First Cycle: Testo c + tren a + masteron

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Without PCT?????
I don't want to deal with erectile dysfunction and lose what I gained from my cycle. Too risky bro isn't it?
I want to use HCG after 3 days of my last injection of test (500iu x10) with nolva+clomid.
I got a friend same as me which he used only testo enanthate for 12 weeks and got a pct with nolva clomid but still has erectile disfunction. He used HCG to recover from that. I'm not risking that shit.

I have to check before adding arimidex to my cycle (because of masteron) but I plan to get it E3D with a low amount.

By the way, EOD injections for propionate is possible for me;
For the change in blood levels, will it damage my body or cycle?
Without PCT?????
I don't want to deal with erectile dysfunction and lose what I gained from my cycle. Too risky bro isn't it?
I want to use HCG after 3 days of my last injection of test (500iu x10) with nolva+clomid.
I got a friend same as me which he used only testo enanthate for 12 weeks and got a pct with nolva clomid but still has erectile disfunction. He used HCG to recover from that. I'm not risking that shit.

I have to check before adding arimidex to my cycle (because of masteron) but I plan to get it E3D with a low amount.

By the way, EOD injections for propionate is possible for me;
For the change in blood levels, will it damage my body or cycle?

I have finally lost my patience... You seem intent on doing exactly as you please, ignoring any advice given on here..!!

Thread closed..!!!
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