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GBL MEGATHREAD 6: The Germans didn't make Dan's

also, im not sure how some of you 24/7 users manage to get anything done a 'productive citizen' type manner..i mean, when you are dosing round the clock and constantly flowing from high to rebound anxiety, how do you work and keep house clean, children watched etc etc?better yet, do your other hobbies go to shit when dosing 24/7 or maybe thats what got you into 24/7 use because of boredom?i have found in all my experience, that if i dose twice in a day whether its Ghb or Gbl that it starts interfering with my life a little too much...

i also wonder why gbl isnt more popular, probably because its hard to get, the media scared people away from it?used responsibly, it is such a wonderful harmless experience..
GBL is piss easy to get, i think if you have alot of spare time/no job it's easier to fall into 24/7, i can't imagine going to work with withdrawals from it when i first started using it few years ago alot of mates didn't wanan try it because soon as i said it they said "rape drug" it wasn't till they tried it and liked it and no raped occurred on that occasion.

i also had a mate take about 30-40ml i think a small glass and put it out and said help yourselves at some party and a kid drunk it all in one go and ended up in hospital put in a coma with water on the lungs (iirc)
i also wonder why gbl isnt more popular, probably because its hard to get, the media scared people away from it?used responsibly, it is such a wonderful harmless experience..

Yeah because of the media i expect
i also wonder why gbl isnt more popular, probably because its hard to get, the media scared people away from it?used responsibly, it is such a wonderful harmless experience..

i dunno about how wonderfully harmless it is, ive been able to use it on a few occasions every night for up to a week, and then had to get rid, because i dont trust my self conntrol with it to leave the stuff alone if i have it. I didnt want to chance carrying on longer than that. There's been no problems atall stopping after one week. Gonna leave it a week or 2 before i nex get some more, things get pretty mad on it.

I dont know how long it takes to start developing a physical or psychological addiction but i wouldn't imagine it would take very long.
4.7ml of G over 6 hours yesterday, struggled to sleep after that. Woke up fine. Nice stuff, gonna have to be careful with it though
4.7ml of G over 6 hours yesterday, struggled to sleep after that. Woke up fine. Nice stuff, gonna have to be careful with it though

ive noticed the same..last night i dosed twice, at a party, once around 8 pm and the last dose at 11:30...i went to bed at 2 am wide awake, not even a little drowsy ..even taking 1 mg klonopin didnt do anything to help sleep so i just laid there until 8 am, got an hour or so of sleep and here i am...thats one thing i dont like about Gbl, u cant dose late at night and expect to sleep..

i also noticed it takes fucking forever to cum on gbl...wtf...i mean, it almost is comparable to opiates in that regard..

drugbuddy-well i have taken ghb, bdo and gbl since late 90s, on and off...95% of the time i take it, enjoy a few hours of social time or whatever and thats it..no hangover or embarrassing moments but i can definitely understand the ease of which it could lead into problems or just relatively consuming your life..its pleasurable and hits within 5-10 minutes for me and it more enjoyable than 99% of the other activities i do so....luckily i have a job i couldnt take this stuff at nor do i enjoy working out on it or when im coming down off it..

yeah, still havent figured out a way to party all night on gbl tbh..the first dose hits hard, lasts about an hour and half, then any further redoses, no matter how small or big just turn me into a couch potato...a very content couch potato but u get my point..lol..

i only know 1-2 people even willing to take it with me..they just started and they love the stuff, the full blown magic still hits them, im envious..
^ im the same, my first dose in morning is "ok" but redoses just turn me into a lazy mong, kinda of too lazy to even watch tv, with a new job starting im hoping i can stop any wd's from it with some pyrazolam, if that doesn't work ill be going to docs for baclofen
^^yeah i have found the best way is to only use it once a day..any more and you are risking problems and it gets much less enjoyable with each progressive use..back in the ghb days i was able to maintain a schedule of taking it only once on friday and saturday nights..it really worked its magic back then :)
seems most of you europeans have stopped taking this stuff or on a break from it lol..

i know bdo was said to raise prolactin levels but what about Gbl??
Been enjoying this stuff, around 1.4/1.6 seems to be the perfect amount for me so far, makes me as horny as fuck
makes me as horny as fuck

That seems to be the only effect I've had from it so far other than being sick. 8) Still can't see how people pref it to booze, maybe I need to try it more times.

Put my last 1ml in a water bottle cos I didnt want to leave it at uni for a month sooo might end up necking that on the shitboring coach journey.
Been enjoying this stuff, around 1.4/1.6 seems to be the perfect amount for me so far, makes me as horny as fuck

that is actually my sweet spot too.

1.4 i nice, 1.6 if i want it heavy, if i do 1.6 sometimes i pref to lay down for a bit.
1.4 is gr8 for going out, you just have to be doing some stimulating to notice it more.

i love it, like riding a fucking sweet alcohol trip, but it is more euphoric and you look much less fucked up than you really are. plus 100x more coordinated if you dosed right(not too high)

i have really strange rebound from it though, still better than a alcohol hangover but it is just really strange feeling that's all. like having a fuckload of anxiety
Wicked stuff isn't it, the horny-ness is crazy. anymore than 1.8 and i end up quite spinny

I had some rebound last night, didnt feel anxious off it but mind was racing all night trying to sleep, was like trying to sleep on speed but weirder. how many days in a row is it safe to do before the rebound gets nasty?
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That seems to be the only effect I've had from it so far other than being sick. 8) Still can't see how people pref it to booze, maybe I need to try it more times.

Put my last 1ml in a water bottle cos I didnt want to leave it at uni for a month sooo might end up necking that on the shitboring coach journey.

and what if makes you horny you just going to start shagging the other passengers ? lol :)
Wicked stuff isn't it, the horny-ness is crazy. anymore than 1.8 and i end up quite spinny

I had some rebound last night, didnt feel anxious off it but mind was racing all night trying to sleep, was like trying to sleep on speed but weirder. how many days in a row is it safe to do before the rebound gets nasty?

Again, I'll urge you to show some restraint and not try to figure that out in practice, cos it's not a nice place to be if you don't have any benzos to smooth the way. It'll be a different amount of time for everyone, and the withdrawal process is misleadingly easy the first couple of times. But do it repeatedly and the effects will become cumulatively worse and worse each time. Trust me.
Wicked stuff isn't it, the horny-ness is crazy. anymore than 1.8 and i end up quite spinny

I had some rebound last night, didnt feel anxious off it but mind was racing all night trying to sleep, was like trying to sleep on speed but weirder. how many days in a row is it safe to do before the rebound gets nasty?

ive been there, where you are laying in bed around 2 am and should be falling asleep but instead wide awake..you arent jittery or nervous but in a slightly agitated state..u KNOW sleep is not coming for at least 3-4 hours unless u pop some xanax or whatever..it almost feels like sleepless opiate withdrawals but without the sickness in terms of not being able to go to sleep..

to me there is nothing better that riding the perfect high, u feel so close to people, movement seems faster and you arent falling all over or chopping your words like on alcohol..again i find the redosing part of gbl to be tricky in a party setting..first blast has me set for almost 2 hours if im lucky but then if i dose another 1.2 or something, i get too much of the sedative effect..i cant seem to fine-tune this area..many of you just seem to casually sip on it all night long but then i end up just blegh..lol..

anyone else notice that the rebound is minimal sometimes where other times it seems to be wicked, doesnt matter how many doses u have been taking that day?im quite shocked someone hasnt come up with a better way of countering this rebound..i remember my bdo phase, i would counter rebound by dosing a very light dose of phenibut right after taking my Bdo..
Yeah was very awake, an odd state of awake-ness, was like being in limbo, kinda reminds me of when i've overdone the etiz, i like the racing thoughts of stims but the racing thoughts of the GBL rebound is odd, boarderline delirious or something, gonna be careful with it. it seems when i trigger off the spins and staggering around that the rebound kicks in after. yea the high is wicked at the right amounts. not sure if i'd take it out, altho might do when i get a bit more familiar with it, re-doses of 1.2 every 2 hours or something, last night ended up re-dosing 1.4 twice on the hour ontop of booze, then got carried away and ended up 1.4 twice on the half hour. horny-ness through the roof the entire time. cut right down on benzos so gonna avoid em after the GBL
sadly i dont get the raging horniness i once did way back in the day from using ghb/gbl/Bdo..i get a mild libido boost thats it...ive been taking it since the late 90s though..

the rebound is bizarre, tonight i didnt get much rebound at all, maybe a tad bit of anxiety or low mood but thats it..

as for the rebound when you take it late in the evening, it seems even when i dose around 6 pm it seems it still gives me sleep problems even when i go to bed at midnight...i will need xanax or something to sleep then..for such a short acting drug why does the rebound or sleep problem persist for so long after dosing?it really puts me off dosing later at night or kiss sleep goodbye or have xanax laying around..
Bought a bottle myself. 3ml and made an absolute tit out of myself. The ffirst high is only good, redoses just give wobbles and sickness