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Gabapentinoids Gabapentin Megathread

Nope. More like a bit of euphoria, anixolysis, pain relief, disinhibition, sociability, etc. I don't use gabapentin as I have pregabalin which is like gabapentin's brother on a large amount of steroids. That's a pretty common side effect for a fair amount of medications though and I know I've dealt with farrrrrr worse to get highhhhhhh than a bit of loose stool.... I'd post references but if you bothered to even read most of the thread you'd see many people talk about it. It's just a mix of people using it legitimately and talking about that versus people talking about it's recreational use. Sometimes a bit of both! You will get very little in the way of recreational effects if you don't take it properly. Taking large doses ends up with you absorbing very little, whilst taking smaller amounts over a period of time yields you getting much more in your system.
been on 1600MG for quite sometime (months) for anti-seizure; I also take Keppra for this. lately I have been trying to get off Gabapentin but scared of WD's. went from 1600MG;s down to 400-800MG's/day, once in the AM. do you think I will go through WD's if i completely stop tomorrow? I Have been taking a day off or two every other morning and feel a bit UGH but not sure if its mental or an actual physical thing. I have read so many different things when it comes to WD's; some people say its the worst they had and others says its a piece of cake. well, I am an EX heroin addict and have been through TOUGH WD's w/ heroin, benzos, etc. nowadays I am on 4MG Suboxone and no trouble in life w/ drugs, so I am in no rush to be sick off Gaba withdrawals. so what do you think? should I just STOP and not be worried or should I be expecting WD's?
I honestly only get withdrawals when I'm dosing high amounts for long periods. 400mgs a day may produce no withdrawal. When I was on 900 msg I had one sleepless night and it was over. Since your on such a low dose you could prob try tapering lower. Take half a capsule or tab..take with food everyone so absorption staysthe same
I know I was overly cautious with my gabapentin usage. 12 days with one dose before bed at 600mgs for sure got rid of my nerve pain, and since I am healing I don't need it anymore. So the last two nights I went without, not even a spec of withdrawal. Hey, there was a post by someone in this thread that said 7 weeks on gabapentin ruined his life. That is a strong statement and since I don't trust doctors or the pharm industry I had to take a Bluelighter's experience seriously. I think a lot of the problems mentioned in this thread was poly drug use too. But there were also people who only took gabapentin and had problems after a long period of time on a high dose.

Anyway, I appreciate the HR here at Bluelight. And now I still have 55 of these yellow pills left. I will save them for opiate withdrawal should I ever need them. I admit, I could feel the doses of 300-600 mgs at bedtime. Very drowsy and for sure an effect. I am glad I kept it low.
I know I was overly cautious with my gabapentin usage. 12 days with one dose before bed at 600mgs for sure got rid of my nerve pain, and since I am healing I don't need it anymore. So the last two nights I went without, not even a spec of withdrawal. Hey, there was a post by someone in this thread that said 7 weeks on gabapentin ruined his life. That is a strong statement and since I don't trust doctors or the pharm industry I had to take a Bluelighter's experience seriously. I think a lot of the problems mentioned in this thread was poly drug use too. But there were also people who only took gabapentin and had problems after a long period of time on a high dose.

Anyway, I appreciate the HR here at Bluelight. And now I still have 55 of these yellow pills left. I will save them for opiate withdrawal should I ever need them. I admit, I could feel the doses of 300-600 mgs at bedtime. Very drowsy and for sure an effect. I am glad I kept it low.

Good job being smart with low doses. My 90 day supply of 4x 800mg neurontins just came in the mail today (360 800mg gabapentins!!) so once again begins my battle to use my meds as effectively at the lowest doses possible while avoiding withdrawal.

For me, gabapentin at the dose I'm prescribed is extremely recreational. I know the way this medication interacts with my body extremely well. I can't put hot sauce on my eggs, eat them with mayo, and then drink a monster energy drink with my morning dose or I'll feel like I'm on a moderate dose of MDMA at work. I've been called into HR and sent home for being overmedicated when Ive done so.

Gabapentin brings death to any and all forms of social anxiety for me. I'm an insurance agent and it is absolutely no coincidence the way my sales numbers look. Without being too arrogant here, I'm regarded as being in the very top percentage of salesman in my office and am one of those guys that opts for all the pressure, strictly commission only, and make thousands of week for the vast majority of the time. Because the gabapentin takes all the anxiety and pressure from my job away, I quite literally at times chuckle as the managers increase the Heat on us and simply produce more.

My boss is well aware of what I'm prescribed and blatantly makes sure I'm not without my medication, as while in withdrawal from it... All my sales production goes down the drain. It's almost painful to make calls and attempt to close deals: I'll have three $1500 weeks in a row, run out of gaba, and take home $250 that week.

I'm probably the most dependent person on gabapentin on bluelight, as I rely on it to the point where I need it to make a living for myself and my fiance. Here in South Florida it is very well known that it is the best thing to have in your pocket if you're in opiate withdrawal and can't get your hands on any pills or heroin. There is a thriving black market for them on the street and I'm asked literally every day at work to sell my pills, which obviously I very rarely do as I depend on them so heavily.

So anyone thinking this drug isn't recreational needs to reread what I just said ;)

I would bet any amount of cash gabapentin will be at least Schedule V in the next two years.

*pops 2 800mg gabapentin*

im curled up on my memory foam king sized hamond and Rhodes bed on my girlfriends rather large breasts getting my ears played with like a cat with an erection as every hair stands up on my neck and back.

Happy gabapentin day to me!!!
^ You're experience for sure helped me chase. So add that thought to feeling groovy on your very happy gabapentin day. :D It really does help when people discuss their usage, dosage and possible problems as well as positives. It was some of your posts that made me overly cautious as well as some other peoples posts. So thanks. Enjoy!

I am still amazed some that some Bluelighter's know more than physicians and end up helping me more. Very valuable info.
Some BL'ers are physicians as well!8o Man some of you guys better never try pregabalin if you love gabapentin that much! It'll be over before it begins!
I know I was overly cautious with my gabapentin usage. 12 days with one dose before bed at 600mgs for sure got rid of my nerve pain, and since I am healing I don't need it anymore. So the last two nights I went without, not even a spec of withdrawal. Hey, there was a post by someone in this thread that said 7 weeks on gabapentin ruined his life. That is a strong statement and since I don't trust doctors or the pharm industry I had to take a Bluelighter's experience seriously. I think a lot of the problems mentioned in this thread was poly drug use too. But there were also people who only took gabapentin and had problems after a long period of time on a high dose.

Anyway, I appreciate the HR here at Bluelight. And now I still have 55 of these yellow pills left. I will save them for opiate withdrawal should I ever need them. I admit, I could feel the doses of 300-600 mgs at bedtime. Very drowsy and for sure an effect. I am glad I kept it low.
^ You're experience for sure helped me chase. So add that thought to feeling groovy on your very happy gabapentin day. :D It really does help when people discuss their usage, dosage and possible problems as well as positives. It was some of your posts that made me overly cautious as well as some other peoples posts. So thanks. Enjoy!

I am still amazed some that some Bluelighter's know more than physicians and end up helping me more. Very valuable info.

Glad to hear I was able to help a fellow BLer out ;) also it is now my birthday which started out with an absolutely explosive orgasm from quite possibly the most amazing oral sex ive ever experienced lmao. Crazy when you can actually reach climax on this stuff. But that is a discussion for another day haha...

Bottomline this is my "miracle med." for me the risk of withdrawal is absolutely worth it. This is my favorite medication over opiates and benzos.
To blame gabapentin for ruining your life after being on a month and a half is a little strange. It's like the people who blame loperamide for the long withdrawals when they had been on opiates for years. There are Def a lot of factors and if anything the exaggerated stories have made my withdrawals easier because it's never as bad as it's made out to be.
I've been prescribed Neurontin 2400mg / daily for about 6 years running. I'm coming off this medication and scrubbing a few other things off my list as well.
I was taking 25mg-100mg avg. Benedryl to sleep, sometimes combined with 4 or 8 mg of Tizanidine. I tapered off the Benedryl and discontinued the Tizanidine as of two days ago.

So far WD is what I would consider minor but still apparent. I'm taking a B vitamin supplement and Mg 400mg early in the morning 2-3 hours before my morning dose.

Started at 2400mg and then tapered 300mg / day and yesterday I am down to 600 mg (divided dose). This is what some would consider a rapid decrease but I'm experienced in quitting lots of things (nicotine, opiates, SSRI's, SSNRI's) so my take is that I taper quickly and listen to my body... if it's too hard to stand I slow down or move back up a rung until I can tolerate the WD symptoms. Consider me not insensitive to WD's but experienced enough to be in tune with my body's reaction and know enough not to freak out at why I feel so strange.

I expected the insomnia (it's not terrible, just difficult to stay asleep after a couple hours).
I have had a few days where I've been very lethargic, and it's been hard to concentrate at work.

But a strange and unexpected effect of the WD is that I have stomach pain. A tight knot in my upper abdomen that may be gas, as it is somewhat (not fully) responsive to a dose of OTC GasEx (Simethicone). Of course, two hours after taking Neurontin that pain also disappears.

So besides the Mg prior or well after dosing of the Neurontin, and besides Biotin (in my B- complex vitamin), can anyone offer any advice as to supplements or activities I could be doing to ease the WD's?

I'll be honest, after putting more than 5 kilograms of this into my system over the years, I am very leery of the phase that comes after the taper, when I have to come off entirely.
If I had the pills and discipline I'd stay at 400 for a few weeks. For me the withdrawal isn't intense but I get very irritated and my skin feels nasty like being dope sick or phenibut withdrawal sick.
I've still got my old box left. They're not as fun as lyrica. They're good for benzo withdrawal. try 1g of phenibut and 1g gabapentin, hahaha
I love Gabapentin. Love Lyrica too.

Staggering is the ONLY way to get the euphoria from Gabapentin. Also, the sweet spot is waiting 3 days between doing gabapentin....for example if you take it on a monday, you need to wait till friday to do it again to reset your tolerance. I call these Gaba-days! But yes, I stagger all day long on gaba days and it has me feeling great all day. It does not fuck you up, but you feel really good. You never want to build a huge tolerance though!
might be of no use to anyone in this thread but when it comes to opiate detox I can't speak highly enough of its superseded friend Pregabalin, aka Lyrica, - at doses of around 600-1000mg per day it crushes withdrawals & makes things much more bearable... - if you have no tolerance be careful cause it'll knock you hard for the first few days, eg: missing the doorway & walking into the wall by accident... but seriously, off label use it hammers R.L.S. & calms the nervous system tremendously plus induces great sleep to avoid the first 4-5 days of torture... - combine that with Valium, Clonidine, Naproxen & aggressive Loperamide & it'll make detox bearable... - then add magnesium, omega 3, Choline, Inositol, a high quality multivitamin, & large doses of Vitamin C, B1, B6, B12 & it's happy days compared to crapping yourself whilst shaking & shivering... - Warning, know your tolerances & be careful with the Valium & Clonidine as they will drop blood pressure & cause heavy sedation... - when detox is over & PAWS kicks in with lethargy hit the essential amino acids & get a script for Buproprion (Zyban) - a unique NDRI that targets expanded dopamine receptors to reduce fatigue/anehondia & can help quitting smoking too as a bonus... - personally wouldn't touch any other anti-depressants or anti-psychotics as they cause rapid weight gain & sexual dysfunction... (by no means am I disregarding SNRI's for other depressions ect, just not my cup of tea at all & i'm basing this on opiate addiction recovery)
might be of no use to anyone in this thread but when it comes to opiate detox I can't speak highly enough of its superseded friend Pregabalin, aka Lyrica, - at doses of around 600-1000mg per day it crushes withdrawals & makes things much more bearable.

Thanks for your testimony. :) Actually it is of use to me as I just by accident stumbled on the withdrawal eliminating effect of gabapentin itself. I was given gabapentin for a nerve pain from shingles but I have been reading these threads and being cautious. I took if for a week and stopped. Low doses, 300-600 mgs. I was too cautious and suffered another week without any gabapentin. But then I read an article that said shingles patients need to take an adequate dose, 2400-3000 a day. Well, I figured I'd try that last Fri. I staggered 600 mgs 4 times over 3 hours. Then I for sure felt the gabapentin. Unmistakable, not placebo. I Went to bed, slept great and the next morning (long story maintenance addict) I didn't wake up in opiate withdrawal and went the whole day not needing my usually daily allotment until way later in the day. If I redosed gabapentin I may not have needed it. But I did not redose and left it at that last Fri.

Color me impressed. And if pregabalin is stronger I can for sure see it doing the same thing. I often heard phenibut took away withdrawal but I never had it work for me. Actually loperamide never did squat for me either believe it or not. My body says screw that to any BBB activity that may work. :) So all these cures or tools for withdrawal have been subjective to me. What gabapentin did for 24 hours at 2400 mgs still has me very impressed. I am going to wait a week and try again, halfing my daily intake and go from there.

Saying that, I am not convinced that a medication that can take away opiate withdrawal does not work on the opiate receptors. I read here gabapentin has it's own withdrawal, but to take away opiate withdrawal that much has me scratching my head. Maybe there is activity that is not disclosed. I was always under the impression anything that was going to effectively take away opiate withdrawal must somehow work on the receptors in the same way. Maybe that is not true. (although I can hear William S Burroughs shaking in his grave over that notion)
Gabapentin overdose

I think I took too many gabapentin about 48 hours ago. Well I know I took too many I am now at the point of wondering how my slow death is going to play out I guess. Anyway I took 30 500mg pills over a 12 hour period. So 15 grams. I didn't throw up or anything either. My symptoms right now consist of lower back pain and pain on the front left side. I also feel weak and a tad sick to my stomach. My urine is infrequent and dark colored though honestly I have peed darker before. I mean its not kidney failure dark but I can tell they are working overtime.

Anyway if nothing else let this be a harm reduction lesson. Keep track of many pills you are eating even if your not getting the effect that you want. Especially when they are random pharmaceuticals.

So umm what do you smart folks think? I am pretty fucking scared.
For right now , just drink lots of water and try to replenish electrolytes if youve been sweating. I think youll be fine just relax for awhile until you feel better, if you get worse go to the hospital and tell them. If anything serious was going to happen it wouldve most likely happend already, water and relax. You will be fine
is it even possible to OD on gabapentin alone? i have a document of a clinical trial involving gabapentin and it mentions an incident when a male took 49 Grams. He suffered mild non-life-threatening symptoms.

Acute oral overdoses of NEURONTIN up to 49 grams have been reported. In these cases, double vision, slurred speech, drowsiness, lethargy, and diarrhea were observed. All patients recovered with supportive care.
Yeah I just worked up the courage to google how fucked I was. Pleasantly surprised to say the least. Theres a good chance I did damage but it seems like death is highly unlikely. I swear to god my kidneys are hurting me though :/.

I feel really stupid as well. I am supposed to know better then being this dumb. My addiction to this crappy ass drug has just gotten really severe lately though.