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🧑‍🌾 Gardening 🧑‍🌾 First time planting cannabis seeds - recommendations?



Sr. Moderator: H&R, TL, SLR
Staff member
Oct 7, 2022
I got my girl scout cookie seeds, and now I don't know what to do with them.
They are feminized auto seeds.
I live in the southern hemisphere, and September is the month to plant them (or so I was told).

My idea is to grow them indoors.
I have enough light (all rooms with at least one window, including the bathrooms and kitchen) and the town I live has a micro climate that's ideal for growing all kinds of stuff.

I do have a back yard (and an enclosed front yard, too) but I also have dogs who like to dig holes, and neighbors who could see what I plant if they are motivated enough to do so.

I'm not looking to achieve the the highest yield with the highest potency. But it would be nice to have something to show after a few months - after all, I made a bet that I could do this.
when i started growing i used some of those peat moss seed holder things... i'm almost 100%sure it was peat moss. it was from a site selling marijuana seeds and shaped like the peat moss seed holders. if there is anything better that's shaped similar and looks the same, maybe someone else knows... that method i think may've sprouted them fastest, but when i ran out of those here's what i did:

get a cup of dirt, put the seed at the top, and barely cover the seed with soil at all, maybe cover it with less than a fourth of an inch or a fourth of an inch of soil and spray that down with water so the dirt is still loose. this probably sprouts just as quick as what i described in the first paragraph, maybe it only seems longer cause the seed has to work it's way out of the soil. i don't know... the seed having to work it's way out of the soil supposedly makes it a stronger plant says some people..

also paper towels work for a lot of people, but i've read there are some flaws in doing that though... looking foward to seeing any other posts, or seeing if anybody has any thoughts on what i wrote or what will work better than the methods i suggested... any body out there into using damp paper towels and have good luck with it? i've done that with bag seed countless times just to see if it sprouts not bothering to grow the plant, but i heard there are some advantages to peat moss or planting in soil the way i wrote... i'm not sure if a stronger light or being closer to a light at least will help the seeds get out the dirt, probably.. my ex-girlfriend grew a plant that was a couple feet tall with out any lights just in a window with sun though, so what you described should definitely work whatever lights you are using.

EDIT: also i remember doing the dirt method i described. sometimes wetting the dirt and seed causing the seeds to sink into the dirt. if you don't see any green plants within a couple days, sometimes i gently dig through the dirt with my fingers to find the sprout and then fit the dirt around that, so it's up and ready in the light.. never had any problem with those plants. they always grow fine.
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I use only natural sunlight. From September 20/21 on the sun path changes noticeable and I get about 1.5 hours of additional sunshine overnight. So that's when I intend to plant.

Mmm... Almost feeling like a witch here 😆

@AutoTripper Any insights?
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the seed has to work it's way out of the soil. i don't know... the seed having to work it's way out of the soil supposedly makes it a stronger plant says some people..
It's basically just to help the cotyledons to shed the seedcoating, this is why sowing mix soils always have a bunch of coarse sand mixed in, lowers ec, makes it less soggier than pure peat; aerates, but can also help along to break up that membrane.

Germinating seeds isn't hard, you can just chuck them in a glass of water really, when they break surface tension and sink you know they're absorbing water and probably sprouting tails within the next couple of days and they're good to plant. That's what I usually did, but germinating between wet paper towels is good too, at least make sure it's the thick kitchen paper towels, not thin toilet paper that will become all mushy, cotton is even better. Whatever you do, don't put them in rockwool cubes. I totally forgot about this when I did that last year, the rockwool is sterile and great at not introducing pests into your room, but it's literally sharp as glass and a bunch of my seeds beheaded themselves trying to push through the rockwool, lol, derp. Pure cocopeat I'd advise against too, top layer always dries out extremely quick and it's just a hassle if you're germinating seeds really. Straight in the dirt works too, but I always feel safer putting them in there after they've shown signs of life.

Autoflowers don't want to be repotted (too often) really, I start them in party cups or something of a similar size and before they're even 2-3 weeks old move them into a bigger pot, at least a gallon, after a few weeks of new growth and roots starting to hit the bottom of the pot (ideally prevent this with auto's) move them into an even bigger one. The bigger the better really. Same with lighting, more sunhours is better, especially with autoflowers, ofcourse you can't always time it perfectly, you don't exactly know when they'll be flowering (despite the description on the package), but simply try to have them flower when the days are longest.
So I put them into whatever you said is good for germination around September 20 and then they should be ready three months later, in December around summer solstice.
Now all I have to see is which room has the most sunlight.
What about temperature?
The seeds guy told me to chose the warmer rooms (upstairs)
So I put them into whatever you said is good for germination around September 20 and then they should be ready three months later, in December around summer solstice.
Now all I have to see is which room has the most sunlight.
What about temperature?
The seeds guy told me to chose the warmer rooms (upstairs)
Don't grow more than 6
I only have 4 seeds.
Well than good, check the laws in your country, I think you are good legally.

However, you might want to read up on the laws. It will take a couple of minutes or less.

I am pretty sure 6 or less plants and you are good.

However I have a conscious, and so I am not a Lawyer.
I can't advise on the lighting, but the autos should be good, yes on the warmer rooms and the more light the better. I would advise germing in paper towelsand transplanting as stated. Start adding nutrient to feed at around 2 weeks, buddy of mine is having killer results with Tiger Grow/Bloom.
I can't advise on the lighting, but the autos should be good, yes on the warmer rooms and the more light the better. I would advise germing in paper towelsand transplanting as stated. Start adding nutrient to feed at around 2 weeks, buddy of mine is having killer results with Tiger Grow/Bloom.
I saw this thread a few hours ago, and honestly thought, I bet Psychlone Jack is going to put his 4 cents in( inflation)
yea germ in a wet towel then when they pop out drop it in a wee pot filled with some NPK potting mix.

something will grow in the light of a window but it won't grow well, really have to give it as much light as possible (it's common to give 24/7 light in vegging phase)
don't overwater, they really need VERY little water and seems like they enjoy being dried out (obviously not dead) between waterings... i have killed more seedlings overwatering than any other way.