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Gabapentinoids Gabapentin Megathread

I took two 800mg tabs with my daily methadone dose this morning (95MG liquid concentrate) and the buzz was very noticeable and quite enjoyable! I didn't think that I would like the Gabapentin, but while I was waiting for my bus to go to the clinic to dose this morning I met a young man from boston. Apparantly Gabapentin is really popular in the new england area and this young man gave me four 800mg tabs to experiment with. The buzz could be compared to being a little tipsy on alcohol, and it synergized well with the methadone. I would recommend it to anybody on MMT who wants to enhance their dose a little bit. This medication is one that you will develop a tolerance to very fast so be careful!
How much should I take to get a buzz if I am non-tolerant? Well maybe there may be some cross tolererance from the Phenibut (3 days a week) and Ettizolam (2 days a week).

Additionally If I use it to rid myself of a Poppy Pod habit, how much should I take, and for how long?


I only read a few of these posts as this thread is 11 pages long; but I read something about gabapentin interacting with morphine. Would it not be safe to take morphine if prescribed 300mg gabapentin BID?
Whats a good dose for potentiation of something like benzos?

That's pretty much an impossible question to answer, bud.

What dose of a benzo, low-high? What benzo? What effects are you looking for? Are you looking to mellow out or get throwed as fuck?
Doesn't much matter. Just a dose that would potentiate a benzo dose. I doubt the variance between benzos would matter much, sure they work differently but rarely that differently. How about a range to potentiate a mainly anioxlytic style benzo at a moderate dose leading up to high dose? I'm basically wondering if a gram or more is needed or if 400-800 mgs would potentiate a dose and it will be recreational use mainly so it doesn't matter if I end up drooling a bit.
Well, you see, gabapentin has a high and a feeling all its own. So, what I was getting, I suppose is this: are you trying to get high on a benzo AND gabapentin, or just the benzo w/ a lil bit of potentiation?

If you just want a little boost, 400-800mg would be good. I would personally recommend 3-4 grams with your recreational dose of a benzo.
I love Gabapentin! Helps with my pain, but if I want to get "High" I have to take upwards to 6000 mg :(
Never had Gabapentin before, have just ordered some from an online pharm site.
Am thinking of combining it with Etizolam (benzo type) and with Poppy Tea. What sort of dosage should I try?

Have slight Benzo tolerance and I weigh around 210 pounds.
ime start off with 1200 mg and work your way up. Think about using naproxen and caffeine too. Also think about spacing out the gabas and the etilaam
I was wondering what is the best way to take gabapentin for recreational effects? Should I take one big dose or should I spread it out? If so at what time intervals? Should I eat it with food or without food? Should I take it with soda or something acidic or no? Just to clarify I am using the 300mg capsules of Neurontin.

Also, are there any potentiators for gabapentin? Will grapefruit juice work?
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funny i was looking up something on zolpidem and saw this. WARNING: Gabapentin is NOT enjoyable for everyone. I still have a shitload after finding I must be allergic. I have back pain that is bad at night when i sleep otherwise fine. my opiod tolerance under prescription was 240mg a day of oxycontin. My pain specialist wanted me to try this. I tryed it at holiday time. had me start out slow. i was haveing bad side effects before I could get to a dose that is effective for pain. this doesnt work like normal pain killers. Anyway, I was having ringing in my ears and when i talked it sounded funny when i woke up. I felt useless. I actually started crying for no reason, feeling depressed, almost suicidal. pretty much, "if this is how I am going to feel to replace opiates. i might as well shoot myself" feeling. I was swithcing from oxy to morphine at same time but i know withdrawals and this was not them.

What I would say to compare to someone is..if you find 2 bottles of DXM cough syrup a good feeling than maybe you will like. I love psycedelics, opiats and benzos, coke , good meth (haha anymore) and I did not enjoy this in small dose..I got to 2 pills 2x daily and had to stop. Sadly as opiates make it a pain in the ass to work overseas...ireally wish it would have owrked out,, now i am starting nortyiptline..hopefully it works well

Be carefull, peace
ime start off with 1200 mg and work your way up. Think about using naproxen and caffeine too. Also think about spacing out the gabas and the etilaam

My Gabapentin arrived, along with Baclofen that I ordered.

Started off by taking 600 mg with my Poppy Tea, it enhanced the sedation from th Poppy Tea.

Yesterday had 1800 mg of Gabapentin along with 4 mg of Etizolam. Was niely sedated, but crashed out siiting at my PC. Think the Etizolam overpowered the Gabapentin a bit, so in the future may try a higher dose without Benzos.

Today got high on Poppy Tea, took that at 10:45 this morning and took some Gabapentin at 3 pm. Now I've been seriously nodding mainly in front of my PC. Am going to give the Gabapentin and Benzos a rest for a few days, as I can easily potentiate my poppy tea with other things such as anti-histamines and Grapefruit juice.


I'm prescribed Lyrica(Pregabalin), which is by far better than Gabapentin in my experience. Both drugs are quite similar though. I find the best method to get effects is to only take them every 3 days as tolerance ruins it very fast.

I'm currently on 200mg Pregabalin twice a day. So what I do is save 400mgs a day for 2 days, then on the third day take 1200mgs on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, washed down with a strong coffee and a multivitamin. This may be too strong for some people, but for me its a perfect dose.

I would strongly advise not taking Gabapentin daily if you want to get good recreational effects from it.
I started using Gabapentin recently. On Friady had 2800 mg with 1 mg of Etizolam. Very sedating and euphoric, gave me the kind of nod normally just reserved for strong opiates!

Am trying to use Gabapentin just once a week to keep tolerance down.

Does anyone know if these have cross toleranace with Benzodiazepines?


i have to agree, this has been my experience as well..
Wrong, this drug does have recreational value. More than benzos IMO, at least I find neurontin fun and interesting while benzos are boring and make me fall asleep.

It depends on the person, this is one of the best social drugs I've ever taken. Better than adderal, it helps you be calm, social, energetic but not ampy-feeling with body tense and too focused to the point of OCD.