spread to Australia. I think you'll also find that jungle and dnb have major hiphop roots, so it is kind of hard to have one without the other.
Fireal - I can only Break my fall.
what i've encountered:
EARLY RAVE SYDNEY: the old skipping thing.. start off on your right, skip to your left, skip to your right, all the time with two hands in the air like a V looking at the DJ with a huge grin on your face while he spins those classic tunes.. "we are buggin... oooh yeah... oooh yeah..."
CURRENT RAVE SYDNEY: every two years there is a fresh sea of faces at raves in sydney, from about 1995 onwards, all you could hear at raves were happy hard. so everybody ditched the skipping and changed over to this running on the spot thing.. they swap from leg to leg, and with their arms they throw them up and down as if that's what is changing the rotation of the legs :-] looks dodgy to me :-]
CURRENT RAVE MELBOURNE: the CRAZY LEGS dance.. forget this melbourne shuffle shit0x, it's the crazy legs shit.. i saw some kick ass dancers this last time i went to melbourne! two in particular.. a girl at this small techno party called "technosis" at the end of queen street on the saturday night before trade, this little blonde girl was spinning around and crazy legging all over the shop! the second was a guy at monkey@qbh at about 12pm on the monday after trade.. this guy was funkin it up, how you pricks can move so fast with the crazy legs is beyond me :-]
SYDNEY HINRG COMMERCIAL CLUBS: heh.. this is a funny one. because most of the guys there are so built they can't move so they put their arms out to flex (just imagine ken with his plastic arms out straight) and they sway from side to side... or then you get the speeded up "peakin it" suburb boy who's moving twice the speed of the music running his arms up and down his body with glowsticks like he's a podium sex god... lol.. these ones are the funniest :-]
GENERIC DOOF DANCING: now here is a style of dancing that looks just as good as the crazy legs.. it's like the person is running but backwards and they are stomping their feet on the ground spinning around to the psy tunes.. i must say, when the psytrance is banging and you've got a bunch of tripped out ferals getting back to nature in the bush then it can be one hell of an experience :-]
i just use whatever i see and do it in my own way, simple. :-]
I think anyone and everyone is a "good" dancer, no matter what you do. With the exception of people who are inconsiderate of the rest of the dancefloor. Sure go as crazy as you want if there is the space, but every now and then have a peek at the people around you - it may have got heaps more crowded since you started... dance in the space that there is, don't bash people to make more space - you're dancing isn't that good! People around don't all want to watch you. Go to a mosh pit if you wanna dance like that!
I can think think of 4 different types of dancer - the ones who dance the same all the time, the ones who dance differently to different music, ones who dance differently depending on what drugs they're on, and the ones who are dancing attention seekers!
You'd probably find the "bigger" dancers are probably on speed, or attention seekers!
And with the breaking thing, back in the mid 80's it was an american thing, now it's not...
When people are talking about the different dancing styles in different places, you can only really compare if you know they are dancing to exactly the same music. Coz people will always move differently to different styles... I even find what clothes and shoes I wear make a difference!
Last rave I was at, some dude put talc on the carpet! Tehehe... shows the intelligence of "talc dancers"!
Thanks for bumping this tars, great reading & i never would have seen it otherwise.
I haven't gone out anywhere but Melbourne & i never really thought about the way people dance around Australia or the rest of the world before but now i'm really looking forward to seeing it. I've always loved watching people dance. It's way cool seeing how differently everyone moves & the way they change with the music. It's not about how 'good' they look, it's how lost in the music they seem that i love to see. I don't really know what i look like when i dance & i don't really care that much either. I just move however i feel & fuck it feels good!
Yay for feet!
to the crazy person, the normal one is insane
Just a note about the Sydney hardcore run. Here the feet move back and forth but in the uK at hardcore/happyhard do's they move their feet in the same manner but from side to side. I've tried to do it at raves but always end up falling over.
Oh well.
Oh and at dnb things in Sydney people hardly dance. They just kind of sway and bop. Neither foot ever leaves the ground. Why? For me its because of the copious amounts of pot consumed. Im pretty sure that applies across the board.
"No sane man will dance" - Cicero (106-43 BC)
Don't really know what the melbourne shuffle is. Gotta experience it for myself to get an idea.
Anyway i reckon dancing is a personal thing, you got you unique style, and when the mdma is kiking in, you show the unique style. No matter where you are. Sydney is pretty diverse. Think it depends on the style of music as well. I see some people use alot of upper body movement, and i see alot of people who use alot of lower body movement, some just use alot of both. I really think its up to the individual how they really dance.
yeah, dont really see the geographical differences myself, only ever been out in brisbane but its not like everyone dances the same up here, a lot of people do the bouncy thing, our music might be a bit harder than say, melbourne, but most people do their own thing, i just do whatever feels good *grin*, depends on the music as well .....
~peace out~
how come i didnt see this thread?
in my family of space cadets (all in melbourne), each of us have a different style.
and we have assigned a different animal, according to what we look like when we dance. there is a rabbit, a fish, a squirrel, a bird etc...
*wonders what the style of dance the little cute white blobby thing at the end of Ghost's post would be classed as*
should come as no surprise that im the "rabbit" in my family...
im from melbourne and we not only have the shuffle but some people call it the crazy legs. We can do them side to side and then do some turns and jump and continue with grace. I have a fav dancer here as well. Everytime he dances, people just move and watch him. he is really good. And being in sydney and mel, mel dance is still the best ... alot of self expression to the music.
all for one and one for all. Rave safely!
Well, It's been a long time since this thread has seen the light of day.
Welcome back I say.
Well, having not replied to the thread previously I have to say this.
Melbournites rock. simple.
I will be making my merry way up to Sydney for a weekend in Jan/Feb for a bit of rocking fun!
You sydneyits will then experiance the full glory and visual excitment that a Melbournite in full swing presents to a crowd. And believe me, when a Melbournite is dancing well, there is always a crowd watching, and if I do say so myself, I put on a SHIT HOT show.
he he he I guess you will have to wait and see.
Dancer, Mid 1978 Model, Located in Melbourne, Well worn in, a few squeeks here and there but maintained to usual standards. No RWC, No Reg, Fuck all Brakes, Bald Tyres, Good Amps, but no overload protection or output filter once turned on, fired up and fed the right stuff. For more info, please call 1800 BASS JUNKY
FEEL THE BASS, let it work you into a frenzy.
"I'm stuck on this island, Gilligan Style"
I still rememebr my first party way back when.....i didnt wanna go, i couldnt dance....never had been able too..i resisted going for so long..but finally got dragged along..............but fark!..the minute i got out there..it just came to me...i was pulling all this stuff off not even knowing how i was doing it...ppl didint believe it was my first time
.........over the years ya kinda see all these different styles and see bits you like and add them to your artillery
........but im still in awe of some dancers out there..with things i just cant master!....mainly the feet pivot thingy
...but as long as im happy doin wot im doin..who cares

StOp ThE WorlD...i WaNNa gEt oFF
haha what a mad thread.. well my style is definatly the stomp, I only go doofing these days so Im definatly not along on the psytrance stomp

Bom Shankar!
haha what a mad thread.. well my style is definatly the stomp, I only go doofing these days so Im definatly not alone on the psytrance stomp

Bom Shankar!