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First time with meth


Sep 10, 2015
It's my first time doing meth I snorted it my question is is this a lot for a first time user I'm 6'2 187lb
Thanks man appreciate it what if an hour later I took about same amount
Youd be good to do more man when you feel like you need to you said an hour just be careful i tried meth for the first time when i was 16 and there litterally hasnt been a day thats gone by that i havent thought about it but people told me the same thing before i did it and i still did so.... I havent used any in almost two years and i still think about it.
Be safe
My first time was a few weeks ago or so (lol cant rly remember) told myself id take one toke. Ended up picking up again a few nights later cuz one toke isnt enough to rly know what its like, still wsnt satisfied so we tried it again, and again a few days later. The last time me n.my buddy decided to stay up for like 4-5 days lol by the end I still wasnt satisfied (dealer kept rippin us off so wed come back) its been like a week since then I think about going an buyin more everyday. I know I have the willpower not too but every once in a while I just convince myself one more time wont hurt. Im gonna try and wait at least a few months before I do it again. Some people can just do I little bit of drugs idk if im gona do it again its gotta be worth it like a fat party awake for 100+ hours lol but ye I need months to prepare myself again.
Yo think about this u do a line ur up all night and feelin like shit then when it wears off your feelin depressed and like shit also u wont eat and thats horrible for your body but above all that lines gunna STRESS out your heart and take years off your life in the long run so why not just get some opiates like heroin and smoke or snort some of that ull sleep just fine eat give ur heart a break and the next day ull feel refreshed from extra sleep
^yeah man, just do some heroin instead, that'd be the prudent HR solution ;)

But yeah, that line o' shard will definitely get an aspiring tweaker spun
Ya H would be the answer. If you love it so much you'll just pass out like Lmar and be in a coma with brain damage......Meth is no good bro. I would stick with ethylphenidate. I can eat on it. Sleep on it and yes it does pull me to want to do meth again after being off of it for ten years but I have enough gumption to know not to go down that dark and ugly road again.
Yo think about this u do a line ur up all night and feelin like shit then when it wears off your feelin depressed and like shit also u wont eat and thats horrible for your body but above all that lines gunna STRESS out your heart and take years off your life in the long run so why not just get some opiates like heroin and smoke or snort some of that ull sleep just fine eat give ur heart a break and the next day ull feel refreshed from extra sleep

so your advice is meth will take years off your life so do heroin that's fucked up I would never tell someone to do heroin because you can overdose and die with one hit I'm pretty sure the statistics of meth overdoses are really low I mean I've injected a gram of it (kept having shot after shot because I was chasing the Rush ) and was fine sure it keeps you up for days but if wanna keep using that's your choice meth is only addictive mentally and me personally when I'm coming down it turns me off meth for a long time because my body feels like absolute shit unlike heroin where when I come down I just want more and more until your laying on the floor turning blue because it gives you physical withdrawals that feel like the worst thing imaginable long story short heroin is 100x more addictive then meth there both drugs that are so good that destroy life's and family's and friendships and send people to jail which make them bad but if you use in moderation once every couple of months just randomly not planned so your not waiting for your next hit it should be ok
i wouldnt suggest heroin but opiates are far more safe in the long run than amphetamines.

Lets get this clear right off the bat, methamphetamine is a terrible drug. I hate that I tried it and I hate that I came to love it.

But opiates turn you into a boring, self-obsessed asshole. ;)
Lets get this clear right off the bat, methamphetamine is a terrible drug. I hate that I tried it and I hate that I came to love it.

But opiates turn you into a boring, self-obsessed asshole. ;)

not all people turn into Artie Lange when they get into opiates. why is everyone arguing? must be the parnania caused from meth abuse. since when did bluelight turn into a YouTube comment section.
so your advice is meth will take years off your life so do heroin that's fucked up I would never tell someone to do heroin because you can overdose and die with one hit I'm pretty sure the statistics of meth overdoses are really low I mean I've injected a gram of it (kept having shot after shot because I was chasing the Rush ) and was fine sure it keeps you up for days but if wanna keep using that's your choice meth is only addictive mentally and me personally when I'm coming down it turns me off meth for a long time because my body feels like absolute shit unlike heroin where when I come down I just want more and more until your laying on the floor turning blue because it gives you physical withdrawals that feel like the worst thing imaginable long story short heroin is 100x more addictive then meth there both drugs that are so good that destroy life's and family's and friendships and send people to jail which make them bad but if you use in moderation once every couple of months just randomly not planned so your not waiting for your next hit it should be ok

you can use opiates in moderation too. its called self control. wow 13 replies and only one answer to the OP's question.
not all people turn into Artie Lange when they get into opiates. why is everyone arguing? must be the parnania caused from meth abuse. since when did bluelight turn into a YouTube comment section.

Who's arguing? Certainly not me.
That is a good amount man , I personally haven't seen meth that's White like cocaine , must be just me but in Australia our meth looks like broken glass ,
Lets get this clear right off the bat, methamphetamine is a terrible drug. I hate that I tried it and I hate that I came to love it.

But opiates turn you into a boring, self-obsessed asshole. ;)
Thats ridiculous to say, sometimes it makes my friend more "straight up" which can sound mean but meth makes u a zombie the next day and paranoid meth is a disgusting drug compared to opiates
It's bordering on fact when I say methamphetamine is much worse for your body and mind than heroin and other opiates/opioids. All you need for proof is to look at a meth user and then look at an opiate user. Sure, us junkies can get a little pale and look a little sickly, but meth heads have weird blisters all over their face and body, make erratic fucking movements, think aliens are trying to break into their house and all of this whilst desperately trying to remove the insects that are running wild in their epidermis. Also, I'm pretty sure it's hard to eat solid food when you only have two teeth...

Junkies, when they get too high generally take a pleasant nap. If they overdose, no big deal, literally every user in my state carries Narcan and I myself have used it twice; once on a friend and once on a homeless guy who was turning blue in city hall park.

Opiates are not even in the same league as methamphetamine in terms of social/physical/mental damage, not even close in my opinion...