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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

First time with meth

It's bordering on fact when I say methamphetamine is much worse for your body and mind than heroin and other opiates/opioids. All you need for proof is to look at a meth user and then look at an opiate user. Sure, us junkies can get a little pale and look a little sickly, but meth heads have weird blisters all over their face and body, make erratic fucking movements, think aliens are trying to break into their house and all of this whilst desperately trying to remove the insects that are running wild in their epidermis. Also, I'm pretty sure it's hard to eat solid food when you only have two teeth...

Junkies, when they get too high generally take a pleasant nap. If they overdose, no big deal, literally every user in my state carries Narcan and I myself have used it twice; once on a friend and once on a homeless guy who was turning blue in city hall park.

Opiates are not even in the same league as methamphetamine in terms of social/physical/mental damage, not even close in my opinion...
^ This and plus u can just smoke it and not even risk the chance of od if u really wanted too