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First cases of flesh-eating drug reported in Arizona


Bluelight Crew
Dec 16, 2010

Banner's Poison Control Center says the two first cases of people using a drug that can rot flesh have been reported in Arizona.

"We've had two cases this past week that have occurred in Arizona," said Dr. Frank LoVecchio, the co-medical director at Banner's Poison Control Center.

"As far as I know, these are the first cases in the United States that are reported. So we're extremely frightened," he continued.

The drug is known as Krokodil, and it's extremely popular in Russia. Users mix codeine with hydrocarbons, like gasoline, oil or alcohol. The mixture is then filtered and boiled before being injected into the vein. LoVecchio says users end up injecting fuel into their bodies.

"They extract [the drug] and even though they believe that most of the oil and gasoline is gone, there is still remnants of it. You can imagine just injecting a little bit of it into your veins can cause a lot of damage," he said.

In fact, what ends up happening is the flesh can rot from the inside out. Some users even develop sores that resemble alligator skin, hence the name of the drug.

"When [drug users] do it repeatedly, the skin sloughs. It causes hardening of their skin. It will cause necrosis," explained LoVecchio.

LoVecchio believes the two cases reported in Arizona are linked, but he couldn't elaborate on the patients' conditions. He says he hopes the trend does not continue to spread.

"Where there is smoke there is fire, and we're afraid there are going to be more and more cases," he said.

Are they synthesizing desomorphine like the Russians? The article only mentions codeine.

You can't even get codeine OTC in the US. I understand that in Russia you can.
I doubt that american-made desomorphine will have fuel in it , unlike in russia toluene/other solvents are available/relatively cheap
Absolutely no reason to do this in the US, Arizona is loaded with good, cheap tar heroin....and virtually every other narcotic under the sun. The state borders Mexico for Christ's sake...What moron would decide to cook up Krokodil? and no, I don't see it spreading...I watched the documentary on it in Russia, and it's short acting and you have to do a lot of shots of it from what I saw...You could probably get a substantial little chunk of tar for 10 bucks in Phoenix that wasn't even touched since it was made..Tar may not be the cleanest, but a drug that makes you're flesh fall of like a Sunday roast? I don't care how cheap it is...
There is nothing wrong with desomorphine as a drug. Idiots just dont know how to do the chemistry properly.
Would this be dangerous to do if you never planned on injecting it? Just curious if it's just people injecting it that makes people's flesh rot. I mean, if you were to take it orally even with crappy synthesis, would it still cause the same problems in the stomach?

Still, some people really go the extra mile to become morons.
There is nothing wrong with desomorphine as a drug. Idiots just dont know how to do the chemistry properly.
+1 and really get on methadone or something... HATE TO SAY IT CAUSE I LOVE ADDICTS<3 BUT WAY TO GIVE UP I be growing my own damn poppies and taking some basic chem classes before i threw in the towel with this shit.. have some respect for yourselves!

Graphic and with medical nudity. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cM6v...outube.com/watch?v=cM6v-43-1PU&has_verified=1
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There is nothing wrong with desomorphine as a drug. Idiots just dont know how to do the chemistry properly.
Well yeah, I for one have never even really heard of the shit before, but it's not the drug it's the fact that people are shooting up Gasoline or whatever the fuck else is in it....The precautions we tell people to take here are laughable compared to this shit...the you-tube video shows people with giant 2 inch deep holes of rotting flesh on their body, and it's not like that's even some rare side effect...that krokodil shit is no fucking joke!
Still, some people really go the extra mile to become morons.

^That sounds exactly like something I would say!=D
isnt the term krokodil devired from the actual name of the type of synth used? Dont know the name of it, but it looks like the word crocodile. No reason any american would be doing this. Codeine isnt otc, any state that borders mexico has actual tons of tar heroin and mexican powder heroin. Sensational.
isnt the term krokodil devired from the actual name of the type of synth used? Dont know the name of it, but it looks like the word crocodile. No reason any american would be doing this. Codeine isnt otc, any state that borders mexico has actual tons of tar heroin and mexican powder heroin. Sensational.

Krokodil is the russian word for crocodile (крокодил). No idea if it's related to the synthesis though.
I always read that its related to the fact that it turns peoples skin scaly like a crocodile.
*Chlorocodide, IIRC is the chemical involved that lends its name to the dirty deso. Proper deso is strong, but as others have noted it makes little sense to synth without cheap OTC codeine and a surplus of mexican dope.
Flesh-eating drug that makes your skin like a crocodile reaches US

THE US has recorded the first cases of a new drug that eats flesh from the inside and leaves users with reptillian-like skin.
The homemade drug is known as Krokodil, and it's extremely popular in Russia. It has the same mental effect as using heroin but is three-times cheaper.

Users mix codeine with hydrocarbons, like gasoline, oil or alcohol. The mixture is then filtered and boiled before being injected into the vein.
Banner's Poison Control Centre says the first two US cases have been reported in Arizona.

"As far as I know, these are the first cases in the United States that are reported. So we're extremely frightened," Dr Frank LoVecchio, the co-medical director at Banner's Poison Control Centre told KLTV. "They extract [the drug] and even though they believe that most of the oil and gasoline is gone, there is still remnants of it. You can imagine just injecting a little bit of it into your veins can cause a lot of damage."

Continual use of Krokodil causes blood vessels to burst, leaving skin green and scaly and leading to gangrene.
Russia has 2.5 million people who have registered to seek treatment as addicts and the average life span for a user is only two to three years.

This is probably the scariest drug I've ever seen, original link can be found here (WARNING, GRAPHIC IMAGES!!):

It's spreading a lot lately. Reached some place close to my home (also close to Russia) some time ago.. It's cheap and you can make it easily with stuff from a pharmacy. It looks awful, people who are really addicted to it look like they could die any second. It's like they don't care about living anymore.
Please search the forum for similar threads before posting new topics. We've already got a thread for this here. :)
Users mix codeine with hydrocarbons, like gasoline, oil or alcohol. The mixture is then filtered and boiled before being injected into the vein.

Again, it doesn't sound like they're altering codeine's chemical structure. This is either incomplete data or they're making a big deal out of a pair of run-of-the-mill abscesses.
Again, it doesn't sound like they're altering codeine's chemical structure. This is either incomplete data or they're making a big deal out of a pair of run-of-the-mill abscesses.

watch the fucking documentary on it from Russia...Whatever it is, it's much, much worse than a couple of abcesses
watch the fucking documentary on it from Russia...Whatever it is, it's much, much worse than a couple of abcesses

I mean in Arizona. They don't make this sound like a "kitchen" synthesis, but rather like pills dumped in random solvents.