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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Game: Guess the movie from the trivia v1.0

there's a good joke to be made here, but it's 230AM and I'm dog tired. :(
3 ones :

- italian movie that was released in italy with italian subtitles cause most of it is spoken in the naples dialect which is quite different from italian
(there's probably several ones fitting this definition. the title one the one i'm thinking about is a pun on 2 words)

- the director said that if he had known of the dangers of filming in such locations, he wouldn't have made the movie

- the inspiration for the film came from when a friend of the director died in custody
1st ~Gomorrah?

2nd one ~City of God?

3rd~ What happened to James Chasse?
- yes
- yes
- la haine (/hate)


(i don't know about the James Chasse movie)
^Gomorrah~as in the Biblical City destroyed for the Hedonistic sins of it's inhabitants...
and Comorra-Meaning Mafiosa like, Violent, Gangs
the main actor didn't speak the language in which the movie was filmed and learned all the lines by heart (just repeating the sounds i suppose)

and it doesn't come out bad at all - you'd think he had some decent knowledge of the language
Way to kill a thread, vegan. :D You're still cool in my book though. None of this shut the fuck up vegan business.
the main actor didn't speak the language in which the movie was filmed and learned all the lines by heart (just repeating the sounds i suppose)
and it doesn't come out bad at all - you'd think he had some decent knowledge of the language

Am goin to look for it, sounds like a Fab show!:)

...Someone else go...am too Lazy!
i don't know about fab show, so i don't know if it suits the trivia
it's not the one i had in mind

so some help :

this actor was the only american on set
you probably heard of or even saw the movie in question

but you for sure know about another film, from a famous hollywood franchise, with the same actor and the same director
for some reason many people say that it's the least good of the franchise
i don't think it's bad at all

this actor once played in a movie with sean connery
the movie is kind of green
the actors all have weird looking (natural) faces
You've had the longest turn I've ever seen in any game in this forum. I don't even understand what's going on at this point. Is all of this an extension of your first clues? Was Ascleplius right with his first guesses? If so, then isn't it his or her turn now? I'm going to go lie down.

i don't know about fab show, so i don't know if it suits the triviait's not the one i had in mind

@ Vegan-think you have wires crossed here?!...erm 'Fab show' is a turn of phrase!lol

^^^Are those 3 seperate clues or a clue about an Actor/Movie?????????? If not, Im guessing Kung Fu??
^^ Am completely confused!!??

Il start afresh to keep the ball rolling and its my turn apparently,

Clue .1 A British Comedy, about a varied group of characters, however focusing on an important Character/Subject of great Controversy throughout History.