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For everyone who hasn't seen the bulberator!

Simplest way to make a cracker.. buy *just* the right angle gas peice and cap.. then drill hole in top and insert nail// glue in place... place bulb in and balloon over open end. turn cap.. bulb, pops... gas goes into balloon..
hehe....i was thinking for a while you could put these into production dude, but somehow i don't think that passes health and safety standards

...got a place for watching that will paint pictures and colour lights...
We gotem all at hardware house.. the "right angle" peice with screw threed for cap was about $5 .. then get a drill.. drill a whole the in the top..insert nail, so that it hits the top of the bulb as you screww in the cap.. bend the nail over and wire it on.. Cover it in araldite. .. done.. Or you could do what we did.. and go EXTREME... MMM valves.. we have a new one, with a one way valve, still in "testing phase" at the moment, though.
Ahhh sweet, i get it.
And the balloon fits over the other end of the right angle?
And I assume when you say "right angle" you mean its 90 degrees, or shaped like an 'L'?
[This message has been edited by Plague Bearer (edited 04 June 2001).]
Thats right.. and L shape.. like the one where the bulb is sitting in the picture.
so the above ascii diagram looks like...
nail bent over>---------------|
| m
| m
| m
| |
Ok here it is.. the easy $5 bulberator, not as good as this beast, but once you have this part (which is a major part of the big machine), you can simply screw on extra's to your hearts content...
Hope you can understand the dodgy diagram

Anyway, so this as you can see from the picky, can work buy iteself or with the extra addons, like the two valves (they just screw on).... have fun.. and remember.. safe bulbing
C_N: That's a sweet diagram!

You've inspired me and i shall seek out a hardware store to purchase the required apparatus, just two question sorry,
Is the nail meant to go in as deep as it is in your diagram?
and also, Any idea what i should ask for? Can't really say "L-shaped pipe with screw on cap" or is that what you did?

Hehe nice one...
Just a little disclaimer:
In anyone wishes to construct a bulberator/cracker using the diagrams and instructions shown here, neither Bluelight, not Chemical_Night, nor anyone else on or involved with this board can be held responsible for harm done if you manage to royally fuck things up...

Yes ok so I'm not good with formal disclaimers, so sue me... Actually don't, I don't have a disclaimer to cover my ass if you do... :p~
If you're a cowboy and you're dragging a guy behind your horse, I bet it would really make you mad if you looked back and the guy was reading a magazine.
Ok, some tips for buying the gear... Go to a big hardware store like Hardware house or Bunnings.. etc.. Then just ask for the gas fittings area.. Go there.. Take a BULB with you... Then just sort through the bits looking for the bit you need(like in the photo) (u can just fidle around with stuff in those big H/W stores..) Look for the L shape gas fitting , they come in a few sizes so you need the bulb to see which one has a sweet as fit.. There is one thats perfect (like our one).. its gotta be a nice smooth fit so the bulb has only one place to go, to the nail.. There will be a cap to suit in the same section.. Now the nail length/position is the only hard bit. make sure u use a fairly sturdy nail so it lasts for ever. Basically you must dril the hole for the nail so the nail will line directly up with the bulb. Then you have to kinda work out how much the nail needs to go in, in order to punctue the bulb at the right time.. see if you set it to long, the bulb will punture to early, an the cap wont be screwed on enough to stop gas getting out.. If the nails to short, you will find you screw the cap fully up b4 it punctures (aka it doesn't work) ...
You gotta get it so it punctures the bulb when the cap is about 3/4 on.
This may sound complicated, but realy its easy... just make sure you have a bulb with you. Once you'e made this puppy, theres no telling where you an go... just add on screw in gas fittings (like the valves) and tubes and you'll end up with a machine like ours..
You can even then make an "external storage machine" which we are making, so you run a tube from the valve to a "gas storage container" (anything- maby 6 big balloons tubed together).. Oh the possibilites are endless!
Yes, and with that thought Tars.. I can not be held resonsible for u non-engineering type people screwng things up... But i will say, its not hard, and has little chance of "blowing up" as some people say, seems its all one piece of thick gas piping.... Id say one of those ISA ones is more likely to blow with multi bulb action!
[This message has been edited by ChEmIcaL_NiGhT (edited 05 June 2001).]
Babu, if you're trying bulbs for the first time you don't need this bulberator, although I agree it is simply marvelous.
Don't ever smash bulbs on the ground, I highly doubt it would even work. Just buy some of the silver bulbs from your local supermarket and some balloons. Take a bulb and rub the little end on a very hard surface like concrete (this will cause metallic stainage so choose your area with that in mind.) After rubbing for a while your bulb will open and you will *quickly* stick a balloon over it (do not get any on your bare hands.) Once the bulb has emptied into the balloon you can carefully pull it off without letting the gas escape and suck in and out of the balloon quickly.... Doing bulbs this way is a pretty lame buzz but a good way of seeing if you like the effects which will only last about 20 secs each time.
You will probably love it, especially if used to enhance other drugs and then make yourself a bulberator.
the ingenuity
the finesse
top marks boys

I'm going to stick to my little whipped cream dispenser cause I'd be scared of freezing my little fingers off trying to make something like that! but well done
Enchanted: You have to be fucken kidding me right? Dont even think doing it that way that way. Jesus guys, we are talking about high pressured gas for fucks sake.
Chemical_night: I think your design rocks, but you obviously have some experience in this field (not bulb whoring, we all have experience in that, but designing stuff, metal work etc....) so yeah, PLEASE all be careful.
AND DONT TRY BULBS BY RUBBING THEM ON THE GROUND. ITS JUST PLAIN STUPID! Your grandma probably has an old cyphon somewhere. Go looking.
[This message has been edited by Mr. Horse (edited 05 June 2001).]
I'd agree with Mr'H... Rubbing it on the ground is stupid... Those bastards are bitches to hold on to when they let there gas out, like little jet engines.. Plus the fact they go ICE cold when the gas comes out, therefore sticking to your hand, tearing skin off etc etc... I remember in the "early days" me and Noc would "try to" get some of it out via holding the bulb with a pair of plyers, and having a peice of garden hose with a balloon on one end... The other person would then gently tap the bulb with a hammer and nail, and when it started coming out, you QUICKLY jam the hose over the end.. But this led to some VERY bad insidents... freezing the "nail finger" often as well as some near death flying bulb experiences.

So wasn't worth the hassle for just one bulb, plus you alwasyloose heaps!
I wouldn't recommend it at all..
Thats what led us to make this thing.. So we could become the kings of Bulb whorage.

Im still looking to move onto tanks now.. I want to be a tank whore... anyone can help me achieve this.. you know who to talk to!.
Um the only thing that needs smarts in making this is the drilling.. It helps to have some sort of bench drill.
i reiterate my "damn there are some filthy bulb whores on this board" comment..
sigh... if only you people used your powers for good rather than evil...
haharrr! just kidding, you guys are champs. we are the fucking knowledge nation allright.
reminds me of the time a m8 and me constructed a 'billy bong thornton' type device like the one in half baked.
C_N: After creating the little pocket-sized L-piece bulberator mini,
, would my fingers be safe in holding onto this when i pierce the bulbs? Or will the cold get through the piping and freeze my shit up?
Drugs teach kids the metric system...
hooray for chemical night~!
After a quick trip to the hardware store yesurday afternoon I am now the proud own of a hand sized bulberator.
And yes, you possibly want to wrap it in a hand towel for the cold (thats what I've done), but it may NOT always be nessecary.
hooray for chemical night~!
After a quick trip to the hardware store yesurday afternoon I am now the proud own of a hand sized bulberator.
And yes, you possibly want to wrap it in a hand towel for the cold (thats what I've done), but it may NOT always be nessecary.