From Opiates to Steroids?


Jun 11, 2009
So for over a year now I've been abusing opiates. I've recently come to learn that this abuse can cause a decrease in testosterone. Now that I recall, I'm pretty sure I have been affected negatively. I think I think it's time to quit opiates. Not only has it been sucking dry my bank account, but its effected my lifestyle as well. I've become lazy, and unmotivated. I don't have that enthusiasm and excitement to workout like I used too. I miss that, and I miss having the energy and positive mood to go throughout my day, and to socialize a lot more. My habit is generally about 60-90mg oxy a day or eod. And now the effects just aren't the same as they used to be.

My plan here is to get the bloodwork done and if the results are low enough, visit some sort of vitality rejuvenation clinic. I had seen my general family doctor recently and asked to get bloodwork done, but he just told me that I was too young to have any sort of problems. He stated that insurance wouldn't cover it for just wanting to make sure all my levels are where they should be. Like why the hell wouldn't insurance cover some sort of preventitive care. So with a little research I found out I could just do it through privatemdlabs for a very good price.

So if my levels are low enough I should be able to get some sort of prescription, for test-cyp and arimidex. Right? Does this plan seem flawed in any way? It should work
If my levels are not to low, I may just consider some boosters, but they always seem like a waste of money too me with little effect. Thoughts?

I know its pretty sad but here are my stats

I'm 23, 5'7" about 155lbs ~17% body fat. I know I could use more work in that department but I was probably around 28% body fat in highschool. I've always been trying to do recomps as I'm not a big fan of bulking as I seem to put on a good amount of fat due to being fat in highschool. I eat healthy. Rarely drink soda. Home cooked meals nearly every day and rarely eat out as well. So diet isn't the issue.

I feel the opiates had affected me for the past 1.5 years in terms of trying to make gains as it seems pretty clear. It's hard to estimate how much progress I've really made but at one point when I first started working out which was probably 4 years ago (Yes I started when I was like 19) I had cut a lot of fat and weighed 135. Since then it's be up from there.

To sum all this up though since I feel like I'm rambling, I'm basically seeking advice on direction. I'm ready to quit opiates. I want to get fit. A reasonable totally within my reach goal that I have is like 169-165lbs and ~12%bf.

Has anyone else had luck as far as obtaining a script due to opiate abuse?
When you keep saying if your blood levels are low enough, are you talking about the level of your testosterone?
Yes, that is what I meant, if my free and total fall below the normal range, or are in the low end. I know opiates have an effect on that, but I'm not sure how it would effect LS and FSH which I will be getting checked as well.
Yes if your levels are low enough, you should be able to get a script for a low dose of test. If your levels are in the lower end of normal, you may not get a script. Don't waste your money on boosters though. They barely do anything. Did you mention your opiate habit to your doc ?
Edit : it's LH not LS. Opiates lower LH, less LH causes less test to be produced.
Sorry that's what I meant (LH) lol. Typo last night.
But no, I didn't mention it to him. I need to find a new doctor that I can see regularly. I feel like my corrent one doesn't let me address all the issues I had planned to talk to him about one day. He left the room cause he felt we were done. Even some of my siblings have found new doctors because they simply don't like the way he practices. Almost like he doesn't care anymore. And the fact that he wouldn't refer me to get blood drawn simply for preventative maintenance is upsetting as well. Sure I'm young, but if I am experiencing symptoms of low test, then maybe its possible there is that low test. I should be entitled to that at least right?

I am ready to quit though if that is why you are asking if I had told him? Are you thinking he may just refer me to an addiction counselor, and that some people who have abused opiates are actually getting prescribed test because of their habit?

In any case I am ready though. I just want to get blood drawn then will start using this sub I have on hand. This whole past year and a half or so just feels like I've been spinning my wheels and going nowhere, probably lost some gains but who knows. And if everything falls back in normal range what would you think should be the next move?
Any good doctor will understand that an opioid habit like yours will drive your test levels too low. It seems that seeing a new doc is a good choice. Imo you should mention that habit, it will justify your worries. If you stay on suboxone, I wouldn't expect your test levels to go back up. If you stop completely, you may go back into normal range. If you do, you'll have to choose wether you wanna stay natural or take it to the next level with steroids. Either way, definitely get blood tests done.
I'm worried about sharing the habit info as I'm sure info like that will go in my file. I don't want that to be there forever as I'm hoping this is just a phase. I pretty much don't want to be judged by some doctor for having an addiction. I feel they would probably just refer me to see an addiction counselor to quit, and then check to see if my test levels went back to normal.

Wouldn't the way i "feel" justify my worries of having low test.

I'm not going to stay on suboxone. I plan to do a quick 3-4 day taper and be done.

And regarding staying natural or taking it to the next level. Isn't that what everyone who takes a test booster is after. They essentially want amazing results, but without the stigma of being on steroids. That's why those products are there, for people wanting something that attempts to mimic a steroid but isn't. As far as I'm concerned the only true natty people are those who don't take supplements that would try to alter their hormone levels in any way.
Test boosters don't work the way you want them to. They can increase test levels a bit, but such an increase doesn't affect your gains... at all.
Yeah I know, but I was just meaning that in regards to people who take heaps of supplements and claim to be natty. Sure they are in a sense, but they might as well not be since they are chasing something in hopes of achieving desired effects.

Anyways I got blood drawn today, so I guess we'll see if I actually have low test in the next few days.
Here are the results
Testosterone, Serum 108 LOW 348-1197 ng/dL PDLCA
Luteinizing Hormone(LH), S LH 1.3 LOW 1.7-8.6 mIU/mL PDLCA
FSH, Serum 1.6 1.5-12.4 mIU/mL PDLC
Estradiol 10.5 7.6-42.6 pg/mL PDLCA

Free testosterone and SHBG didn't come with this test as I only paid ~50$ to get it done privately.

But clearly from what we do have here. My Total T and LH are outside the reference range, and FSH is not exactly a good number either
Here are the results
Testosterone, Serum 108 LOW 348-1197 ng/dL PDLCA
Luteinizing Hormone(LH), S LH 1.3 LOW 1.7-8.6 mIU/mL PDLCA
FSH, Serum 1.6 1.5-12.4 mIU/mL PDLC
Estradiol 10.5 7.6-42.6 pg/mL PDLCA

Free testosterone and SHBG didn't come with this test as I only paid ~50$ to get it done privately.

But clearly from what we do have here. My Total T and LH are outside the reference range, and FSH is not exactly a good number either

Your estradiol is on the low side as well.

I would go to another doctor and bring a copy of those results. You might be able to script for Testosterone, as far as Armidex, I doubt it. As for as Testosterone injections go, they got stuff now you only have to take once a month but your doctor will determine what form/ester is best for you. If you do get the Testosterone you can purchase an AI from a UGL. For people on TRT I recommend Exemestane as an AI because it doesn't rape your lipid profile like other AIs and is better suited for long term use. It also raises IGF-1 levels which is a very good thing.
Well here's the thing. Should I tell the doctor about the prior opiate abuse? I know I will probably seeing some rebound as far as everything goes, but not sure to what degree. Does it matter if I wait a couple months and then probably not get a script vs seeing a doctor now? And hide or share the abuse? I don't exactly want it going in my permanent file, and they would probably just want me to wait it out and get tests done again in a month or so if I did share my use.

Is it harmful for my body to get on some HPTA restart protocol while recovering from opiates?

I found a place were the doctor actually seems very caring. Apparently he will prescribe hcg, ai and test, and is up to date on current protocols. But I'm not seeking TRT for life. Just a boost to help everything get back in normal range, then I guess think about a real cycle in the future. I'm a little hesitant to go because I am just worried about sharing or not sharing the abuse history, as the visit is up to 185$. I would obviously want the proper treatment, but I don't know if having that in there would mean I don't get treatment and waste my money. Unsure of what to do. Thanks for the advice.
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Well here's the thing. Should I tell the doctor about the prior opiate abuse? I know I will probably seeing some rebound as far as everything goes, but not sure to what degree. Does it matter if I wait a couple months and then probably not get a script vs seeing a doctor now? And hide or share the abuse? I don't exactly want it going in my permanent file, and they would probably just want me to wait it out and get tests done again in a month or so if I did share my use.

Is it harmful for my body to get on some HPTA restart protocol while recovering from opiates?

I found a place were the doctor actually seems very caring. Apparently he will prescribe hcg, ai and test, and is up to date on current protocols. But I'm not seeking TRT for life. Just a boost to help everything get back in normal range, then I guess think about a real cycle in the future. I'm a little hesitant to go because I am just worried about sharing or not sharing the abuse history, as the visit is up to 185$. I would obviously want the proper treatment, but I don't know if having that in there would mean I don't get treatment and waste my money. Unsure of what to do. Thanks for the advice.

Here's the deal bro, TRT is a life long thing. You just don't boost your levels up and then your fine. You need to stay on exogenous Test for life. That means you will be paying for it for life. And if you found a place where the doctor will prescribe those three things, prepare to pay out of the ass because doctors normally don't prescribe all that. Sounds like a hormone replacement clinic and they suck; They will prescribe what you are looking for but they charge a fucking crazy amount for the drugs. If you think insurance will pick up HCG, Testosterone, and an AI you are sadly mistaken.

I recommend is waiting a few months to see where your levels are at then. You might not even need a script at that point because your Testosterone production might swing back. Honestly it sounds to me like you don't need it. You just need to eat right, stay sober, keep active, and give your body some time to adjust to being opiate free.
I put my body through the wringer with heroin. After about 8-9 months I felt fine. Just wait it out and see what happens.
Thanks Serotonin. That's what I'm really hoping my outcome is, just not as long. And Guido, I know TRT is lifelong, I just didnt know if there were restart protocols that I could try for a few months. Or have I misinformed myself, and restart protocol refer strictly to fertility? I was under the impression that they would get someone with a supressed HPTA going again, functioning normal. Since I am artificially low I figured something could bring me in the normal range faster and stay there. I've heard of some detox places that prescribe test and other things to those to help get them back in normal ranges. That's what I was mainly curious about minus going to an actual detox center.

Should I decide not spend money out my ass going to a TRT/HRT place I have another question. While waiting it out, eating right, getting good sleep, and working out, would OTC products like activate xtreme, and triazole be effective in returning to pre-opiate levels? I've had good expierience with them before IRC. I actually used them while abusing and made minimal gains. I know normally they would be quite innefective, but in my case of hopefully temporary, and artifically low T, could they help bring it back to normal sooner?
So I got a free consultation. Went over everything including my drug use.
They want to do a 12 week restart protocol with hcg, and arimadex. That's for the first 2 months. then a month of arimadex and clomid. However thatd be $900.. geeees.
The premium package if I could afford it includes test, and he said would run me 2200.

I wasn't giving any sort of dosing/amounts but I have found nearly identical protocols with those drugs and time frame
HRT clinics always charge that much.
You have two options : 1) get a script for test from a DOCTOR not a trt clinic and stay on it for life.
2) Stop all opioids and wait. Hopefully your test production will go back up. Doing a PCT, even though you never used steroids, would achieve the same results as a restart protocol, for less money.
HRT clinics always charge that much.
You have two options : 1) get a script for test from a DOCTOR not a trt clinic and stay on it for life.
2) Stop all opioids and wait. Hopefully your test production will go back up. Doing a PCT, even though you never used steroids, would achieve the same results as a restart protocol, for less money.

That's a good idea flyhigh, a really good one. I bet a little Nolvadex and some Clomid would jump start his testes into producing proper levels of Testosterone.

Weeks 1-5:

20mg of Tamoxifen every day
50mg of Clomiphene every day

During this time he should stay active and eat right and his levels should return to normal. After a few weeks he should get another test done and if it's still fucked then he should consider TRT from a doctor, not hormone clinic. Those clinics are fucking thieving rat bastards who prey on the stupid, desperate, or rich who have money to burn.
If you go the seems route and get liquid serm suspensions, get some fish oil caps and a large gauge needle to inject the suspension into the gel caps. I just obtained some "RC" serms and omfg they smell awful and every report I've read said they taste even worse