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First Time Mushroom Use, Advice Wanted?


May 26, 2015
Hi Guys, I'm new to this website/forum, and have a few questions too ask. :)

This weekend I am planning on ingesting shrooms for the first time. As far as I know, they'll be golden caps, from Aus, whether this matters a whole lot not or I'm unsure, but I thought I'd chuck it in there. I am unsure of exact dosage, but from what I have read and researched so far, 1.5-2.5 dried grams should be in the range of material for the experience I am searching for.

The setting I will be taking them in will start out at 'drinks' (I wont be drinking) at a friends house as a small (5-10) people social gathering, with most people there I am very friendly and familiar with, and will know that I will potentially be taking them. This will also potentially then lead onto me and a friend/s heading to a 21st with an unknown amount of (expected 20-30) people attending. The people attending this party are all familiar with me, ranging from very good friends to acquaintances. They are mostly all chill people with drug experience, and will probably appreciate the fact I will be tripping, and shouldnt upset/poke fun at me. This is probably all mostly speculation, but going by the groups of people at either gathering, it is what is to be expected.

One of the questions I am asking is whether or not either of those settings would be good for a first time shroom trip. I dont plan on taking a huge amount at all, but am definitely looking forward to, and wanting to, ingest mushrooms this saturday. If it is advised against, I wont. Also, 'best' amount weight wise to ingest?

I am generally a relaxed person, very very open to new experiences and am 98% of the time stress free. I drink a lot, smoke cannabis on weekends and have an alright tolerance to it, use ecstasy monthly to bi-monthly, and have experience, albeit little, with cocaine, speed and ketamine, with no troubles with any of these substances paranoia wise (well maybe cannabis slightly, but that has since passed and I can now club and be in most social situations high and stress free).

I will have access to marijuana at both these gatherings, as well as ecstasy. Am I best to stay away from both these substances while tripping, or maybe have ecstasy on stand-by to 'bring me up' just incase, or possibly using either on the comedown or near the end of the peak of the trip. I am tolerant of ecstasy and enjoy mixing it with cannabis to get a 'trippy' feeling mind and body high and buzz. The experience I am looking for from this weekend wont be to 'soul-search' per-se, but to try another experience out at these gatherings, be at one with the universe potentially and maybe see the beauty of the world in the company of friends. I also have access to one or two trip sitters.

Sorry for the extremely lengthy questions and info but I thought it would be best to answer any potential questions you guys may have in my initial post. :)
So, tl;dr:
1. Whether consuming shrooms in these social situations is advisable as a first timer.
2. Potential recommended dosage (if allowed)
3. Whether use of other drugs for this set, setting and wanted experience is advisable (maybe a cone or 1 roll)

Thanks for reading!=D
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Hey hey mate, welcome to Bluelight! :)

Just want to clarify - this will be your first experience with ANY psychedelic (closest experience being ketamine and weed)? Mushrooms are a good choice for this, imo. I'm actually REALLY hanging out for my next mushroom trip in the coming weeks :)

I'd say your dosage would be bang on for a first time. 2g would give a full trip without being overwhelming given your level of experience with other drugs.

As for the setting you've proposed, I can't really comment as you'd know best whether it'd be appropriate. From what it seems though, you've thought it over quite extensively and considered all aspects of your proposed setting like the company you'll be with, as well as potential sitters. Good work :)

Personally, I think so long as you're confident that the company won't make you anxious (given you've said they're all experienced themselves, and they'll likely approve of you tripping), you'll have a great time. I'd definitely ensure one of your possible sitters is at least semi-alert to you, so you can use them as a little bit of a retreat so to speak should you find yourself uncomfortable. Even have them point out you're tripping for you, takes the edge of the awkwardness and possible paranoia when someone else breaks the ice (if it needs to be broken lol). Maybe scope the location out too, so you know where'd be best to bail in such a situation as well. I can almost guarantee you'll have fleeting moments of uncertainty and anxiety, just keep it in your mind that you're safe (given my previous comments) and that nobody is staring and analysing you :p if they're all as you say they are, they won't give a fark :) just sit in the corner on a couch and get lost in the many conversations going on, and you'll have a great time.

As for adding in something else, I'd definitely have some weed on hand if it's' available. Once you've come up and settled into the trip, it can really add a fantastic twist to things :) it's up to you though, whatever you feel comfortable with. I wouldn't include any MDMA though, familiarise yourself with mushrooms first. I think you'll find the MDMA quite unnecessary and better saved for specifically social settings like clubbing, but that's just me :)

I know I've already said it like 20 times, but I do believe this would be a good setting for your first time (though there are more desirable settings, this isn't a bad one :p), so long as you're comfortable and confident with everyone there. Happy tripping buddy!
Hey mate, thanks for the extremely helpful and cheerful reply!
You've really filled me with positivity for my first trip, which I think will help with any possibly anxiety or paranoia, as I was a little worried I might have been chucking myslef into the deep end a little bit! Aha. But I'll weigh up 2 grams, and hopefully all goes to plan, I'll have a little bit more but I can probably share that with some friends if they're also interested :)
I'll leave the mdma for this time definietly as well though It was 70% gonna be for the possible anxiety, I guess the other 30% because I just love a good roll aha. Another time though!
I have done a fair bit of research and looking into them, as I do with any drug, always better to know the pros and cons of everything I guess! Nothing beats personal experience though I guess! Aha
Thanks a lot again though, I'm going to enter the experience with a lot less trepidation now! :D happy tripping to you as well for the next couple of weeks! :)
Not a problem at all :) do chime in and let us know how it all went, too :)
This sounds like a really bad idea. Mushrooms can be tricky, manipulative, and confusing. You're going to take them with no prior experience with any comparable substance in a huge social setting? I mean, you'll probably be fine, but I wouldn't do this myself, even though I've done mushrooms plenty of times. I trust maybe 5 people total enough to full on trip with, and only one to trip on a new drug with. Obviously you're more social than I am, but remember it only takes one asshole to ruin your experience. I've encountered that in larger groups, and there's nothing you can do about it. Psychedelics like mushrooms aren't just recreational: they may reveal powerful, upsetting personal things to you. Your dose is low, which is good, but sensitivity to different psychedelics can vary widely.

If you do this I'd avoid adding MDMA or weed, at least until it's been 6-8 hours after you took the shrooms.

Sorry to be a downer, but I think it's worth having another perspective.
Personnally, I wouldn't do it. Considering you have no experience with other serotonergic psychedelics, you might become nervous around many people. For me, many of the visuals involve other people (body outlining, brighter colors, etc) and this might frighten you when many of your friends are around you and talking to you. If you do decide to go ahead with shrooms though, I wouldn't take any MDMA and would wait until the trip is about half done and you're confident before smoking. Suggested dose if you do go to the 30 people gathering would be maximum 1-1.5g.

That's just me though, I tend to try to reduce any stress causing situations, psychedelics are best enjoyed with a maximum of 5-6 very close friends in my opinion.

EDIT: Just read what Doldrugs wrote (sorry was lazy) and I basically agree with everything he said.
Without reading anything else but the OP post........ I really dont recommend shrooms in a big social setting for your first time. Me personally? I COULD do it in a social gathering, but would prefer not to. Mushrooms are very inconsistent. You never know what sort of a trip you will have. If you are partying, dose lower. If you want a real mind opening experience. Do an eighth. 3.5g.
sorry man i have to agree with all these guys above me… the thought of taking mushrooms at a party makes me cringe. you ar e better off taking them in a quite, relaxed environment with maybe 1 or 2 other people. i have done mushrooms twice and both times i took them in a calm environment with one other friend and i had a great fucking magical experience it was fun. i still remember some of the closed eyed visuals today and that was over 4 years ago!!!

but I'm just a loser heroin addict wtf do i know about psychedelics...
I'll elaborate/reiterate on my response - I think it'd be fine so long as you're not expect to properly immerse yourself in the party socially. If you simply kept to yourself and took everything in without trying to interact, you could enjoy it. Just don't expect to integrate socially very much at all, coz that's likely when things will become negative.

It's up to you, though there are many better settings for a first experience. Many.
It could be fine.

It could be a disastrous nightmare.

Not worth the risk in my opinion.
I always start with the assumption that you're more likely to have a good time on psychedelics than you are a bad time (as I believe people who have "bad trips" are in the minority compared to those who have "good trips", or at least manage to avoid a full-fledged nightmare experience) so I'd probably do it, honestly. MDMA, speed, marijuana and ketamine...none of those are really similar to mushrooms, so you'll definitely be having a new experience. Although there are better environments to be in than a house party for your first time with psychedelic hallucinogens.

As far as dosing goes, I'll let you figure that out for yourself. The first time I did it I took about an eighth of an ounce. Dosing with psychedelics is sometimes tricky but an eighth of psilocybin mushrooms should be enough to punch your ticket.

The one thing I will say about social settings and psychedelics is that people may try to fuck with you when they are informed that you're under the influence of said drugs. You have to be a real dickhead to do that but I've found that even otherwise chill people will do this. It never bothers me because I always inform them that "this ain't my first rodeo, asshole, so fuck off", but just a word of warning.
For a first time mushrooms are best in a social setting at a light dosage, so you're on the right track.
Best things to remember:
beer, cigarettes generally have a calming effect on a trip
pot, MDMA, ketamine, coke, and speed are likely to intensify the effects of mushrooms
On a more personal note, some find the best place to enjoy mushrooms is in nature (hiking, campfire, etc...) with few friends who are also tripping. something about being around people who aren't tripping may lead to feelings of vulnerability on mushrooms. Everyones different tho
try taking 0.2-0.4 grams for a first time.

less is more with entheogens
Personally on that dose I'd struggle to even detect whether I've left baseline or not.

have you done it before?

theres a growing interest in the area of microdosing classic psychedelics like mushrooms and lsd, and for the most part, noticeable, yet subtle effects are present.

Shrooms in microdoses are incredible. Most notably, I get very relaxed, yawn a lot, and am just overall happy. I personally get more sociable on shrooms, some people feel the opposite. I also suffer from social anxiety, and in that sense, shrooms helps me a great deal at feeling less anxious. Especially when you're around people who get it.

the goal isn't to see pretty colours, or have intense insights or experience the extremes of emotion, but to be able to integrate the psychedelic experience into daily functioning, helps with pattern recognition/a feeling of connectedness/music appreciation/mood.

As someone said, "the rocks don't glow, even a little bit."
have you done it before?

theres a growing interest in the area of microdosing classic psychedelics like mushrooms and lsd, and for the most part, noticeable, yet subtle effects are present.

the goal isn't to see pretty colours, or have intense insights or experience the extremes of emotion, but to be able to integrate the psychedelic experience into daily functioning, helps with pattern recognition/a feeling of connectedness/music appreciation/mood.

As someone said, "the rocks don't glow, even a little bit."

I haven't, though given how I react to higher doses (of anything, really), I'm fairly certain I wouldn't feel a thing. Hardhead natural tolerance, and I honestly (and respectfully) can't see 0.2g doing a thing.

Obviously you've got experience with it, but given my above issue along with preferring deeper/more intense trips, I'll likely never even bother trying.
ya, i dont hold it against you

im a subtle kinda guy these days mostly
Hey guys, thanks a heap for all the responses. I appreciate all the advice you've given me, I will definietely consider not taking them because of the setting. If I do end up taking them Ill stay at the smaller social gathering with my closer friends and experience the trip there. I still live at home (am 20, but meh) so oppurtunity to take long acting drugs don't generally come up very often due to the attitude of some of the group of friends I have. Some are cool, some aren't, these ones are so yea, that's why I've considered it. I've got the shrooms on my possession, 10 of the golden caps undried. I was planning on having dried ones, but there's generally always a spanner chucked in the works when you involve illicit substances. So I have 2 questions now. For a low dose, 1-1,5 grams dried (going on your advice) what would be the approximate weight equivalent of wet product? The second is, I may not be able to dry them out, and storing them inside isn't possible, will they be ok sealed in a seal up plastic bag for 2 days? Thanks heaps again! James
^generally speaking, 10g fresh will be approx. 1g dried. but if you're not going to eat them soon, you should dry them because otherwise they'll rot. :)