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General Heroin Discussion 20 v. Walking Around in Women's Underwear

from personal experience, i pay far less for killer bud (what i was buying top shelf in the dispensaries out there) here than i did out there. i mean, yea, it's because of taxes and i dont have my medical card out there, but still. it's still such a wild feeling being like "fuck it. i wanna get obnoxiously stoned right now. i think im gonna walk 800 feet down the block to the weed store".

but in my experience, in denver: weed/oil is literally everywhere (duh), meth is cheap and plentiful, coke is expensive but around, heroin is hard to find/primarily tar, psychadelics are fucking everywhere, and pills are cheap as fuck since apparently wyoming/montana is the florida of the mid west/west coast. i paid less for 50 roxi 5's than i did an 8th of weed out there, lol

but then again, i saw pretty lights live at red rocks and brought acid (dutch needlepoint from around here) out west. tripped nuts, then traded the extra 2 tabs for the first instant release opanas ive seen since the op/new opana time release became a thing. and i got a hand full of weed from a guy named sweaty (no joke), that he grew (called it 303 kush), and said he used to shoot heroin in brooklyn and that i should "consider this a welcome to colorado present".

the people were cool, but the drugs (except weed) are meh. i'll take ny dope/coke/lsd/mdma/ketamine any day of the week. although the rockies have the best mushrooms ive ever encountered

edit: and because the only good dope connect i have is only selling buns or more, i had to settle for 4 roxi 20s and now im waiting on weed. ugh. booooooooooooo

yeah I hear you man. I see people on the internet and BL in specifically bragging about how their area has "____ and ____ ALL OVER THE PLACE!!11! now" and I just kind of chuckle to myself.

I know it's absolutely nothing to be proud of, and nothing I'm even responsible for personally, but it still is part of my life.

Of the top 5 most populated cities in the US, Philadelphia is at the end with roughly 1,555,000 people. Now I know there are no concrete ways of measuring this, but I would be willing to bet there is just as many people in involved in the drug game in Philly as there are in any of the 4 cities in front of it (NYC, LA, Chi, Houston).

Not per capita either, just straight up PEOPLE.

I can get ounces of legitimate dispensary weed mailed to me by some guy in Washington state who I don't know and will never meet for more or less Cali prices and be just fine

you COULD get stamps of heroin sent to your house, but odds are they are going to be rather shitty considering there isn't a guy down the street from the dealer who has even better shit. These guys literally sell dirt with a little fleck of heroin in it and people who order it online and dont what what real dope feels like are just "aww yeah FIRE again THANKS MAN"

And yeah, I must reiterate that I'm aware that bragging about your heroin connections just looks like you're a scumbag but at the same time, fuck it. im gonna be proud of this shit

I still remember the first time I got in my car and drove down to the ghetto to cold cop. I passed over a few possible targets at first for various reasons and wound up with dope with 25 mins.

I know that's not going to get me any job interviews or anything but you know what?

I do feel pretty fucking proud of myself for being able to say that. Heroin MAKES you became self-sufficient, unless youre some kind of trust fund baby

which Im not. when my dad dies he'll probably leave me his vacuum and hat collection.

so I can cold cop with my 76ers snapback on of course

I still miss my friend wayne man. such an extremely up and down portion of my life over the past 4 years and he always had my back about shit and vice versa for both the highs and the lows. Im fuckin cryin as Intype this man im fuckin wrecked over that still.

we might have argued over some petty shit like a bag or two here and there but at the end of the day if I hit him up and said "yo im in a jam here", he was gonna help me out

Indont got nobody I can trust anymore
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and why do people always gotta keep trying to crack jokes at the cash register, then get an offended face when I dont laugh hysterically?

damn Ik already trying to pretend you dont exist, this only delays that process

im just fucking sick of our society in general. I have to live a double life every fucking day just so I can get to the next one. And im sure countless people probably interact with me and goe "oh he's such a nice young man!" but in thr back of my mind the whole time im just trying to forget they exist.

im such a nice young man until you find out I do heroin. what exactly changed in that timespan?

im fucking sick of life
and I shouldnt even be working at this cash register this is fucking retarded. this fat bitch I work with is the assistant manager so she acts like ringing people up is beneath her and her made-up title so I get left here as she waddles around and pulls bottles for orders (aka, you basically fucking go shopping with a clipboard)

and these people I work with just expect me to work hard for them because I am extremely good at what I do but at the same time fuck that, not unless im on heroin..

oh yeah so thays why me doijgn dope is so negative, fuckijgnwith my work productionnright? not a chance, I just dont work hard for peopoe I dont like and only donwork hard for thrm whenn im on drugs

i just want to go home and pretend this doesnt exist until the last part of that becomes true about myself in general
damn I dont remember typing any of that.

I remember talkin shit on my fat boss butthat was it

here's to my one true friend, Mr. Harry Win

i give myself until the end of this year to figure some shit out or im just gonna start IVing my dope instead. I probably just had shitty dope the last time I shot up but if I had jjst shot up "THIS SHIT RIGHTBHERE NIQQA"

id prob be wll lomemo

damn these bags are good as fuck though im suddenly not concerned with anything I said
thats another thing czey, im down to meet up eventually for sure I just have to do the ole' "gotta get my shit together" spiel lol
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ayeeee im apparently waiting on a dope drop lol. my friend called me and said something about how he "borrowed" (stole) money from his girl to get a bun, because he only had 3/4ths of the money for a bun and a bun is his guys minimum...either way he just begged me to buy a few bags off him and get him weed for his girl so she doesnt freak at him lol
and right on queue I go ahead and find 3 MMG bags I thought had been lost forever since christmas time in the very snow hat I went to get them in. there's a story behind these bags, but im gonna walk the dog and try to remember the finer details before I just start halfassing it and spilling someone nonsense on the page. Here's a trailer though: picture me driving down I-95 with my hood bent up sharply (and illegally), smoking a blunt while high on heroin and listening to sports radio

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Kendra is actually a girl :)

She is very good walking now a lil bit she's almost a year now next month..

I had relapsed on needles when my baby moms went to jail for child support on July 4th..

Whoa actually I stopped the needle a month ago to the dot.. Wow i thought it's been longer fuck me.. After 3 years of none needle use.. Yeah i sniffed shit but I can manage with sniffing.. Ontop of that I was strictly on suboxone..

So the opportunity raised its head that I cud put down these exspensive ass pills and pick up cheap ass heroin and not have to go anywhere near Camden to get it, um duh
Yes please.. And from a close friend that I have known for a couple years..

But it has to stop.. All of it has to stop.. Yeah i maintain and sell so i get high for free but my customers have all but disappeared but 1 so i started spending my own money, which I refuse to do.. That's my one of my rules.. And not going to Camden lol..

So im almost there.. I did a half a 30 only yesterday at 9:30am and was Withdrawaling by 10:00pm.. I struggled thru last night and took my final piece of suboxone today..

I am trying so hard.. Not to spend cash.. And i won't..

Hope all of yu are well... Love ya all man..

So how does it work with someone having to go to jail for not paying child support? I know it sucks if they aren't paying but I don't see how jail is a solution since they definitely aren't paying you then.

And on the topic of oxy, it really has no legs. I found that no matter how late in the night that I did it I would wake up sick. It only holds you a little when you start spacing it out once every 2 or 3 days, so once your body adjusts you don't get that sick until like 36 hrs in.
whoa wtf was I even talking about, benzos and dope are the devil. I should know better than that.

I guess what I was trying to say is that it is difficult for me to show up to my employer and NOT work hard without even thinking about it but at this job I seriously have to tell myself at least twice an hour

"fuck these people. you do not need to make their jobs easier because they don't do shit themselves yet bitch the most about shit"

I don't have a problem with government, I have a problem with the average government employee. And I think I might make people feel insecure about themselves because Im way younger than all of these people, learned and used the technology way faster than any of them, don't have the attitude of someone who is completely miserable (or Im just good at hiding it), get along well with customers of all walks of life (some of the people are seriously like afraid to help black people find stuff because they dont want to have to tell them we don't have what theyre looking for. not even kidding, people are such pussies), can meet all of the physical demands of the job (whereas every other person you talk to "o my back!, oh my hip!, oh my vag!"), dont have a problem working with anyone (mostly because I know I can just do all the work and tell them to go front the Vladimir or something), and in all seriousness I just have a likeable face.

It goes both ways though, people who are satisfied with their lives will appreciate and enjoy working with me.

people who fucking hate their lives and are insecure about shit generally try and point out every single thing that I do wrong.

and the only problem I have with that is that they just point out that Im not doing it, THEIR WAY. The end result is the same, but it wasnt done how THEY WERE TAUGHT

so I basically have a bunch of miserable and ugly as shit managers telling me every day that what Im doing is wrong, yet customer after customer tells me how good of a job im doing

so you know what, I don't really give a fuck because miserable people are going to be miserable regardless of whether it was my fault or not.

I see why I can come across as miserable on BL though, but it's mainly because I have to deal with BS at my job all day and get no credit for the shit I do, then I come home and get no credit for the shit I do around here, and then I come on BL and get bitched at for doing exactly what is says in The Lounge description so I really dont give a fuck anymore

it probably wouldnt hurt if I started getting laid again. I dont even know if the random one night stands I had back in the day could be considered enough to be able to say "again" really. I've always been able to talk to girls pretty well actually I just got fuckin strung out on drugs and stopped talking to everybody period. damn i need to stop going into full detail about my life on BL, stop doing heroin, and go fuck the shit out of some 19 year old snatch after I buy her some Chardonnay with 7 gold medals that don't mean anything

I'm only miserable when Im coming down off drugs tbh, any other time and I will give you the shirt off my back. I usually like to go shirtless on heroin anyway LOL

damn brah that world is ours dope, im starting to think I could cure cancer if I got off at the right exit off 95

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and that's what pisses me off about our society's stance on drugs the most, it makes people completely overlook anything else you do except for the drugs

everything Ive done in my life, and if I tell someone I like heroin it instantly means nothing

some fucking world we live in

and youll get the douchebags: "oh are you a doctor? are you a lawyer (I prob could be tbh)"

as if those are the only two professions in existence and that matter

no, Im not either of those. But I am a damned good worker, and that translates to any and every profession where you actually have to DO WORK

not just go to school for 17 years and shuffle a few papers around "hey sorry youre going to jail for 4-5 years"

gee thanks, it only fucking says that in the legal code. thanks for telling me what I could have found out on my own

and doctors, omg what a hard job. considering technology does 99% of your fucking job (excluding surgeons) anyway, Im not really sure why everyone is still on their dick. I can do a better job explaining to you how a lot of drugs will make you feel than any fucking doctor will. believe that
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Yeah bro I'm down for the meet up man..

Come as you are doe bro yu dont need to get ur shit together to hang out..

If yu can inbox me

Happy labor day ya all.. Im waiting in a ride and going out towards Trenton getting some oxy 15s as soon as I get out there too
that I did..and who am I to say that I wont again

I tend to go off when im really strung out and high...so until I find dope here it should wait
so my boss finally gave me my check, lol. so i came home, bought 4 stamps, a quarter o of some Sour Sweet Tooth (sweet tooth x sour diesel), and am trying to convince one of my friends to drive me 40 minutes north so i can get a bunch of op20's for really damn cheap.

decent day. nodding off 3 of the 4 stamps, ripping the bong, and blasting some Milo & Otis. decent tuesday lol

edit: i couldnt get the op 20's, but i found a new mdma connect and figured i'd hit him up. i show up and he has some of the firest fire moon rocks ive seen in awhile, for half the price (no exaggeration) of standard street price. i proceeded to buy a .5, 20 .5mg klonopin, and 2 8mg dilaudid off of him lol.
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I haven't been around nasasddafgh in a while
Good to see sum jeebis combo posts again, they always seem to bring the jelly out of me and I'm sure I'm not alone lol

Still wonder what happened to verso and zneg
the ole' 13th step eh? smoking crack now toma?

ooo boy

err, shooting crack

end result is usually the same
Yeah I was smoking crack before but I started shooting it lately. My d dealer started selling hard and soft and for cheap too which is awesome and bad for me cus I'm thinking about getting like 4 grams of hard tomorrow
fuck that..get 4gs of dope, you will thank yourself a lot more..especially by the end of the night when your out of crack..where you will still have 3grams of dope left to do tomorrow
I haven't been around nasasddafgh in a while
Good to see sum jeebis combo posts again, they always seem to bring the jelly out of me and I'm sure I'm not alone lol

Still wonder what happened to verso and zneg

Yeah I miss zneg he was really cool. I hope he's ok he just kinda disappeared.