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Foreigners buying/using in Thailand.

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It discomfits me that many here seem to base their decision on what i see as fearmongering sensationalism.

Some of the speculation on here about dealers in cahoots with the cops? Puhleeze! It is unheard of here at home, and it sure as hell is even less likely in asia.

There is this western idea that some inscrutable asian bond unites the cops and dealers against hapless westerners... do be brief!

Stop and THINK about it for a minute... do you think a dealer would even RISK it? As if Joe Thai Stick is going to even go near cops let alone trust them for a dobbers kickback if he is a dealer, would YOU?

Chances are any dealer dumb enough to sell you drugs then sell you out would soon share the same cell with you. The cops are not likely to pay a dealer or unsolicited dobber in Thailand or anywhere else for that matter, usually it's the other way around.

I don't know if you have been to the full moon parties but the cops (undercover) will pretend to be dealers and then arrest you after the deal for a hefty bribe. If you can't pay you are in deep shit!

This is a money thing mostly. dealers might be given a break if they can set up others so the cops can get a bribe.

there are many road checkpoints in thailand, and cars will be search for drugs. My friend got caught this way. even a bribe of 100,000 baht couldn't get him out of it. he thinks the cop either had a quota or had been in trouble with taking bribes before.

As I have said before, it is much riskier than Australia. Most of the time you will get away with it. But if you are caught it is either very expensive, or some time spent in hellish jails. Particularly if you are caught with yaba (meth) or heroin.
Anyone going to bangkok should visit RCA.

I went to RCA last january when I was in bangkok. There was a psy club there I think it was called Eeze. It did seem like the place for the wealthier thais to go. Was quiet the night that I went there and also I was too fucked up to be any good to any one. But it looked like on the right night it would have been the place to be.
I spent about 6 months in thailand last year, studied thai for a few months, speak a basic level of the language, have heaps of thai friends, and took just about every drug imaginable while in thailand.

Would I reccomend it? no, but I was using alot of benzos at the time and drinking most nights, so my judgement wasn't exactly all there. When I went to thailand I had the attitude that I wouldnt touch any drugs, but like alot of things over there, you become complacent.

I made plently of friends with uni students, young groups that just took pills/coke as part of a night out, and smoked weed at their homes, much like my own groups of friends back in australia. Most of this was in chiang mai, amongst middle class young thais. I encountered a surprisingly big coke scene there, and could score coke much much easier than I could in Aus.

I bought it from uni students, dj's at clubs who I'd become friends with, one guy sold it straight out of his travel agency, he actually had a filing cabinet full of just about any drug you wanted, next to a filing cabinet with the legit travel packages. I also met a few long term expats who had legit businesses, seemed quite well off, and also sold and did loads of coke.

I've also met plenty of guesthouse owners who sell hash chocolate/ weed / mushies straight over the counter, some even put it on your bill. This particularly happens on all the islands, but even in bkk/chiang mai alot of guest house owners sell it to the endless supply of backpackers coming through their doors.

Yaba/meth is looked down upon by pretty much everyone over there, and while is widely available, is mainly used by lower class druggos, bargirls, addicts etc. Even the biggest cokehead would look down at someone who even touched yaba in my experience. It's also heavily controlled by the police. Ive seen police deal it at clubs, thai middle men buy it from the police (uniformed and undercover) to then sell to the customers, in full view of anyone, in nightclub districts. Just about any bargirl would know where to score drugs, but theres 0% chance you could trust them not fucking you over. I honestly prefer yaba over coke, its much much cheaper, but the people you have to associate with is what put me off using it again.

Thailand is a weird place, and I'm not gonna pretend I understand it any better than any other foreigner who goes there. But the system is very different, and corrupt to it's core. Often the people who get caught are stupid/unlucky or setup. But for all the scare stories you here, I can tell you drug use is just as widespread as anywhere else.

Would I do drugs there again? I'd like to say no, but thailand has a strange effect on people, and the more time you spend there the more complacent you become with regards to alot of things...

So yeah I wouldnt reccomend it, but then I wouldnt really reccomend doing drugs in the first place, it's a huge risk, and I just assumed having a few grand in the bank would give me enough to buy my way out if I needed to. But after reading psytaco's' story apparently that doesnt always work either.

Note all this is just my experience, I went there with the intention of living for a year or two, had a job I could do online from anywhere, made friends with alot of locals, and didnt touch any drugs for the first few months until I made friends with other users I considered trustworthy (well enough as you can trust someone in a country like thailand). It was actually my spiralling benzo habit that made me come back home, but kinda glad I did looking back at the stupid shit I was doing over there.
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holy shitemas!
bad bad idea anyone thinking of doing this,i have seen drug clubs and parties in thailand and singapore get broken up by assault weapon carrying drug cops my friend saw a party seven or 8 yrs ago one person who threw a bag of pills or some drugs across the room to hide it get shot because of their actions they can be trigger happy i wouldnt want to start having a seizure on some coke or meth when theres a gun pointin at me
holy shitemas!
bad bad idea anyone thinking of doing this,i have seen drug clubs and parties in thailand and singapore get broken up by assault weapon carrying drug cops my friend saw a party seven or 8 yrs ago one person who threw a bag of pills or some drugs across the room to hide it get shot because of their actions they can be trigger happy i wouldnt want to start having a seizure on some coke or meth when theres a gun pointin at me

Dude, the shootings and stuff used to happen ages ago when Thaksin was PM (now living in excile from Thailand for corruption reasons, among other things). The King of Thailand spoke out about this, and all that shit stopped. They no longer shot drug users and drug dealers on the spot.

I think clubs still get raided, but have not seen it happen with my own eyes.

i've already posted alot in this thread so I won't say anymore. Basix makes some good points.

All I'll say is the risks are much greater than Australia, and the penalities are very severe in comparison.

Even though I occassionally used drugs in SE Asia, I wouldn't do it again, and I wouldn't recommend others do it.
I lived in Thailand for 8 years (teaching english) I bought drugs on numerous occasions. It is riskier (if you get caught)...but depends who you buy it from....
I bought drugs off complete strangers quite a few times.
I had a 6 year kratom addiction and bought 100 leaves every 4 days or so. Kratom is illegal in thailand. I got it from many different sources
I bought Ya Baa (meth) from about half dozen different sources. From a girl i worked with, i bought it off her (through her I mean, she went and got it for me after i gave her the money) every Friday and we would smoke together. i bought it off a waiter at a restaurant i regurly drank at. Got smashed on the town one night and bought it off a couple of dodgy ladyboys I ended up in their room smoking it with them. Was introduced to a dealer through the waiter and went round his place once a week/fortnight to buy a heap (9 pills one night....i use to binge). Had another contact at the shop that sold me Kratom that use to get it for me. I took some seriuos risks. The crazy drunk night out where i bought it off ladyboys i met in the street was plain stupid. ... i was drunk.....whoops.
i bought pot of several different sources too ....mostly from people I knew.
I heroin, opium up in the North once off strangers.
There were NO tourists where I lived and i speak Thai. I think it was like anywjere....have your wits about you. Buying it off trusted friends was easier...i worked with them.
There is alot of stories about farangs (foreigners) being set up.. usually naive backpackers in tourist areas. Just keep your wits about you....obviously learning the language helps. It helps you inderstand the way they think and makes it easier to know if they are to be trusted or not....

.... Say what you will about my actions....i don't really give a fuck..... These are just MY experiences first hand. Your experience may be different.
I had fun!
I spent about 6 months in thailand last year, studied thai for a few months, speak a basic level of the language, have heaps of thai friends, and took just about every drug imaginable while in thailand.

Would I reccomend it? no, but I was using alot of benzos at the time and drinking most nights, so my judgement wasn't exactly all there. When I went to thailand I had the attitude that I wouldnt touch any drugs, but like alot of things over there, you become complacent.

I made plently of friends with uni students, young groups that just took pills/coke as part of a night out, and smoked weed at their homes, much like my own groups of friends back in australia. Most of this was in chiang mai, amongst middle class young thais. I encountered a surprisingly big coke scene there, and could score coke much much easier than I could in Aus.

I bought it from uni students, dj's at clubs who I'd become friends with, one guy sold it straight out of his travel agency, he actually had a filing cabinet full of just about any drug you wanted, next to a filing cabinet with the legit travel packages. I also met a few long term expats who had legit businesses, seemed quite well off, and also sold and did loads of coke.

I've also met plenty of guesthouse owners who sell hash chocolate/ weed / mushies straight over the counter, some even put it on your bill. This particularly happens on all the islands, but even in bkk/chiang mai alot of guest house owners sell it to the endless supply of backpackers coming through their doors.

Yaba/meth is looked down upon by pretty much everyone over there, and while is widely available, is mainly used by lower class druggos, bargirls, addicts etc. Even the biggest cokehead would look down at someone who even touched yaba in my experience. It's also heavily controlled by the police. Ive seen police deal it at clubs, thai middle men buy it from the police (uniformed and undercover) to then sell to the customers, in full view of anyone, in nightclub districts. Just about any bargirl would know where to score drugs, but theres 0% chance you could trust them not fucking you over. I honestly prefer yaba over coke, its much much cheaper, but the people you have to associate with is what put me off using it again.

Thailand is a weird place, and I'm not gonna pretend I understand it any better than any other foreigner who goes there. But the system is very different, and corrupt to it's core. Often the people who get caught are stupid/unlucky or setup. But for all the scare stories you here, I can tell you drug use is just as widespread as anywhere else.

Would I do drugs there again? I'd like to say no, but thailand has a strange effect on people, and the more time you spend there the more complacent you become with regards to alot of things...

So yeah I wouldnt reccomend it, but then I wouldnt really reccomend doing drugs in the first place, it's a huge risk, and I just assumed having a few grand in the bank would give me enough to buy my way out if I needed to. But after reading psytaco's' story apparently that doesnt always work either.

Note all this is just my experience, I went there with the intention of living for a year or two, had a job I could do online from anywhere, made friends with alot of locals, and didnt touch any drugs for the first few months until I made friends with other users I considered trustworthy (well enough as you can trust someone in a country like thailand). It was actually my spiralling benzo habit that made me come back home, but kinda glad I did looking back at the stupid shit I was doing over there.

hey mate, tried pm-ing you but i dont have enof posts.

was wondering if u could recommend some clubs in bkk?
good techno playing clubs would be good.

ps wat bout the travel agent too? =D;)
hey mate, tried pm-ing you but i dont have enof posts.

was wondering if u could recommend some clubs in bkk?
good techno playing clubs would be good.

ps wat bout the travel agent too? =D;)

I can try for you. Though Basix, might be able to a ibt better.

Generally head to RCA. Its like one giant night clubbing area. Lots and lots of different clubs, Flix and Route 66 are the superclubs. Each has a room playing ok techno/house (not as good compared to australian standards). Lots and lots of hot, reasonably wealthy thai girls too. None are on the game, and there are few foreigners there so you will get alot of attention.

Though I never went, I think Bed superclub in Sukhumvhit (sp?) will play mostly techno. its kind of expensive, with a large cover charge, and has alot more youngish ex pat kids.

Other than that there is the old backpacker haunt of Ko San Rd. Plenty of bars there some which play, tech, psytrance, house etc. Mostly filled with backpackers, the odd normal thai person, and lots of working girls and ladybodys (so be on your guard).

Fuck travel agents. Book it yourself online for a cheaper deal. You can go directly thorough websites like jet star etc, or through cheaper online services. Only if your a student would I recommend travel agencies, and those being Student Flights or STA. They can sometimes get you cheaper deals than online.

Just rock up and sort out your own accomodation, don't book in australia. way too expensive.

if you like techno, and the kind of things bluelighters generally like. don't forget to check out the full moon parties on Koh Phagnan (southern island in Thailand).;)

hope this helps
Errmmm do you have a death wish?, i wouldn't even travel with Panadol there, or even buying one there. Stick to eating satay kebabs and lying in the sun.
If you want a refresher on asian drug policy, look up Shapelle Corby and The Bali Nine - these are australian people who werent buying drugs in the manner you are describing but were importing and exporting marijuana shapelle corby and smack The bali nine. They are currently languishing in jail and some of the bali nine are now facing the death penalty.
^ Two of those Bali 9 guys went to my high school, one of the older kids I knew was friends with Scott Rush.

Also the Bikeways Rapist went to my high school as well, ha ha.
kKl of the clubs in Bangkok ive tried, none played particularly good music. RCA is worth checking out, there is a big selection of clubs, but they mostly play the same stuff, a few cheesey trance played at really high volume, some commercial/hip hop and a few straight up hip hop. I had more fun at the hip hop clubs but mainly cause I think the girls into hip hop are easier lol. Route 66 is a huge club there that has a trancey room and a hip hop room. Most of these clubs get packed every night and you end up standing around a table so it's best to buy a bottle and go with a group. It's mainly young thai crowd at RCA but there's enough foreigners there these days that you probably won't stand out or get too much special attention just for being white.

Nearby RCA in Ratchada there are alot of clubs in soi 4 and soi 8 off Ratchada Rd, these are kinda similar, large clubs, catering mostly to young thais that play super loud music and get so packed you can barely move around. Alot play a mixture of commercial and hip hop, but there are a few trance/techno ones, I can't really remember most the names though. Zaleng is one of the bigger ones. You will probably be the only foreigner in alot of these places if that's what you want, but you'll probably be a bit bored unless you go with a group. Thais are pretty friendly, but you can't really talk in these clubs cause of the music, and most go with their own groups so it can be hard to meet new people.

If you are just in Bkk for a short time you'll probably have more fun in Khao san road, theres heaps of bars/clubs, alot of backpackers, and it's becoming more and more popular for thai's aswell. Alot of the thai girls you'll see round there are there to pickup foreigners, whether for cash/ want a boyfriend or whatever, but you'll have a much better shot than some girl out with a group of her friends in ratchada/rca. There's also quite a few clubs catering mainly to thai's in the surrounding streets/area, so it's not just backpackers anymore.

There's alot of clubs in Thong Lor/ Ekkamai area off Sukhumvit Rd that are a bit more upscale/snobby. Again music varies and is typically not that great.

Also if you plan to go clubbing in Bangkok, bring some decent clothes. Atleast nice jeans, shoes and a collared shirt or good t shirt. Alot of places you wont get in wearing shorts/thongs and you also won't get a second look from any decent girl dressed in typical backpacker gear.

Then there's all the after hours clubs that typically open a bit later, and are straight up pick up joints for westerners/thai girls. Spicy, Bossy, Climax are a few. These are gernerally discos open once all the other bars close at 2, so all the working girls head there, and other thai girls looking to meet foreigners.

I'd prefer chiang mai nightlife over Bkk anyday, It's alot more laid back, has alot of places you can actually sit around and talk without thumping music, the girls are a bit more westernised because of the amount of expats living there, and they're used to all the tourists coming through and are generally happy to make friends with them.
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kKl of the clubs in Bangkok ive tried, none played particularly good music. RCA is worth checking out, there is a big selection of clubs, but they mostly play the same stuff, a few cheesey trance played at really high volume, some commercial/hip hop and a few straight up hip hop. I had more fun at the hip hop clubs but mainly cause I think the girls into hip hop are easier lol. Route 66 is a huge club there that has a trancey room and a hip hop room. Most of these clubs get packed every night and you end up standing around a table so it's best to buy a bottle and go with a group. It's mainly young thai crowd at RCA but there's enough foreigners there these days that you probably won't stand out or get too much special attention.

Nearby RCA in Ratchada there are alot of clubs in soi 4 and soi 8 off Ratchada Rd, these are kinda similar, large clubs, catering mostly to young thais that play super loud music and get so packed you can barely move around. Alot play a mixture of commercial and hip hop, but there are a few trance/techno ones, I can't really remember most the names though. Zaleng is one of the bigger ones. You will probably be the only foreigner in alot of these places if that's what you want, but you'll probably be a bit bored unless you go with a group. Thais are pretty friendly, but you can't really talk in these clubs cause of the music, and most go with their own groups so it can be hard to meet new people.

If you are just in Bkk for a short time you'll probably have more fun in Khao san road, theres heaps of bars/clubs, alot of backpackers, and it's becoming more and more popular for thai's aswell. Alot of the thai girls you'll see round there are there to pickup foreigners, whether for cash/ want a boyfriend or whatever, but you'll have a much better shot than some girl out with a group of her friends in ratchada/rca. There's also quite a few clubs catering mainly to thai's in the surrounding streets/area, so it's not just backpackers anymore.

There's alot of clubs in Thong Lor/ Ekkamai area off Sukhumvit Rd that are a bit more upscale/snobby. Again music varies and is typically not that great.

Also if you plan to go clubbing in Bangkok, bring some decent clothes. Atleast nice jeans, shoes and a collared shirt or good t shirt. Alot of places you wont get in wearing shorts/thongs and you also won't get a second look from any decent girl dressed in typical backpacker gear.

Then there's all the after hours clubs that typically open a bit later, and are straight up pick up joints for westerners/thai girls. Spicy, Bossy, Climax are a few. These are gernerally discos open once all the other bars close at 2, so all the working girls head there, and other thai girls looking to meet foreigners.

I'd prefer chiang mai nightlife over Bkk anyday, It's alot more laid back, has alot of places you can actually sit around and talk without thumping music, the girls are a bit more westernised because of the amount of expats living there, and they're used to all the tourists coming through and are generally happy to make friends with them.

Thx for the quick response.
Been to Bossy n Spicy, iirc most of them were working girls. Not really looking into picking up thai chix but jus looking to enjoy the clubs n drugs if possible

Managed to get my hands on some pills last time i went and got offered some coke for 10k baht but was flying off the next morning so didnt get to sample the stuff there.

but the pills were pretty strong.
I'd prefer chiang mai nightlife over Bkk anyday, It's alot more laid back, has alot of places you can actually sit around and talk without thumping music, the girls are a bit more westernised because of the amount of expats living there, and they're used to all the tourists coming through and are generally happy to make friends with them.

I much preferred Chiang Mai to Bangkok and Phuket to be honest. Was a really nice city.

In BKK, I stayed near Khao San Rd, there were a LOT of backpackers.
Yea for sure, also I encountered way better music in chiang mai, but I also went out alot more there. There is a huge dubstep and breaks scene there, probably cause alot of UK ppl living there. Also came across good psytrance scene there aswell, and they have big outdoor parties at that lake Huey tung Tao and other places, where they play psytrance and other stuff.

Up even further in Pai/Chiang Rai there is a big hippie scene and they also have many festivals, reggae, world music and psytrance sorta stuff all year round.

Also you dont get the typical sex tourists to the extent as bangkok/phuket in chiang mai (although they're still around), and locals are way friendlier as they are generally people who grew up there, as opposed to BKK and phuket where alot of Thai's you encounter moved there to make a living from tourists. So yeah check out chiang mai if you can. can give you more details of clubs if you want..
^ I've heard good things about Pai, didn't get the chance to go check it out while I was there though unfortunately.
The only thing I know about Thailand drug market, is what my friends who go there all the time tell me.
They say taht you get asked if you want drugs everyday, often multiple times, and you also get asked if you want sex, they made emphasis on "You want boygirl??!" Or something like that, for a woman with a dick.

Freaks me the fuck knowing the drug set you up, I wouldn't buy drugs there, fuck THAT.
My anxiety is high enough :p
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