First Non-Oral Only Cycle

Did you change your diet at all? Increase your cardio? Perhaps you are burning too many cals? You are losing BF, so that is a big plus.

Did you change your diet at all? Increase your cardio? Perhaps you are burning too many cals? You are losing BF, so that is a big plus.


Yes, I did both. I really feel like I've increased my caloric intake and yes, I did increase my cardio as I really want to get below 10% bf. And you are right.............that's a BIG plus. For now I'm going to just try and increase my calories while keeping those calories from clean sources. Lots of chicken breasts, tuna, lean pork, ground turkey and a little beef but not much. Long grain brown rice, sweet potatoes, fruit (Mostly bananas and Oranges)and of course my veggies. Unroasted almonds from Costco (Yum........addicted to those things). Eggs and whole grain bread. Two to Three Protien Shakes / day. (Syntha 6 and Gold Standard Whey Isolate). I even throw in the occassional P B & J just for the calories but that's my cheat food. EVERYTHING ELSE is clean.

Suplements are: Vitamins C, D, and E. Fish Oil, CoQ-10, Calcium, Liv-52, Super Beta Prostate, CLA and a Multi-Vitamin.

Still having huge night sweats issues. Last night I had to change my t-shirt twice because it was soaked and I had saturated the much so that I had to place a beach towel underneath me eventually.

Other than that I feel great. No more prostate issues at all. Libido is in overdrive :D

My overall feeling is that even if I don't end up with a net gain weight wise, If I've remained the same weight while shedding 8% or 9% bf, than I've still put on mass and will have cracked the sub 10% bf barrier. That would be a successful cycle in my book.
wow you are doing everything by the books...keep up the great work..lets see some pics
***** UPDATE *****

Half way through my 84 day cycle.

202 lbs (Up from 200 at the start of the cycle)
Chest: 47"
Waist: 36"
Thighs: 22-1/2"
Calf: 15-1/4" (Ughh. God never gave me calves.)
Biceps: 16" (Up from 15 1/4" at start of cycle)

Did legs today and set new personal bests on every exercise.


15 X 45 lbs (Warm-Up Set)
10 X 95 lbs
10 X 135
10 X 155

Leg Press:

10 X 90
10 X 180
10 X 270
10 X 320

Standing Calf Raise: (Smith Machine. Toes on platform)

15 X 90 lbs
12 X 180 lbs
12 X 200 lbs
15 X 200 lbs

Seated Calf Raise:

15 X 90 lbs
10 X 110 lbs
12 X 110 lbs
13 X 110 lbs

Leg Extensions:

12 X 115 lbs
11 X 130 lbs
11 X 135 lbs
10 X 140 lbs

Leg Curls:

10 X 115 lbs
10 X 125 lbs
10 X 130 lbs
9 X 130 lbs

30 Minutes treadmill with a heart rate at 140 - 150 bpm

Strength seems to be returning as is the confidence. No more oily skin at all and no excess sweating. No acne. No libido problems. I wear 34" Levi's and could probably drop down to 32" waist now. My 34's a fitting loose. Not many 6'-3" tall guys can wear 32" waist pants!!!! I'm making a focused effort to increase calories for the last half of this cycle.

Very pleased for a first time, out of the gate run.
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