Former President Ronald Reagan Dies at 93

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Death is so sad, I always trip over life and death. Not much we can do about it though! We live to die and to be forgotten.
Whether or not you agreed with his political and economic policies, Reagan should be remembered for being a masterful public speaker who greatly helped the U.S. become the dominant superpower it is today. In all honesty, he is probably the greatest U.S. president in past 40 years. After all, he did effectively end the cold war for all extensive purposes.

With that said, I'm surprised he lasted this in peace, mr. president.
j22 said:
The man had a lot to do with why I'm sitting here today in a comfortable chair typing on the internet. There are miserable bastards who disagreed with his politics and are happy to see him dead. To make thats sickening, absolutely sickening.

Well how sick of it was him to feed a war between Iraq and Iran. How sick was the contras? How sick is his blatant hatred of gays, to not fund AIDs research and just let him die? How sick was it of him to support both Osama Bin Laden AND Saddam Hussien? And then get more credit than deserved for "ending the cold war", when communism over there was on it's last legs anyways, and had many many more players than just some shitty hollywood actor masquerading as a fucken president who was only good at selling at lie.

I'm sorry to see a human life go, but fuck him.

Would ANY of you be saying "rest in peace" or "respect his death" if it were some other county's shit headed leader responsible for more lives than he can count?
LapDawg said:
Reagan should be remembered for being a masterful public speaker who greatly helped the U.S. become the dominant superpower it is today. In all honesty, he is probably the greatest U.S. president in past 40 years. After all, he did effectively end the cold war for all extensive purposes.

Aren't all politicians, from Hitler to Hussein, "masterful public speakers?" Furthermore, I'd imagine over half of this planet has a problem with the USA being a "dominant super power."

BTW, I think you meant "intents and purposes," not "extensive purposes."
^^^If I meant that, I would've written that. Nice attempt at an unnecessary correction.

Being a masterful public speaker and being a master manipulator can be separated, you know. Whether you care to separate the two when discussing Reagan is purely opinion.

And by comparing Reagan to Hitler and Hussein really just makes you look stupid. I'm not saying you are, but it is a statement that insults others' intelligence.
DigitalDuality said:
Well how sick of it was him to feed a war between Iraq and Iran. How sick was the contras? How sick is his blatant hatred of gays, to not fund AIDs research and just let him die? How sick was it of him to support both Osama Bin Laden AND Saddam Hussien? And then get more credit than deserved for "ending the cold war", when communism over there was on it's last legs anyways, and had many many more players than just some shitty hollywood actor masquerading as a fucken president who was only good at selling at lie.

I'm sorry to see a human life go, but fuck him.

Would ANY of you be saying "rest in peace" or "respect his death" if it were some other county's shit headed leader responsible for more lives than he can count?

Would you say the same if Saddam ended up dead, DID you say "fuck them" about his sons being killed, would you say the same about Osama. NO you wouldnt, you are so blinded to the world by your political agenda that you would find away to spin the deaths of terrorists as something caused by conservative American politicians. But a man who disagrees with you politically dies and you say "fuck him."' You have no class DD, I'm sorry. No consistency, and the compassionate left would be well off without you. You are more of a bigot than some of the most rightwing assholes to ever walk this planet. You do nothing to unite, but do everything to polarize which is what you accuse Bush of doing yourself.

You are callous, always condescending, with a shit doesn't stink attitude. And while we're at it, no one enjoys your presence on the board except the asses you kissed to get your "moderator" positions. We've all had a mod position, it really doesn't make you any higher and mightier than the best of us. You'd be better off having a circle jerk with HarryPierkania and killarava2day where at least you could talk about all the conservative you are glad that died, while simeutaneously crying for Iraqi civilians. A LIFE IS A FUCKING LIFE, someone doesn't agree with you politically and the end of their life calls for a "FUCK HIM." No - fuck you buddy, wake up and realize that we're all humans on this earth, you aren't better than me, an Iraqi civilian or Ronald Reagan, and you're shit stinks too. Go some place where people actually enjoy you around, because I can tell you for sure that's not here.
Sorry dude, I'm not gunna sit back and let some kiss-ass n00b parade around BL anymore like he is the living end as far as everything. He's got a lot to learn. Back in the day, his pompous attitude wouldn't last a fuckin week on BL. It's too bad, the old schoolers who remember what the board is really about have gotten run off my snobbish dickfucks like DD.
When will people realize Bluelight and other boards aren't about being "old school?" This is a fucking online community, not a retirement home.
^ you totally missed the point monkey nuts.
I have no respect for murderers on one side or the other...I didn't kiss any ass to become a mod either. I was blantantly offered, i never requested shit for my 1st position. the rest i applied just like everyone else. Why don't you find me one person who has ever complained about my ability as a mod? My posting style hasn't changed much since then either, I've posted with a strong opinion since i've come on bluelight.

Yes it's a life, and it's sad to see it pass, but like i said, I hold no respect for those who hold american dominance and economic superiority over the life of others.

You're right, i'm not the living end, and who the fuck says you are? And its far beyond disagreeing politically. Breaking international law, supporting a war that killed millions, yes, millions... supporting the likes of Norega (sp?), Hussein, etc.. is inexcusable. And i'm not about to let some funeral process and mass media sympathy blind me for the atrocities from this stupid fuck.

Yes thank you President Reagan.. thank you for the War on Drugs, thank you for denying research on stem cells, thank you for denying research for AIDs.. that was definately worth alot of "faggot" lives. He can take his moral majority, criminal short cut way to the fucken grave.
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nah corruptive, trust me you really have no clue (at all)
I have much more of a clue than you'll ever understand, unless I choose for you to understand, which is doubtful...

I do understand that your responses are fairly typical for someone as, in your own words, "GANGSTA" as you...

Your parents must have been so tough on you in your "rural" ghetto..
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No clue, like Reagan is indirectly responsible for 3.000 lives on 9/11 b/c he wanted to fund and train bad guys to do his dirt work for him?
You're right corruptive, my point is bullshit.

All lives are equal and should be treated that way, what a bullshit point to make....seriously.
^^^ Just like Dahmer, and various other sick fucks that needed to be knocked off right?

Reagan is glorified for doing exactly what we condemn the terrorists of doing.
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