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RCs Freebasing MDPV?

You know what used to be a fun legal, prescription, antidepressant like no other? Serzone! But they yanked it, at least that brand name. I want to get the generic version (Nefazodone) of that. It's still available as a generic, apparently, but I'd have to go to a shrink and get physicals all the time. Man, even my friends loved that stuff. LOL It's the only antidepressant I ever really felt good on, and it never caused me any health problems or real side effects. I think 2 people got it banned because they had liver problems. I think 1 or 2 died and that was it! They yanked it all! WTF? That's not fair! Every drug has some small minority that doesn't react well to it! What about those millions who were feeling better than ever? I believe it was only one brand that caused any deaths or problems, and there are a few brands. (or were anyway.)

ONLY 1 in every 250,000-350,000 per year? That's nothing! Other currently approved antidepressants cause people to commit suicide all the freaking time! 8)
If you're looking for an antidepressant that actually works, I recommend Effexor XR. Lots and lots of comments floating around on how evil it is, but it works extremely well for me depression-wise.

At least, as long as I remember to take it. When I forget to take it, I wish I'd never heard of it. I swear it has worse withdrawal effects than most illegal drugs. Miss a couple doses, and it feels like a horse kicked you upside the head. It really is evil in that regard, but side effects are virtually nil (at least for me).
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That is the most addictive SNDRI, which is totally unpredictable because it can suddenly turn into a SSRI. It does absolutely nothing for me. I took half a bottle and quit taking them when I read how badly addictive they are, because I sure didn't feel anything like Serzone made me feel...and it had no addictive qualities, that I could sense. In fact, I saved them for when I wanted a good, fun day or night. My Neurologist gave me like 400mg 3 or 4 times a day, IIRC.

That shit was like a happy form of speed, with no noticeable side effects except eventually sleeping wonderfully. And you could not OD on it, or there are no real reports of it. You could take it all night if you wanted, and still go to sleep. Too bad a few people had liver complications. They still have no idea what it does or how to make anything even close to it. They only know it was a very unique type of SNDRI. Seriously, take a look at the pharma in the wiki on it...it's as bizarre as LSD, IMO. I took it with Prozac once, and it made me have the most wonderful trip I believe I may have ever had. (The doc told me to to wait a week after quitting the Prozac, but I figured 3 days was long enough. WRONG!!!) I was very pleasantly surprised at the very unreal results!
That is the most addictive SNDRI, which is totally unpredictable because it can suddenly turn into a SSRI. It does absolutely nothing for me. I took half a bottle and quit taking them when I read how badly addictive they are, because I sure didn't feel anything like Serzone made me feel...and it had no addictive qualities, that I could sense. In fact, I saved them for when I wanted a good, fun day or night. My Neurologist gave me like 400mg 3 or 4 times a day, IIRC.

That shit was like a happy form of speed, with no noticeable side effects except eventually sleeping wonderfully. And you could not OD on it, or there are no real reports of it. You could take it all night if you wanted, and still go to sleep. Too bad a few people had liver complications. They still have no idea what it does or how to make anything even close to it. They only know it was a very unique type of SNDRI. Seriously, take a look at the pharma in the wiki on it...it's as bizarre as LSD, IMO. I took it with Prozac once, and it made me have the most wonderful trip I believe I may have ever had. (The doc told me to to wait a week after quitting the Prozac, but I figured 3 days was long enough. WRONG!!!) I was very pleasantly surprised at the very unreal results!

I beg to differ regarding the serotonergic activity you claim it has. I've always thought and felt this one to be void in the 5-ht department.
See FnB's post (link) in the 'MDPV - So how dangerous is it?' thread.
Heated IV Solution Leads To Seriously FUCTUP WARNING!!!

Oh, BTW....do not mess with MDPV in this type of heated IV dose!!! Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!! 8o DO NOT TRY THIS!!! If you absolutely must, as some idiot has, do not assume a little more is just a little more buzz! It is totally unpredictable even in very slight mg increments, IMO!!! :eek: 8o

I finally got a mg accurate, digital, scale and found out that the amounts I was IV'ing, really weren't as much as I thought. In fact, I started at a much lower dosage of maybe 5-10mg.

Today, I found out exactly what 100mg really looks and feels like when heated and banged, and I would say that it's a bit too close to heart failure for comfort...not heroic, just plain stupid. :X
10mg looks very close to 40 or 50mg, and that looks very close to 80-100mg. It's really that hard to tell the difference without weighing it accurately.

I am a bit uneasy and definitely regret it now. I'm full of tension, but man what an initial (but risky and death defying) rush...and then what a heart pounding panic!!! (In a few mins)
I immediately popped 1000mg capsules of L-Tryptophan open, dumped them down my throat, and then ate 16mg of K-pins to try to slow my heart down a bit, after my chest began hurting a bit more and my heart was thumping hard enough to cause a bit of concern after a few mins. Only very slight relief, and that was probably the L-Tryp, so ate another 16mg of K's. (I telll you, they are absolutely worthless until this drug is gone almost completely from your system. It's quite scary, IMO!) I'm still not even a little less anxious. Such a desperate waste of benzos! :!

I have been awake for about 3 or 4 days now. I lost track. That's it! I'm done with it!!! I want something to relax!!! :eek: I don't think I can stay awake another 24hrs and keep what little precious sanity I have left, if any! 8o

100mg MDPV, slightly heated IV could be the last thing you ever try. That's what I spent today (and I'm sure tonight) on, after my tolerance seemed to be higher. :(
I love the initial euphoria, psychedelic feeling, and mild visuals (that's the only attraction for me), but it's just not worth the seemingly, everlasting, stressful, anxiety, depression, and the hopelessly, long, insomnia, and body cramps/tightness afterward. :\ (Not to mention the risk of cardiac arrest and possible instant death!) Let's face it, this is just a shitty, mostly torturous, dangerous chemical!!!

I would think that in the 5-20mg range, it's relatively safe, in comparison. My heart didn't scare me at those levels, but binging eventually seduces you to raise the dose.
Before, I was just eyeballing doses. and probably much on the light side for caution's sake, but maybe 50-70mg, max IV doses.

100mg is right on the edge of cardiac arrest, lunacy, psychosis, and downright stupid, lack of a will to live in favor of idiotic curiosity. (if you live through it)
It quite possibly could be the last careless thing you ever do, very seriously.
That's what I accurately weighed out today, after the 70 or 80mg or so felt a bit weak after a few days of re-dosing...and not even more than twice a day at the most.

I don't believe I'll even imply that anyone else should try this method, in any way, even if they're as insane and fearless of death as I seem to be.
I'd say this could very well kill someone very quickly and probably quite painfully. I know I'm in for a long, welcomed, benzo coma when this shit wears off. :|
I would think that in the 5-20mg range, it's relatively safe, in comparison. My heart didn't scare me at those obviously lower levels. I just took it a bit too far, as I always tend to, and I know I'll be paying for it. :( 8)

Once again, please excuse me if I seem rather farsighted or incoherent. I was going to post this in the trip reports, but I can't move my post above that explains what I'm warning you about. If a forum leader wants to, that would be cool with me. It belongs there, really.
I beg to differ regarding the serotonergic activity you claim it has. I've always thought and felt this one to be void in the 5-ht department.
See FnB's post (link) in the 'MDPV - So how dangerous is it?' thread.

Well, for me, I have Tourettes, and there are some newer documented discoveries that have to do with the potent inhibitor of CYP3A4, (which I believe has something to do with the chromosome they found that actually causes the TS disorder) and the combination of the antagonist at the 5-HT2A receptors. It also has moderate affinity for the α1-adrenergic receptor and 5-HT1A receptor, and very low affinity for the α2-adrenergic receptor and D2 receptor, and a few other odd receptors too.
Those are quite a few things that no other SNDRI does all at the same time, or even at all. It's a very unique SNDRI, for those rather bizarre combos alone. They're still trying to create a replacement for it that does all those things.

You can't really judge it without trying it. Unlike other antidepressants, it actually makes you feel both mentally and physically different, and I'm not talking about just being tired or having a limp dick. It made everyone I know who tried it happy and energetic. =D I have yet to find any SNRI that I can tolerate or just didn't make me sleep constantly, but then my brain ain't exactly normal. :(

Effexor also has a very well known SSRI discontinuation syndrome, which means it will stop working as a SSRI and suddenly turns into a SNDRI. It can't effectively be both, can it? :\
Best Comedown Medicine for the future

It is true that benzos are useless (or at least it seems that way) until the drug wears off completley and even then you need a high benzo dose. Instead of dosing do high on benzos, you could throw in some sedating narcotics such as morphine, heroin, or methadone (3 of the most sedating opioids I've tried in that order). Your benzo dose would be only half, also clonidine wouldn't hurt either.
if you want to make your mdpv a freebase product just put some salt and resolve it in a little bit of water. but this in a spoon for you to heat it up. then you take your mdpv and does it the same as with the sold. sow resolve in a verry little bit of water. if you did those 2 things you have 2 spoons with water on in what has an product in it. sow you just mix those 2 water up in a shotglass and heat it up just a little bit, just till you see the 2 water fighting and mixing together. not but the water from the shotglass back in a clean spoon en begin the heat it up, like you do cocaine.
when al the water is gone your spoon has a leigher on it. thats is mdpv for free base'n.
hope you'll be carefull and enjoy.
ps. use rubbers glubs cause if you get the water-mdpv on you. it will has effects en you go in a flash for hours maybe days.. plz be verry carefull

enjoy your mdpv rush!