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Fresh Starts and New Lives. The January 2015 getting and staying sober thread.

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Fuck me. I really fucked up this time. I just might have lost literally everything this time around other than my life and a very small number of relationships/friendships. I'm not up for posting details yet but sincere apologies to SL/recovery staff for going dark and doing exactly what I said I wanted to avoid doing multiple times. When I fuck up I tend to limit contact/relationships to other people.. and I sure as shit made sure yo cut off basically everyone who ever gave a shit about me this time. Partly because I didn't think I was getting out alive this time. Alas, the money is gone and I'm still here. Again. Somehow.

JAG if you tried calling me back that day last week I lost my phone and now have it back.

4-5 days.
Good luck CaseFace. YOu can do it :)

Still on 1.5 mg sub. Not feeling too positive atm. Its just that even when things are going well in my life (as well as they can go at the moment anyway), when I try to cut down I just feel the difference so much. I guess its reality smacking me in the face. Its just hard because it's so easy to rationalize and be like "dude. look at my life. so what if I want to do 2 mg today. any sane person would want to". Which I know is just fucking me up down the line but at the time it always feels like 'this is just one day. ill just do a little more today. tomorrow ill cut back again. its just one day what difference does one day make'.

I need to be stronger, I know, but sometimes I feel like I have nothing to be strong FOR, except some nebulous concept of "in the future things will be better", which feels as out of reach as winning the lottery.

I dont know... I dont expect anyone here to have the answers, just venting.
everything is but a momentary distraction from the reality that all I want in this world is to be curled up in his arms, and I can't be. Anything else I act like I give a fuck about - I don't. And Im so tired of hearing "love yourself, live for sunsets and startbucks and getting ahead at work and writing a great story and volunteering at the shelter doing hamster cuddling". As much as I love hamsters, they, and everything else I mentioned, are no match for being curled up in someones arms, every inch of your body touching theirs, your hand in theirs, and then he grabs your other hand with his other hand and presses his feet against yours, because that's how close he wants to be to you. THATS what I want to have again, that's what I'm trying to quit drugs for. Everything else is just a distraction. And you know what, it's great for you if you're happy just being sober and living life or whatever, but not all of us are built that way. I guess heroin has been my hug for way too long, and now that it's arms aren't around me anymore, I feel really cold.
Fuck me. I really fucked up this time. I just might have lost literally everything this time around other than my life and a very small number of relationships/friendships. I'm not up for posting details yet but sincere apologies to SL/recovery staff for going dark and doing exactly what I said I wanted to avoid doing multiple times. When I fuck up I tend to limit contact/relationships to other people.. and I sure as shit made sure yo cut off basically everyone who ever gave a shit about me this time. Partly because I didn't think I was getting out alive this time. Alas, the money is gone and I'm still here. Again. Somehow.

JAG if you tried calling me back that day last week I lost my phone and now have it back.

4-5 days.

Good to see you case.. glad you surfaced again. <3:)<3
neversick----love that johnny nash song thanks but when I first saw it at 1:32 in the video I swore it looked like a poppy field "white poppies" to be exact, but then they showed a close-up of the flowers and no it wasn't.

I really love that song!!:)
Yes, the cravings will indeed diminish… It's just the brain wanting what it's used to. Once homeostasis is reached, it becomes more psychological and less invasive, less physiological. Thoughts don't come in sizes. They will come regardless (as there are many memories), but we don't have to let them take over.

that's a perfect definition, "thoughts don't come in sizes" etc.. Exactly how i would express what craving is..

I really love that song!!:)
I want to get high today. Yesterday was the same way. I know the craving will pass but it is just fuxking with me. I almost have 30 days clean from heroin. I don't know drug addiction really fucking sucks. Like I fucking hate this shit.
truuuuuusttttttt me laCaster it wouldn't be worth it. The feeling you think you're going to get, you're not going to get. I'm sure you know that. xx
yes i know, but today part of me believes it is true! i use drugs so that i dont have to think about my other problems. i really dont want to deal with what is in front of me. on top of stress from school, work, new friends, etc...

i think i just need to take today for myself, read and meditate. do some studying and just chill and not hang out with people. i dont know, the craving started yesterday as me waking up just feeling pissed off and shitty at everyone and everything. i just didnt have a good day yesterday, but it was whatever. but ever since then i have been thinking about getting high.

like ohh, i wont do heroin and ill just use hydrocdone or order some kratom or something, but that is exactly how i started using heroin again this past time! so why would that be any different? what would stop me from using heroin again? to stop me from being attached to my dealer, to waiting endless hours for his call, for that shot, for that bullshit excuse for relief? what would stop me from ending up dropping out of school, losing the trust of my family, to end up being homeless again?

sometimes i wonder what it is like to not have the curse of drug addiction, to go day by day without comparing drugs to gods. and then i wonder, why me? why am i given so much bullshit. yes i know it could be worse and anyone has their shit, but why is MY story being played out like this? i try to see what i can learn from the situations i have been put in and not think of myself as a victim. however, analyzing my situation and trying to learn something usually only happens on a good day, and on a day like today and yesterday, i just want to pout and mope and bitch and blame my problems on other people.

better yet, are my problems legit, like are they even justifiable? what constitutes a problem as a grave or minor problem other than my perspective? life is such a fucking cunt-bitch, and how can i change my thinking to view life as having a joyful and aw-inspiring nature? how can i get out of this shit hole? god i really wish things arent how they are right now. i am having a really hard time with life, and as i said before, somedays i can deal with it, but other days i want to run like a craven. will i ever be able to escape my problems without facing them, is my question?

i have been running for so long, so so long.......and i am very tired. i can tell because i "really" dont want to get high, but i dont want to deal with my problems either. before i would say, "fuck it!" and not even think twice about running. i think a good sign though is that i am questioning whether getting high is what i really need and want. the answer to that question is always, "NO," but understanding how to come to that conclusion is a different story.
HI guys

Like y all I thought that 2015 was a nice invitation to considering entering sober life again ( I mean opiate free life)
SWIM was on dillies 50mg/day insufflated. SWIM switched to kratom and did no more dillies. on january 6th 2015 I was done with Kratom.
I then started to wait and see how thigs go.
I d never taught I d be likely to crawl back in my ways, as I was going through the worst depression and anxiety symptoms ever.
I still waited thinking that shit takes time.
more than 2 weeks later im stll experiencing unbearable depression and anxiety, which is a crazy issue for me, as I cant study or have interest in anything.
That was not the case when SWIM was doing dillies, he even passed with a 3.8 gpa
Last resort was to go see a physician to whom id explain the whole story. I forgot that 90% of them are a bunch of dedicated dick riders when it comes to prescribing a medication.
I still cant figure out why the physicians response to my paws ( I was just looking for clonidine and benzos to get through the paws) was a prescription consisting in 10 - 1mg lorazepam
2 antidepressants and an antipsychotich, I mean WTF doc????!!!! I objected lots of time, he wouldnt listen. Can you imagine that he gave me all that shit but he didnt even check my heart and blood pressure. He didnt even ask me what chemicals Im taking now and how much. Ill complain about this SOB at the board

so now as a result im considering going back to opiates,may be at lower dosage, but I do really feel that is the only way I can get my life back ( more interest, more focus, more of me in my brain...Altough Ive been crawling and suffering to quit opiates in order to get my life back Funny right?
As of now i might seriously relapse, I have already taken kratom again, and hope it will stop there...

My point is that you cant even trust physicians who studied a decade, they dont give a shit about what you say, what you have accomplished, and what you have been through. Its like as soon as a drug abuse related issue pops up, even if you managed your way out on your own, you are gonna be seen as an abuser and even doctors wont help you. ( I know there is still real doctors with real ethics, but where are they?)

So if anybody feels me pls reply...there is nobody out there taking care of us but us.
Looking at sexy pics ect on tumblr tonight, not thinking of dope at all, and i scroll to the next pic and its of a guys bare midriff from the side, he's got two big veins sticking out, and my immediate thought is



"God that would be a good vein to fix in"


Will i never not think dope addict thoughts? Because fuck.
This is always my 1st thought too

It will pass with time - I hope
everything is but a momentary distraction from the reality that all I want in this world is to be curled up in his arms, and I can't be. Anything else I act like I give a fuck about - I don't. And Im so tired of hearing "love yourself, live for sunsets and startbucks and getting ahead at work and writing a great story and volunteering at the shelter doing hamster cuddling". As much as I love hamsters, they, and everything else I mentioned, are no match for being curled up in someones arms, every inch of your body touching theirs, your hand in theirs, and then he grabs your other hand with his other hand and presses his feet against yours, because that's how close he wants to be to you. THATS what I want to have again, that's what I'm trying to quit drugs for. Everything else is just a distraction. And you know what, it's great for you if you're happy just being sober and living life or whatever, but not all of us are built that way. I guess heroin has been my hug for way too long, and now that it's arms aren't around me anymore, I feel really cold.

I know what you mean Blue

I love being with my BF

It is for sure how I know I will stay clean for years to come
Blue I totally know what you mean when you say Herion was your hug for way to long. Anytime I used I felt like I had a bubble around me or some sort of body armour. It's hard to let go of something so comforting but alas here we are sober into this new year. Siiiighh why do I really want a hug now?
I understand too… I was with someone for a long time.. (yet spent most times not in relationships) :(, but will always remember how it can feel
Deciding now if it's what I want or not… To be with someone …. takes work, but love is worth it <3
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hang in there bluesaffron and captain! y'all have helped me more than you know!! <3

i fucking hate mornings! i am not a morning person. the morning is the time when i want to get high lol. when it gets past like 5 or 6 oclock, i never have any problems and i am relatively happy. in the morning and midday, things just seem fucked up...

how can i learn to accept that i am just not a morning person? what can i do to make things easier to deal with in the mornings?
I don't want to be hugged or touched or loved

I want to be alone

And I can't even have that

I hate myself.
i was gettingback into heroin.... I finally gave it up this year (2014) ... same with the benzo's..... Now i'm just a meth user, and without the other drugs, its not as fun, so thinking about giving it up for 2015
Congrats on getting off the cns depressants, those were the most difficult for me to withdraw from… I don't think I have another withdrawal in me, so grateful to be out of the cycle bout 5 months now clean.
I was a meth user in my 20's - the depression that comes with it is absolutely awful but at least there aren't those physical withdrawals… For me it was more mental…
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